Key takeaway: President Hassan Rouhani downplayed the recent tension between himself and Supreme Leader Ali Khamenei.

Rouhani dismissed allegations that there is “distance” between his administration and Ayatollah Ali Khamenei. Rouhani stressed that his administration “is subject to” Khamenei and is “proud” of its “solidarity and unity” with the Supreme Leader. Rouhani has worked to de-escalate the tensions between himself and Khamenei over the former’s implementation of the Resistance Economy doctrine ahead of the May presidential elections. Rouhani has maintained a positive relationship with Khamenei during his presidency, however. Rouhani’s continued relationship with Khamenei is essential to the survival of his presidency.

Iranian media announced the deaths of four Iranians in Syria, including an IRGC brigadier general second class and two other members of the IRGC 19th Fajr Division based in Fars province.

This Iran News Round Up predominantly covers events from March 31-April 3.

Regional Developments and Diplomacy
April 04, 2017

Ghassemi defends Iran’s claim on three islands in the Persian Gulf.

Foreign Ministry Spokesman Bahram Ghassemi opposed the declaration by the Arab League which claimed the UAE’s rights over the Abu Musa and the the Greater and Lesser Tunb islands in the Persian Gulf. Ghassemi defended Iran’s sovereignty of the islands, stating “these islands are inseparable parts of Iran and will remain” as such. Ghassemi also “strongly condemned and refuted” the implicit claim by the Arab League that Iran interferes within the the internal affairs of Arab countries. Interim Tehran Friday Prayer Leader Ayatollah Ahmad Khatami also defended Iran’s rights over the islands during his sermon on March 31.  (Press TV) (E) (Fars News Agency) (Mehr News Agency)

Citations & Links

Mehr News Agency Fars News Agency Press TV
April 04, 2017

Iran signals disapproval of Kirkuk Provincial Council’s push to raise Kurdish flag in Kirkuk.

Foreign Ministry Spokesman Bahram Ghassemi expressed Iran’s support for the Iraqi Parliament’s decision to deny the Kirkuk Provincial Council the right to raise the Kurdistan flag beside the Iraqi flag in public buildings and institutions in Kirkuk, Iraq. Ghassemi said that raising the Kurdish flag would be “a move at odds with the [Iraqi] constitution and a source of tension.” (Press TV) (E) (Fars News Agency)

Citations & Links

Fars News Agency Press TV
Military and Security
April 04, 2017

IRGC has begun converting commando units to special forces and rapid response units.

Deputy Ground Forces Commander Brig. Gen. Abdollah Araghi stated that the IRGC Ground Forces have begun converting their “commando” units and “brigades” to “special” and “rapid response” units. Araghi stressed that the new units can be “called up and be organized and ready to fight in a short amount of time.” Araghi indicated that the new units are separate from the IRGC’s Saberin Special Forces units. (Tasnim News Agency)

Citations & Links

Tasnim News Agency
Casualties in Iraq and Syria
April 04, 2017

19th Fajr Division members killed in Syria.

Ghodrat Allah Abboudi, IRGC Brig. Gen. 2C Azad Khashnood, and Abuzar Farabakhsh were buried in cities throughout Fars province. Khashnood, Abboudi, and Farabakhsh  were reportedly members of the 19th Fajr Division based in Fars province. The exact date and location of their deaths are unknown. (IRNA) (Golestan24) (Golestan24)

Citations & Links

Golestan24 Golestan24 IRNA
April 04, 2017

IRGC member killed in Syria.

Yadollah Tarmimi was a member of the IRGC Ninevah unit based in Golestan province. He was killed on April 1. (Tasnim News Agency) (Iranian Students' News Agency)

Citations & Links

ISNA Tasnim News Agency
Domestic Politics
April 04, 2017

Judiciary Head: The people and authorities won’t allow another 2009 Green Movement.

Judiciary Head Ayatollah Sadegh Amoli Larijani stated the “We are confident that the judiciary, security forces, officials, and most importantly the people, will not allow something like the seditious year of 2009 to take shape this time.” Larijani also warned that “countries like America should also know that if interventions such as these occur, they will be met with a strong slap.” (Tasnim News Agency)

Citations & Links

Tasnim News Agency
April 04, 2017

News outlets: Raisi will announce decision on whether to run for president soon.

Iranian news outlets circulated reports that Astan Quds Razavi Foundation Head and Assembly of Experts member Hojjat ol Eslam Ebrahim Raisi will announce his decision on running in the May presidential elections in the next few days. Raisi is among the semifinalists to represent the conservative Popular Front of Islamic Revolution Forces in the elections. The Popular Front has not yet selected a single candidate. Many consider Raisi to be the regime’s top pick to succeed Supreme Leader Ayatollah Ali Khamenei. (Tasnim News Agency)

Citations & Links

Tasnim News Agency
April 04, 2017

Cleric: Khamenei’s ban on unnecessary imports should be treated as a fatwa.

Urumieh Friday Prayer Leader Hojjat ol Eslam Seyyed Mahdi Gharishi discussed Supreme Leader Ali Khamenei’s recent call for Iran to ban all unnecessary imports. Gharishi stated that Khamenei’s comments, “in reality, had the command of a fatwa...and everyone must take steps to carry out this order.” Gharishi added that while the use of foreign brands is a source of pride for some, “everyone must correct themselves...and be proud of using Iranian products.” (Mehr News Agency)

Citations & Links

Mehr News Agency
April 04, 2017

Artesh stresses readiness to assist the implementation of the Resistance Economy doctrine.

The Artesh, Iran’s conventional military, issued a statement commemorating the 1979 referendum establishing Iran as an Islamic Republic. The statement stresses the Artesh’s readiness to take on “any effort and activity” to help achieve the Supreme Leader’s interpretation of the Resistance Economy. The statement praised Supreme Leader Ayatollah Ali Khamenei’s call for Iran to focus on improving domestic production and employment opportunities and expressed hope that Iran will “witness development and prosperity” that “relies on Iranian production for the country’s needs and is cut off from dependence” on other countries. (Mehr News Agency)

Citations & Links

Mehr News Agency
April 04, 2017

Rouhani: We will create 700,000 new jobs over the next year.

President Hassan Rouhani stated that his administration’s goal is to create 700,000 jobs in the new Iranian calendar year [March 2017-March 2018] during a meeting with government officials on April 3. He “called on all government officials and managers” to make “comprehensive efforts” towards improving employment opportunities and domestic production. Rouhani stressed that “employment-generating production” is a “religious, national, and revolutionary” duty. Rouhani also stressed the importance of maximizing the “people’s participation” in the forthcoming elections “and encouraging everybody to vote.” Supreme Leader Ayatollah Ali Khamenei has criticized the Rouhani administration’s record on domestic production and employment recently. ( (E) (

Citations & Links
April 04, 2017

Rouhani: My administration stands unified with the Supreme Leader.

President Hassan Rouhani addressed the recent tension between his administration and Supreme Leader Ayatollah Ali Khamenei during a speech to young people in Gilan province on March 31. He stated, “Some naive people [within Iran] think that there is distance between the administration and the leadership. The administration is subject to and alongside the leadership. The wise leadership is the Supreme Leader of all of us; we are proud of this solidarity and unity.” (IRNA)

Citations & Links