Key takeaway: A senior conservative cleric claimed the presidential race may have been much closer than initially perceived.

Interim Tehran Friday Prayer Leader Ayatollah Ali Movahedi Kermani claimed that elections violations may have impacted the reported vote counts for conservative presidential candidate Ebrahim Raisi and President Hassan Rouhani. He stated that it is possible Raisi received a total of 16-19 million votes, and President Hassan Rouhani received 21-23 million votes. Iran’s Interior Ministry reported that Rouhani received 23.5 million votes, while Raisi received 15.8 votes.  Movahedi Kermani likely made the claims in an effort to lessen the embarrassment of Raisi’s substantial loss. Raisi has been considered a frontrunner to replace Ayatollah Ali Khamenei as Supreme Leader. Movahedi Kermani was also likely looking to limit Rouhani’s increased popular mandate.

This Iran News Round Up predominantly covers events from May 24-25.

May 26, 2017

Oil Minister: OPEC isn’t going to cut Iran’s crude output.

 Oil Minister Bijan Zanganeh indicated that he does not anticipate OPEC will ask Iran to reduce its crude output. OPEC representatives met in Vienna on May 25. OPEC allowed Iran to freeze oil production at pre-sanction level even though it agreed cut collective oil production in November 2016. (Fars News Agency) (E)

Citations & Links

Fars News Agency
Military and Security
May 26, 2017

IRGC Commander: We built a third underground missile factory in the last few years.

IRGC Air Force Commander Brig. Gen. Amir Ali Hajizadeh stated that the IRGC built “Iran’s third underground missile production factory” in the last few years. Hajizadeh vowed that “Iran’s missile power will increase. It is natural that our enemies - meaning the U.S. and Israel - get tense about our missile production [and] missile tests… because they Iran want to appear at a disadvantage always.” Hajizadeh claimed that Iran will develop its first surface-to-surface missile, but did not provide further information. He also stated that Iran is not worried about the recent U.S.-Saudi arms deal because it is “confident” that “the very same equipment will be used against Israel in the future.” (Fars News Agency) (E) (Mashregh News)

Citations & Links

Mashregh News Fars News Agency
May 26, 2017

Artesh carries out 29th Beit ol Moghaddas exercises.

The Artesh Ground Forces participated in the the 29th Beit ol Moghaddas exercises in Nasrabad, Esfahan province from May 24-25. The exercise featured infantry, artillery, quick response, drone, helicopter, and special forces units. (IRNA) (E) (Defa Press)

Citations & Links

Defa Press IRNA
Regional Developments and Diplomacy
May 26, 2017

Rouhani calls for improving relations with France in call with Macron.

 President Hassan Rouhani held a telephone conversation with French President Emmanuel Macron on May 23. Rouhani stated, “Economic relations between Iran and France are developing well,” and stated that “we must help develop cultural, scientific, technological, and academic relations between the two countries.” Rouhani also pointed to some countries’ “failure… in implementing their commitments” under the nuclear deal, and expressed hope that “France and the European Union” will “have a more active role” in the deal’s implementation. Rouhani expressed Iran’s readiness “to cooperate with other countries, including France,” in the anti-terrorism fight and the resolution of the Syrian crisis. ( (E)

Citations & Links
May 26, 2017

Rouhani discusses Russia, trade during call with Erdogan.

President Hassan Rouhani held a telephone conversation with Turkish counterpart Recep Tayyip Erdogan on May 24. Rouhani stated that “Iran is committed” to increase annual trade figures with Turkey to $30 billion, and stressed the importance of boosting cooperation in the banking sector in particular. Rouhani also highlighted Iran and Turkey’s cooperation with Russia on regional issues. Erdogan reportedly stated, “We can accelerate the Astana negotiations [on the Syrian crisis]” through cooperation between Russia, Iran, Turkey, and “even other countries.” ( (E)

  • Supreme National Security Council Secretary Ali Shamkhani met with Turkish counterpart Seifollah Haji Muftioglu on the sidelines of a conference in Moscow. Shamkhani called for regular meetings between national security officials from Turkey and Iran in order to help resolve disagreements which could otherwise hurt positive relations between the two sides. (IRNA) (E)

Citations & Links

Domestic Politics
May 26, 2017

Rouhani meets with senior clerics in Qom.

President Hassan Rouhani met with Ayatollahs Lotfollah Safi Golpaygani, Hossein Vahid Khorasani, Mousa Shobeir Zanjani, and Naser Makarem Shirazi in Qom on May 25. The meetings were reportedly off the record. Rouhani also traveled to Mashhad to visit the tomb of Imam Reza on May 23. (IRNA) (E)

Citations & Links

May 26, 2017

The Guardian Council reacts to Rouhani’s allegations.

 Guardian Council Spokesman Abbas Ali Kadkhodaei criticized President Hassan Rouhani’s accusation that the Guardian Council failed to cooperate with efforts to extend voting hours during the May 19 presidential elections. Rouhani claimed that four million people were unable to cast their votes. Kadkhodaei claimed that Rouhani was given “false” reports. (Mashregh News)

Citations & Links

Mashregh News
May 26, 2017

Movahedi Kermani: Elections violations may have impacted several million votes.

Interim Tehran Friday Prayer Leader Ayatollah Ali Movahedi Kermani stated that elections violations may have impacted as many as “several million votes.” Movahedi Kermani stated, “It is possible that after monitoring and reviewing reports and voting violations, it will be determined” that conservative candidate Ebrahim Raisi received a total of 16-19 million votes, and President Hassan Rouhani received a total of 21-23 million votes. Movahedi Kermani emphasized that the alleged violations will not change the election’s final result. (Tasnim News Agency) (BBC Persian)

Citations & Links

BBC Persian Tasnim News Agency