A selection of the latest news stories and editorials published in Iranian news outlets, compiled by AEI Critical Threats Project Iran Analysts Mehrdad Moarefian and Marie Donovan. To receive this daily newsletter, please subscribe online

Key takeaway: Iran and members of the P5+1 kicked off a fresh round of nuclear negotiations, while President Hassan Rouhani met with his Chinese counterpart Xi Jinping in Jakarta, Indonesia. Senior Iranian officials continued to condemn the Saudi-led campaign in Yemen.

A series of bilateral meetings took place today between delegates from Iran and the EU in Vienna, Austria. Senior negotiator Hamid Baeidinejad announced that Iran and the P5+1 are working on drafting the text of the final comprehensive agreement on Tehran’s nuclear program. The Foreign Ministry’s Director for Political and International Affairs also reiterated Iran’s position regarding sanctions removal, stating that the issue remains a priority that must be resolved. Baeidinejad added: “…the details and the process of sanctions should be clearer…” President Rouhani, meanwhile, held bilateral talks with Chinese President Jinping on the sidelines of the Asian African Conference in Jakarta. The two discussed ways to strengthen Tehran-Beijing ties in various sectors. This meeting is part of a larger comprehensive strategy by the Rouhani administration to hedge its bet on reaching a final nuclear deal that immediately removes all sanctions, by broadening its relations with China and Russia.  

Ali Shamkhani called for political reconciliation in Syria and Yemen through inclusive dialogue, echoing Tehran’s long-standing position of Tehran on those two countries. Ali Shamkhani echoed Tehran’s long-standing position and called for political reconciliation in Syria and Yemen through inclusive dialogue. The Supreme National Security Council Secretary warned of the consequences of continued unilateral aggression and said, “The age of militarism for suppression of nations is over.” Shamkhani added: “National Yemeni-Yemeni and Syrian-Syrian talks are the final resolution to bring the current political and security crises to an end.” Parliament Speaker Ali Larijani, moreover, reinforced Shamkahni’s remarks and urged Islamic countries to unite and not to serve the interests of the Israeli regime.


Regional Developments and Diplomacy

  • Rouhani meets with Chinese President. President Hassan Rouhani met with his Chinese counterpart Xi Jinping on the sidelines of the Asian African Conference in Jakarta, Indonesia. The two discussed ways to enhance Tehran-Beijing bilateral relations in various sectors. Rouhani stated, “The two countries share many common objectives and interests. Strategic relations between the two countries should be developed on the basis of a long-term roadmap.” (President.ir)
  • Shamkhani: the era of unilateralism and militarism is over. Ali Shamkhani met with Syrian Deputy Foreign Minister Faisal al Mekdad in Tehran on April 23. Shamkhani said that the Yemeni crisis should serve as a lesson for those who believe unilateral and militaristic options are viable. Shamkhani added, “The age of militarism for suppression of nations is over.” The Supreme National Security Council Secretary stressed the need for dialogue and political reconciliation in Syria and Yemen, stating: “National Yemeni-Yemeni and Syrian-Syrian talks are the final resolution to bring the current political and security crises to an end.” (Tabnak)
  • Larijani: Syria is key to the Resistance. Ali Larijani met with Syrian Deputy Foreign Minister Faisal al Mekdad and the two discussed regional developments and the ongoing Syrian crisis. The Parliament Speaker praised the Syrian people for their resistance against external pressure from powerful countries. Larijani stated, “Countries which have friendly relations with Syria should help restore stability and tranquility to the country…” Larijani added that, Muslim countries should not undermine the security and capacity of the Islamic world, urging them to refrain from being a puppet of the “Zionist” regime of Israel. (IRNA)
  • Naghdi writes congratulatory letter to leader of Ansar Allah. In his letter to Abdul Malik al Houthi, Head of the Basij Organization IRGC Brig. Gen. Mohammad Reza Naghdi stated: “I dearly congratulate the nation of jihad and martyrdom, meaning the nation of the heroes of Yemen, especially you, their brave and intelligent leader, on this huge victory for the Islamic ummah [community], particularly for the nation of honor and dignity, the nation of integrity and zeal.” Naghdi also stated, “The epic of resistance of [Yemen]… proved that this malevolent dynasty [Saudi Arabia] is not a servant of the holy places, but a servant of the Kasserine White House and Buckingham Palace, and traitors to the nation of Islam.” Naghdi also stated, “However, the biggest achievement of your heroic resistance against the invaders, is the unity of the people of Yemen…Just as the unity of the nation of Iran achieved great victories through the guidance of dear Imam Khomeini and Imam Khamenei…” (Basij Press)
  • Dehghan traveling to Turkey today. Defense Minister IRGC Brig. Gen. Hossein Dehghan will be in Turkey to commemorate the 100th anniversary of the Battle of Gallipoli. Dehghan will also meet with “some Turkish officials” to “discuss bilateral, regional, and international issues.” (ISNA)


Military and Security

  • MOIS claims responsibility for death of Ansar al Furqan leader. The Ministry of Intelligence and Security (MOIS) Deputy Minister of Internal Security announced that a “successful operation” by MOIS in Sistan va Baluchistan killed a leader of Sunni Baloch militant group Ansar al Furqan named Hesham Azisi, “[also] known as Abu Hafs al Balushi,” and two of his companions on April 22. (Tasnim News Agency)


Nuclear Talks

  • Baeidinejad: drafting final nuclear agreement has started in Vienna. Hamid Baeidinejad announced that Iran and the P5+1 are working on drafting the text of the final comprehensive agreement on Tehran’s nuclear program. The Foreign Ministry’s Director for Political and International Affairs stated that the issue of sanctions top Iran’s agendas in the current round of negotiations. Baeidinejad added: “Naturally, because of the nature of the sanctions there should be more detailed discussions, and for us the details and the process of sanctions should be clearer…” (ISNA)


Official Statements

  • ICT Ministry discusses telecommunications infrastructure project in Hamadan province. Information and Communications Technology Deputy Minister Mohammad Khosravi announced a project improving telecommunications infrastructure in Hamedan province. Khosravi stated, “The devised project includes those which have started; with this project, the capacity of the transmission of the country is developing in the telecommunications sector.” He stated that, “Devised project requires an IP network which is one of the nodes of the IP network in Hamedan, and is geographically the back up of Asadabad city.” Khosravi “expressed hope that bidding on the project would start during the next two months,” stating: “It is predicted that this project will become operational in the next year, and the province of Hamedan will be transformed into an international communications portal.” Khosravi stated, “Due to potential capacities, satellite stations of Asadabad city is considered one of the main infrastructures of the country, and is being used as an international ‘back-up’.” He also stated, “Within two to three months, wide bandwidth of the country has increased to 300 GB…” (ISNA)