Key takeaway: Conservative presidential candidate Ebrahim Raisi promised economic reforms and anti-corruption efforts, two key weaknesses of President Hassan Rouhani’s administration.

Raisi called for the improvement of the government’s “management of the economy,” among other changes. Supreme Leader Ayatollah Ali Khamenei and other senior officials have criticized Rouhani heavily for his failure to implement their vision for Iran’s economy. Raisi indicated that his economic reforms would align with the Supreme Leader’s vision by promising that “production and employment” would feature heavily. The Supreme Leader called for a renewed focus on production and employment at the start of the current Iranian year (March 2017 - March 2018).  

Raisi also stated that his administration would produce a report on anti-corruption efforts within the first six months of his term. Rouhani campaigned on the promise of fighting corruption, but has achieved limited results. A corruption scandal has followed the Rouhani administration since 2016 after leaks revealed that administration officials received exorbitantly high salaries.

This Iran News Round Up covers predominantly covers events from April 21-24.

Regional Developments and Diplomacy
April 25, 2017

Zarif requests China to have a more active presence in the Chabahar port.

Foreign Minister Mohammad Javad Zarif met with Chinese Foreign Minister Wang Yi in Athens for the Ancient Civilization Forum. Zarif urged China to have a “more active presence” in the development of the Chabahar port in southeastern Iran. Also attending the Ancient Civilizations Forum in Athens were officials from Greece, China, India, Iraq, Egypt, Italy, Mexico, Peru, and Bolivia. (Tasnim News Agency) (E) (Fars News Agency)

Citations & Links

Fars News Agency Tasnim News Agency
April 25, 2017

Velayati calls for unity of all groups within Iraq.

Senior Foreign Policy Advisor to the Supreme Leader Ali Akbar Velayati stated, “The preservation of unity of all of the groups in Iraq is of undeniable necessity” for both “fighting conspiracies” and “strengthening domestic solidarity” in Iraq. Velayati praised the efforts of the People’s Mobilization Forces (PMF) as “one of the most important possible reasons” for dealing with the conspiracies of the enemies. (Defa Press)

Citations & Links

Defa Press
Domestic Politics
April 25, 2017

Rouhani: I will not be afraid to carry out the wishes of the people.

President Hassan Rouhani  pledged that his “one vow and promise” if re-elected is to “not be afraid to carry out the wishes of the people.” Rouhani also questioned whether “we want our society to be more open or return to the past...and be against the world again...[with] the looming shadow of war.” (Fars News Agency)

Citations & Links

Fars News Agency
April 25, 2017

Public outcry prompts shift to live broadcasting of presidential debates.

The Presidential Elections Advertising Commission reversed its decision to record the electoral debates in favor of broadcasting them live following significant criticisms from several senior officials. (BBC Persian)

  • The conservative coalition Popular Front of Islamic Revolution Forces issued a statement calling for “any type of electoral debate between the candidates to be live so the people can understand the viewpoints of the candidates without any doubt of bias or manipulation.” (Tasnim News Agency)
  • President Hassan Rouhani likewise referenced the decision and stated, “We are supporters of the most open way of running the election, in which the people can better choose.” (Tasnim News Agency)
  • Interim Tehran Friday Prayer Leader Ayatollah Mohammad Ali Movahedi Kermani highlighted that “one of the ways of insight for the people and the voters is that they see and hear…[and] the performance of the candidates in live debates is more illuminating for the people.” (Ghatreh)
  • Hardline presidential candidate and Tehran Mayor Mohammad Bagher Ghalibaf similarly stated that “if the electoral debates were live, the people can better decide.” (Pars News)

Citations & Links

Pars News Ghatreh Tasnim News Agency Tasnim News Agency
April 25, 2017

Raisi promises job creation, anti-corruption efforts.

Conservative presidential candidate and Astan Quds Razavi Foundation Head Hojjat ol Eslam Ebrahim Raisi discussed the economy and corruption during several different campaign speeches.

  • Raisi also emphasized his “significant role” in the Judiciary and played up his service to the “poor and oppressed” in his position as head of the charitable Astan Quds Razavi Foundation during the speech. Raisi stressed that while he did not plan to run for president, he “felt” moved by others’ problems.
  • Raisi identified “structural failure” as the “root” of Iran’s economic problems. He stated, “If there is no weakness in the management of the economy, the [economic] structures will be changed.” Raisi stated that as a manager with “two decades” of experience, he thinks that these kinds of problems can be resolved. Raisi also stated that the issue of unemployment “can be resolved within the framework of a national program.” Raisi stated that “production and employment are emphasized in this program.” He also stated that “if the banking system is not reformed, there is no possibility of economic growth.” Raisi also stated that he would “definitely strengthen the Planning and Budget Organization.”
  • Raisi also promised a plan to reform corruption within the government. He noted that if elected, he would submit an anti-corruption report to the public in the first six months of his term. (Fars News Agency) (Fars News Agency) (Pars News Agency)

Citations & Links

Pars News Agency Fars News Agency Fars News Agency