Key takeaway: President Hassan Rouhani defended his economic record following intense criticism from Supreme Leader Ali Khamenei and other senior officials.

President Hassan Rouhani Rouhani stressed that the most pressing problems facing Iran “cannot be solved in the short term.” He noted that neither his own administration nor “the next ten” administrations can resolve all of Iran’s issues. Rouhani stated that his administration “is proud” of the fact that “the path” it “has chosen” to tackle Iran’s problems “is the right way.” Rouhani’s comments mark the president’s first major public response to Supreme Leader Khamenei and other officials’ attacks on Rouhani’s implementation of the Resistance Economy doctrine. The Supreme Leader, meanwhile, reiterated his disapproval of Rouhani’s economic record in a speech commemorating Nowruz, the Persian New Year.  

This Iran News Round Up predominantly covers events from March 18-20.

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Regional Developments and Diplomacy
March 21, 2017

Kuwaiti Foreign Ministry expresses interest in dialogue with Iran.

Kuwaiti Deputy Foreign Minister Khaled al Jarallah stated that at the request of the Gulf Cooperation Council, Kuwait “is seeking a conversation with Iran for raising security, stability, and advancement.” Al Jarallah applauded Iran for showing “respect to the territory of countries” within the Persian Gulf and for using “peaceful methods for solving the problems of the region.” He mentioned that “there is no specific time for the beginning and/or end of the conversation” but indicated that both sides were in “continuous and ongoing” contact. (ISNA)

Citations & Links

March 21, 2017

South Africa asks UN for permission to sell missiles to Iran.

Iranian news outlets circulated a report that South Africa has requested permission from the UN Security Council to sell the Umkhonto surface-to-air (SAM) missile system to Iran. The deal is reportedly worth $118 million. The missile has a range of 60 km. (Tasnim News Agency) (E) (Tasnim News Agency)

Citations & Links

Tasnim News Agency Tasnim News Agency
March 21, 2017

Ghassemi: U.S. allegations that Iran supports terrorism is completely political.

Foreign Ministry Spokesman Bahram Ghassemi dismissed the recent U.S. allegations that Iran supports terrorism as “inadmissible, unwarranted, and completely political.” The U.S. State Department designated two Iranian-supported Bahraini mercenaries as terrorists and issued sanctions against them. (Press TV) (E) (Tasnim News Agency)

  • Ghassemi also condemned the recent Israeli airstrikes in Syria as a violation of its sovereignty which occurred “at a time when [the Syrian] army and the anti-terrorist front have the upper hand against the bloodthirsty terrorists.” He called on the United Nations to use all of its efforts to avoid the repetition of these types of acts that “violate peace and security by the aggressive and lawless Zionist regime.” (IRNA)

Citations & Links

IRNA Tasnim News Agency Press TV
Domestic Politics
March 21, 2017

Rezaei: I hope conservatives will demonstrate “new capability” to unify around a candidate.

Expediency Discernment Council Secretary and former IRGC Commander Mohsen Rezaei addressed the Popular Front of Islamic Revolution Forces’ plan to select a single candidate to challenge President Hassan Rouhani in the May presidential elections in a message on Twitter. Rezaei stated, “The person who is chosen in the public must come to the stage, [while] the person who isn’t chosen must rush to the aid of the chosen. I am hopeful the Revolution Forces will show a new capability in its own collective decision-making.” Rezaei is one of several senior conservative political figures on the shortlist of possible candidates to represent the Popular Front in the elections. (Mehr News Agency)

Citations & Links

Mehr News Agency
March 21, 2017

Supreme Leader reiterates Rouhani administration’s shortcomings over the last year.

Supreme Leader Ayatollah Ali Khamenei discussed the economy and other issues in a message commemorating Nowruz. Khamenei stated, “I am aware of the [economic] state of the people. Therefore, I feel with my entire heart the bitterness that people, especially the lower class, are experiencing as a result of” economic difficulties as unemployment. Khamenei stated that there is a large “gap between what has been done” to remedy Iran’s problems “and the expectations of the people and the Leader.” Khamenei stated that “the people and the Leader demand” that government officials “focus on and plan” such “key points” of the Resistance Economy doctrine as improving domestic production and youth employment opportunities. Khamenei stressed that such “focus… will be the cause of remarkable and tangible achievements” in the coming year. Khamenei stated that “officials must report the results [of their efforts] to the people at the end of the year.” Khamenei also praised the turn-out at rallies in February marking the anniversary of the Islamic Revolution and Iran’s “sustainable security” in the midst of regional insecurity. ( (E)

Citations & Links
March 21, 2017

Rouhani highlights administration’s economic achievements in New Year speech.

President Hassan Rouhani stated that Iran’s achievements in decreasing inflation and “achieving economic growth and employment” over the last year “was second to none in 25 years” during a message commemorating Nowruz, or the Persian New Year, which begins on March 21, 2017. Rouhani promised that the coming year “will be the year of more employment” for Iran’s young people and stressed that “we need to carry out” greater “efforts to compensate for the shortcomings.” Rouhani stressed the need to continue the fight in “lowering inflation” and maintaining “economic growth” for the coming year. ( (E) (Press TV)

Citations & Links

Press TV
March 21, 2017

Rouhani: Fixing the economy isn’t a short-term problem.

President Hassan Rouhani addressed the recent wave of criticism of his economic record during a speech marking the opening of a pharmaceutical production line.

  • Rouhani stressed that his administration “is proud” of the fact that “the path” it “has chosen is the right way.” He continued, “This path is not yet finished; it will be difficult for [the president in the next term] to reach the end of it. In fact, the next ten governments will not be able to resolve all of the problems. But if 100 problems are decreased to 90 or 80, this is the right direction.” He stated, “We must not allow some pens, people, or languages to plant the seeds of despair in the hearts of young people.”
  • Rouhani emphasized that although Iran has and will continue to have problems, it must not surrender to them. He stated, “These problems cannot be solved in the short term.” Rouhani noted that Supreme Leader Ali Khamenei has named the new year “The Year of Employment,” and stated “we must put all our capabilities” towards improving employment opportunities.  
  • Rouhani also discussed the promise to achieve five percent economic growth he made in his New Year message last year. He noted that “some friends and Cabinet members told me we might not be able to achieve it. I told them this was the objective which we would, God willing, achieve; and if we did not, we would apologize to the people… We thank God that we achieved what we promised the people.”
  • Rouhani also defended his record on employment during a separate speech at a rehabilitation complex on March 20. He stated, “Fortunately, the Supreme Leader stressed employment and production in his New Year message. As he and I emphasized, the issue of employment is the young people’s most important issue and our main goal.” Rouhani continued, “Of course, in the last two years, we have had a relatively good employment rate, yet we are still behind the rate of workforce getting ready to enter the market every year… I am confident that we will create more jobs for the youth and women of our country” in the next year. ( (E) (IRNA)

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