Key takeaway: Senior officials reiterated the importance of caution in judging newly elected U.S. President Donald Trump.

Foreign Ministry Spokesman Bahram Ghassemi stated that it is not yet possible to “make an accurate assessment” regarding Trump’s policy positions. Judiciary Head Ayatollah Sadegh Amoli Larijani similarly stated that “we must not rush” in evaluating Trump and his administration. Their statements echo other senior officials’ previous warnings against premature judgements on the impact of Trump’s election. Artesh Deputy Commander Brigadier General Ahmad Reza Pourdastan, meanwhile, repeated other officials’ skepticism that U.S. policy will change under the Trump administration. 

Ukrainian authorities seized components for the Fagot anti-tank guided missile system and airplane replacement parts in an aircraft bound for Iran at Kiev’s Zulyany airport. The boxes were not registered in the flight’s cargo manifest.


February 05, 2017

Inflation rate declines

The inflation rate in Iran declined to 6.9 percent during the Persian month of Dey [December-January], according to the Statistical Center of Iran. The continuing decline in the inflation rate is a  positive development for President Rouhani’s chances in the upcoming presidential election in May 2017. (Khabar Online)

Citations & Links

Khabar Online:
Domestic Politics
February 05, 2017

Tehran mayor criticized for Plasco building collapse

Tehran City Council head Mehdi Chamran defended conservative Tehran Mayor Mohammad Bagher Ghalibaf against criticisms that he mismanaged the Plasco building collapse after a fire last week. State media reported that the official death toll is likely to rise to approximately 30, with at least 194 Iranians injured. Press TV reported that “many Iranians” launched a “social media campaign” questioning Ghalibaf’s competency as mayor. Mohsen Sarkhou, a reformist city council member, also called for Ghalibaf to resign over his management of the Plasco building, which officials reportedly knew did not meet safety standards. The controversy may endanger Ghalibaf’s chances in the May 2017 presidential election, in which he is considered a potential contender. (Press TV) (E) (Jamaran)

Citations & Links

Jamaran: Press TV:
Military and Security
February 05, 2017

Bagheri: We must boost the capabilities of the Artesh Ground Forces

Armed Forces General Staff (AFGS) Chief IRGC Maj. Gen. Mohammad Bagheri stressed the need to develop the capability of the Artesh Ground Forces during a meeting with Artesh commanders. The Iranian military has signaled its intention to boost the position of the Artesh Ground Forces in the Iranian military with the recent promotion of Artesh Ground Forces Commander Brig. Gen. Ahmad Reza Pourdastan to deputy Artesh commander. (Tasnim News Agency)

Citations & Links

Tasnim news Agency:
February 05, 2017

IRGC Ground Forces stage drills

IRGC Ground Forces launched a four-day military exercise code-named Imam Ali in western Iran. The exercise is aimed at boosting the Ground Forces’ readiness and tactics. (Tasnim News Agency) 

Citations & Links

Tasnim News Agency:
February 05, 2017

Pakpour: We are boosting the IRGC Ground Forces’ rotary capabilities

IRGC Ground Forces Commander Brig. Gen. Mohammad Pakpour stated that the IRGC Ground Forces is currently developing its helicopter fleet. (Tasnim News Agency)

Citations & Links

Tasnim News Agency:
Regional Developments and Diplomacy
February 05, 2017

Judiciary confirms prison sentence for British-Iranian citizen

Judiciary Spokesman Gholam Mohseni Ejei confirmed that the Judiciary upheld its five-year prison sentence for British-Iranian citizen Nazanin Zaghari-Ratcliffe. A court sentenced her to prison last year reportedly on charges relating to national security. Her husband, Richard Ratcliffe, stated that the exact charges against her have not been made public. The IRGC Intelligence Organization arrested Zaghari-Ratcliffe as she attempted to leave Iran with her infant daughter on April 3, 2016. (Mehr News Agency)

Citations & Links

Mehr News Agency:
February 05, 2017

Pourdastan: Trump’s inauguration will not change America’s enmity towards Iran

Artesh Deputy Commander Brig. Gen. Ahmad Reza Pourdastan discussed Donald Trump’s inauguration as president of the United States. Pourdastan stated, “America’s enmity towards us is fundamental and entrenched, and it will not change with the change of president.” (Tasnim News Agency) 

Citations & Links

Tasnim News Agency:
February 05, 2017

Judiciary head: We must not rush to judgement on Trump

Judiciary Head Ayatollah Sadegh Amoli Larijani stated, “In evaluating and judging Donald Trump and his administration, we must not rush. First, we must observe his behavior with regards to domestic and international [policy].” (Mehr News Agency)

Citations & Links

Mehr News Agency:
February 05, 2017

Foreign Ministry: It is too soon to judge Trump’s positions

Foreign Ministry Spokesman Bahram Ghassemi discussed President Donald Trump’s “Islamophobic comments” during a press conference. He stated, “Contrary to the situation of previous American presidents, whose positions were clear to some extent during their election campaigns, one cannot make an accurate assessment regarding what path Trump will take.” Iranian officials have accused the West frequently of perpetuating Islamophobia. He also denied rumors regarding “behind-the-scenes negotiations between Iran and the U.S. or the relaying of a message through the Swiss Embassy… We have not had any relationship with the American government, and we do not have one today.”

  • On the Astana peace talks: Ghassemi also stated that Iran, Turkey, and Russia “will observe” the Syria peace talks that began on January 23 in Astana, Kazakhstan. He noted that when necessary, the three countries will “intervene and facilitate the negotiation process.” Ghassemi added that a UN representative will also assist with managing the negotiations. He identified the stabilization of the current ceasefire in Syria as the talks’ “first priority.”  
  • On Iran’s ambassador to Iraq: Ghassemi claimed that the Foreign Ministry cannot “confirm” that IRGC Quds Force Brig. Gen. Iraj Masjedi will be Iran’s new ambassador to Baghdad. Masjedi previously served as a senior advisor to IRGC Quds Force Commander Maj. Gen. Qassem Soleimani. (Tasnim News Agency) (Mizan Online)

Citations & Links

Mizan Online: Tasnim News Agency:
AEI Must Reads
February 05, 2017

Iran Presidential Election Tracker

The Critical Threats Project team explains the significance of Iran’s upcoming 2017 presidential election and tracks important electoral developments in “Iran Presidential Election Tracker: Updates and Analysis.”

February 05, 2017

What Rafsanjani’s death means for the Supreme Leader’s succession

Paul Bucala and Caitlin Shayda Pendleton discuss how Ayatollah Akbar Hashemi Rafsanjani’s death will upend Iran’s political landscape in “What Rafsanjani’s death means for the Supreme Leader’s succession.”