Key takeaway: Supreme Leader Ali Khamenei claimed that President Donald Trump has demonstrated the extent of America’s political and social corruption.

Ayatollah Ali Khamenei said Iran should be “thankful” that President Trump has demonstrated what Iran has been attempting to unveil over the last three decades - namely, America’s “political, economic, ethical, and social corruption.” Khamenei also stated that Iran is “not afraid of threats” following recent statements from President Trump and other senior officials that Iran is “on notice” due to its recent ballistic missile test and other activities. Iranian officials have criticized and downplayed the Trump administration’s statements on Iran repeatedly. 

Senior IRGC Ground Forces member Kheirollah Ahmadi was killed in the town of Tel Afar west of Mosul, Iraq. Ahmadi was from Kermanshah province.

February 10, 2017

Zarif discusses oil prices with Venezuelan delegation

Foreign Minister Mohammad Javad Zarif met with a Venezuelan delegation led by Oil Minister Nelson Martinez and Foreign Minister Delcy Rodriguez in Tehran on February 7. The two sides discussed Tehran-Caracas relations and the stabilization of oil prices. (Tasnim News Agency)

Citations & Links

Tasnim News Agency:
Casualties in Iraq and Syria
February 10, 2017

Senior IRGC advisor killed west of Mosul

Kheirollah Ahmadi was killed in the town of Tel Afar west of Mosul on February 3.  Ahmadi was from Kermanshah province. IRGC Eslamabad-e Gharb unit Commander Col. Bijan Khodadian described Ahmadi as a member of the Hunayn Battalion of IRGC Nabi Akram unit based in Kermanshah, indicating the Ahmadi was likely an active member of the IRGC Ground Forces prior to his deployment to Iraq. Iranian news agencies referred to Ahmadi as a sardar, a term usually used for individuals with the rank of IRGC brigadier general second class or brigadier general. (Fars News Agency)  (Shabestan) (ABNA) (Ghatreh)

Citations & Links

Ghatreh: ABNA: Shabestan: Fars News Agency:
Regional Developments and Diplomacy
February 10, 2017

Shariatmadari: Trump is now “unwilling” to tear up the nuclear deal

Editor of the hardline newspaper Kayhan Hossein Shariatmadari claimed that President Trump did not understand the “great advantage” the nuclear deal provides to the U.S., and thus promised to tear up the nuclear deal during his election campaign. Shariatmadari stated, “Unfortunately, [President Donald] Trump has come to his senses and… and is not only not willing to tear up” the nuclear deal, he will also “support [it] by all means.” Shariatmadari previously praised Trump for advocating the dismantlement of the nuclear deal. (Fars News Agency)

Citations & Links

Fars News Agency:
February 10, 2017

Iranian ambassador to Russia: “I am highly optimistic about resolving the Syrian issue”

Iranian Ambassador to Russia Mehdi Sanaei Rad stated that the “partnership of Tehran, Moscow, and Ankara to resolve the crisis in Syria politically,” including the Astana peace talks on the Syrian crisis last month, “has resulted in positive developments.” Sanaei said, “I am highly optimistic about resolving the Syrian issue.” Representatives from Russia, Turkey, and Iran held a technical meeting to discuss the implementation of the Syrian ceasefire agreement in Astana on February 6. Representatives from the United Nations and Jordan also attended the meeting. (Fars News Agency) (E)

Citations & Links

Fars News Agency:
February 10, 2017

Senior AFGS official: U.S. claim that military option remains open is “worn-out” rhetoric

Armed Force General Staff Deputy Chief of Staff IRGC Brig. Gen. Massoud Jazayeri responded to statements from Trump administration officials that military action remains a possible U.S. response to recent Iranian activity. Jazayeri stated that “our people mock” such “worn-out” statements, but also noted that Iran has prepared “necessary and effective responses” to the U.S.  (Fars News Agency) 

Citations & Links

Fars News Agency:
February 10, 2017

Rezaei defends presence of Iranian military advisors in Syria

Expediency Discernment Council Secretary Mohsen Rezaei stated, “Our commanders working as military advisers on Mediterranean coasts have kept the enemies away from [Iran’s] borders.” The former IRGC Commander stated that Iran’s forces have demonstrated their “capabilities” in “a clear confrontation with the Zionists and Turkey, whose latest technologies come from the Pentagon.” Rezaei also called allegations that “Iran has provided Yemen with weapons” and other equipment “nothing but a lie…. The Yemenis had missiles from the past... they received a large number of missiles from Russia in the past.” (Fars News Agency) (Alef)

Citations & Links

Alef: Fars News Agency:
February 10, 2017

Khamenei: Trump’s actions reveal depth of America’s corruption

Supreme Leader Ayatollah Ali Khamenei discussed President Donald Trump and his administration’s recent statements and actions regarding Iran in remarks to Artesh Air Force personnel on February 7. Khamenei stated that Iran should be “thankful” to Trump for demonstrating the “political, economic, ethical, and social corruption” of the U.S. via his “words and deeds during the election campaign and in recent days.”  Khamenei stressed that the Islamic Republic has been working to unveil this corruption for the last three decades. Khamenei also stated:

  • “Iranians are not afraid of threats… The Iranian nation will reply to [Trump’s] actions and threats on February 10.” The regime will celebrate the anniversary of the 1979 Islamic Revolution on February 10. 
  • In response to President Trump’s tweet that Iran “should have been thankful for the terrible deal the U.S. made with them,” Khamenei stated: “We are by no means thankful for [the Obama] administration because it imposed heavy sanctions with the intent to cripple the Iranian nation and the Islamic establishment, an objective it did not achieve.” Khamenei also stated, “Why should we thank the previous American administration…. For creating ISIS? For setting the region on fire in Syria and Iraq?” (Tasnim News Agency) (E) ( (E) (IRNA) (

Citations & Links IRNA: Tasnim News Agency: