Key takeaway: Supreme Leader Ayatollah Ali Khamenei echoed the regime’s standard line on the future collapse of the governments of Saudi Arabia and Bahrain.

Khamenei stated that the Saudi government is “illegitimate” due to its involvement in Yemen. Khamenei stressed that the timing of the inevitable collapse of the Saudi and Bahraini governments “depends upon how” Muslims act. He noted that “if the community of believers acts correctly,” those governments will collapse “more quickly.” Khamenei and other senior officials regularly frame the Saudi and Bahraini governments as sure to collapse due their unjust behavior.

This Iran News Round Up predominantly covers events from May 27-30.

May 31, 2017

Iran expected to sign $4 billion gas deal with Total.

Oil Minister Bijan Zangeneh stated that Iran is “very close”  to signing a $4 billion deal with France’s Total to develop Phase 11 of the South Pars gas field. Total is expected to have 50.1% of the interest, Iran’s Petropars with 19.9%, and 30% for Chinese state-owned oil and gas company CNPC. (Press TV) (E)

Citations & Links

Press TV
Casualties in Iraq and Syria
May 31, 2017

IRGC commander killed in Iraq.

Shaaban Nasiri was killed in Mosul on May 26. Nasiri served as IRGC Imam Sajjad Battalion deputy commander as well as IRGC 10th Seyyed ol Shohada Division’s Hazrat Ali Akbar Battalion deputy commander during the Iran-Iraq War. He was buried in Karaj, Alborz province. (Tasnim News Agency) (IRNA)

Citations & Links

IRNA Tasnim News Agency
Regional Developments and Diplomacy
May 31, 2017

Rouhani talks Syria, nuclear deal with Putin.

President Hassan Rouhani held a telephone conversation with Russian President Vladimir Putin on May 27.

  • On the Trump administration: Rouhani stated that “certain activities by [some] countries, including the new US administration and Saudi Arabia, will further complicate the regional situation.”
  • On Iran-Russia cooperation: Rouhani stated, “Iran is ready to bolster bilateral and regional cooperation with Russia with more determination. We will witness more close cooperation between the two countries in the future.” Rouhani called for increased cooperation on infrastructure as well as energy and banking projects.
  • Rouhani said “the expansion” of Iran-Russia “cooperation in Syria is very important. We welcome the continuation of trilateral cooperation among Iran, Russia, and Syria.” Rouhani also expressed his support for Iran’s cooperation with Turkey and Russia on the preservation of a ceasefire in Syria.
  • On the nuclear deal: Rouhani reaffirmed that Iran is committed to its obligations under the nuclear deal as long as other members of the P5+1 negotiating bloc fulfill their requirements as well. Rouhani welcomed Iran’s “cooperation with Russia in the implementation” of the nuclear deal and on nuclear issues. (Press TV) (E) (Fars News Agency)

Citations & Links

Fars News Agency Press TV
May 31, 2017

Rezaei criticizes Saudi involvement in Qatar.

Expediency Discernment Council Secretary and former IRGC Commander Mohsen Rezaei criticized Saudi Arabia for its intervention in “the internal affairs of the independent country of Qatar.” He added, “These illegal actions of the Saudis will bring the region to the brink of insecurity.” (ISNA)

Citations & Links

May 31, 2017

Supreme Leader censures Saudi Arabia.

Supreme Leader Ayatollah Ali Khamenei called the Saudi government “incompetent” and stated, “these individuals believe in the Quran in appearance and even print millions of copies of the Quran but they are in practice intimate with infidels contrary to the Quran’s stipulations” during remarks on May 29. Khamenei referenced Saudi Arabia’s involvement in Yemen and unrest in Bahrain and stated that “those who carry out such actions against Muslims are illegitimate, and those who are illegitimate will certainly decline and fall.” Khamenei added that the timing of their collapse depends upon “how the believers act; if the community of believers acts correctly, the destruction of the illegitimate will occur more quickly.” Khamenei also stated, “The progress of international communications does not conflict with frankness in the expression of principles and doctrines. We must enter the fray and trust in God.” (Press TV) (E) (Mehr News Agency)

Citations & Links

Mehr News Agency Press TV
AEI Must Reads
May 31, 2017

Four things to expect from Rouhani’s re-election.

Marie Donovan discusses how President Hassan Rouhani’s re- election will impact Iran’s involvement in the region and relationship with the U.S. in “Four things to expect from Rouhani’s re-election.”