Key takeaway: President Hassan Rouhani praised Supreme Leader Ali Khamenei’s “clear guidelines” regarding the economy in an effort to de-escalate tensions between himself and Khamenei.

Rouhani highlighted Khamenei’s “continued support” in the effort to improve Iran’s economy in a letter to the Supreme Leader on March 22. Rouhani also expressed confidence that his administration’s “firm belief” in the policies of the Resistance Economy doctrine will “result in even” greater “achievements thanks to more cooperation and coordination in the legal, cultural, and management spheres and with clear guidelines” from the Supreme Leader. Rouhani’s letter is likely an effort to de-escalate the growing tensions between the president and the Supreme Leader over the former’s implementation of the Resistance Economy doctrine ahead of the May presidential elections.

A bipartisan group of senators introduced new legislation calling for the expansion of sanctions targeting Iran’s ballistic missile program, support for terrorism, and human rights violations. Senator Bob Menendez (D-N.J.) stressed that the new sanctions would not impede with U.S. commitments under the nuclear deal.

This Iran News Round Up predominantly covers events from March 22-23.

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Regional Developments and Diplomacy
March 24, 2017

Rouhani to visit Russia next week.

President Hassan Rouhani is scheduled to travel to Russia on March 27-28. President Rouhani will discuss the security of Western Asia and the Syrian crisis with Russian President Vladimir Putin on March 28.

  • President Rouhani is also scheduled to visit Iran’s Kurdistan province next week. Kurdistan Governor Abd al Muhammad Zahidi said President Rouhani’s visit will inaugurate several development projects in Kurdistan. (Tasnim News Agency) (E) (Tasnim News Agency)

Citations & Links

Tasnim News Agency Tasnim News Agency
March 24, 2017

Larijani: “The country needs to jump in the economic field.”

Parliament Speaker Ali Larijani said that “Iran needs to jump… in the economic field. With a revolutionary spirit, it is important to move forward towards the implementation of this important issue.” He stressed that “Parliament has undertaken a serious effort to achieve the goals of the Resistance Economy. One of the missions in this context is the removal of barriers to production and employment.” Larijani stated that he has commissioned the heads of the industry and mining, energy, agriculture, water and natural resources, construction, and finance commissions to examine methods in order to “develop a coherent program to achieve the Resistance Economy” doctrine. (Fars News Agency) (Fars News Agency)

Citations & Links

Fars News Agency Fars News Agency
March 24, 2017

Economic minister acknowledges “large gap” between the Rouhani government’s economic performance and popular expectations.

Economic and Finance Minister Ali Tayyebnia discussed the Rouhani administration’s economic record in an open letter to Supreme Leader Ayatollah Ali Khamenei. Tayyebnia praised Khamenei’s slogan for the new Iranian calendar year (March 2017-March 2018), “The Year of the Resistance Economy - Production and Employment,” for representing “the importance and fundamental priority of resolving Iran’s economic difficulties on the basis” of the Resistance Economy. Tayyebnia attributed the lowered inflation rate, “unprecedented” GDP growth, the expansion of the capital market, and other improvements [under the Rouhani administration] to the administration’s compliance with the principles of the Resistance Economy. Tayyebnia acknowledged that the government’s economic performance has “fallen behind in some areas” and that there is a “large gap” between the government’s performance in those areas and the “people’s expectations.” (Mehr News Agency) (E) (BBC Persian)

Citations & Links

BBC Persian Mehr News Agency
Domestic Politics
March 24, 2017

Ahmadinejad issues strong criticism of Rouhani and Principlists.

Former President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad criticized President Rouhani for “not listening to the word of the nation” during a speech in support of Hamid Baghaei’s candidacy in the May presidential elections. Baghaei served as vice president during Ahmadinejad’s administration.  Ahmadinejad’s comment refers to the Rouhani government’s efforts to remove cash subsidies. Ahmadinejad also attacked Iran’s conservatives for not doing enough to combat Rouhani’s policies. Ahmadinejad has ramped up his criticism of Rouhani’s financial policies over the last month. Baghaei promised during his own speech that his first step as president would be to increase subsidies heavily. Ahmadinejad used lavish subsidies to gain popular electoral support at the expense of sound government finance policy.  (Ghatreh) (Radio Farda)

Citations & Links

Radio Farda Ghetreh
March 24, 2017

Zakani: Internal competition among conservatives is a mistake.

Hardliner former Parliamentarian Ali Reza Zakani addressed conservatives’ need to unify ahead of the May presidential elections in a letter to the candidates of the Popular Front of Islamic Revolution Forces, the conservative coalition working to introduce a single conservative competitor to President Hassan Rouhani. Zakani stated, “The main contest is between the revolutionary and the non-revolutionary. The creation of internal competition within [the Popular Front], under any pretext, is a strategic error.” (Fars News Agency)

Citations & Links

Fars News Agency
March 24, 2017

Rouhani attacks corruption under former President Ahmadinejad.

President Hassan Rouhani renewed his criticism of the corruption during former President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad’s administration during a speech on March 23. Rouhani accused some members of the Ahmadinejad administration of corruption under the guise of circumventing the extensive sanctions imposed on Iran before the 2015 nuclear deal. Rouhani has called attention to these cases of corruption previously. Rouhani also highlighted the improvement in Iran’s relationship with the UN during the Rouhani administration.

  • Rouhani defended his administration’s record on job creation but also acknowledged that “the unemployment rate is high because of the increased presence of jobseekers... We must prioritize programs for the creation of jobs for the youth.” (Khabar Online)

Citations & Links

Khabar Online
March 24, 2017

Rouhani responds to Khamenei’s comments on Resistance Economy doctrine.

President Hassan Rouhani responded to Ayatollah Ali Khamenei’s March 21 criticism of Rouhani’s economic policies in a letter to the Supreme Leader on March 22. Rouhani expressed his appreciation for Khamenei’s “helpful” statements and stressed that Khamenei’s “continued support can serve as the main coordinating factor for all organizations and branches” in the effort to improve Iran’s economy. Rouhani expressed confidence that his administration’s “firm belief” in the policies of the Resistance Economy doctrine will “result in even” greater “achievements thanks to more cooperation and coordination in the legal, cultural, and management spheres and with clear guidelines” from the Supreme Leader. Rouhani stressed that his administration’s “belief” in the Resistance Economy doctrine has resulted thus far in “an incredible growth in domestic production, the surpassing of non-oil exports over important, and an unprecedented increase in employment.” (Mehr News Agency) (E) (Fars News Agency) 

Citations & Links

Fars News Agency Mehr News Agency