Key takeaway: Iranian officials blamed the U.S. and Saudi Arabia for and downplayed the significance of the ISIS attacks in Tehran.

IRGC Intelligence Organization Deputy Brigadier General Mohammad-Hossein Nejat blamed “the U.S. and the Saudi regime” for “giving orders to their mercenaries who played a hand in this event.” The IRGC likewise issued a statement that it was “very meaningful” that the terrorists attacks on Parliament and Imam Khomeini’s Mausoleum occurred a week after President Donald Trump’s visit to Saudi Arabia.  The regime has accused the U.S. and Saudi Arabia of creating and supporting ISIS previously. Supreme Leader Ayatollah Ali Khamenei, meanwhile, dismissed the attacks as “firecrackers” that “will not affect the will of the people.” 

The Critical Threats team offers its condolences to the victims of yesterday's terrorist attacks in Tehran and their families.  The deliberate murder of innocent civilians is a heinous act.

This Iran News Round Up predominantly covers events from June 7.

Casualties in Iraq and Syria
June 08, 2017

IRGC member killed in Syria.

Javad Mohammadi was killed in Hama, Syria. He was from Dorcheh, Esfahan province. (ir)

Citations & Links

Regional Developments and Diplomacy
June 08, 2017

Zarif meets with Erdogan in Turkey.

Foreign Minister Mohammad Javad Zarif met with Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan and Turkish Foreign Minister Mevlüt Çavuşoğlu to discuss “bilateral issues, regional changes, and the discussion of Syria.” Zarif emphasized that “the terrorist actions in our region show that it is necessary to have comprehensive cooperation in this field.” (IRNA)

Citations & Links

Reactions to Terrorist Attacks in Tehran
June 08, 2017

Regional countries offer condolences to Iran.

Iranian news outlets cited a series of statements from governments across the region, including Qatar, Pakistan, and Russia. The Turkish and Iraqi governments also released statements expressing their condolences.

  • Qatar: The Qatari Foreign Ministry “announced its condolences to the government and nation and wished the the injured a speedy recovery. The Qatari Foreign Ministry stressed that its position remains constant and emphasized ending this violence and its opposition to any terrorist and criminal acts.”
  • Pakistan: The Pakistani Foreign Ministry and the president of the Pakistani parliament in separate messages expressed “sympathy with the noble people of Iran, and strongly condemned the terrorist attacks.”
  • Russia: Sergei Lavrov, the Russian Foreign Minister, stated that “the attack in Tehran shows that terrorists will not sit quietly.” Lavrov added that “there is no doubt that Iran is committed to the fight against terrorism.” (Tasnim News Agency)
  • Houthis in Yemen: Spokesman for the al Houthi-Saleh Foreign Ministry condemned the terrorist incidents and expressed “condolences from the government and Yemeni people to the government and the Iranian people and the families of the victims and wished a speedy recovery to the injured.” (Saba)
  • Syria: The Syrian Foreign Ministry alluded to Saudi Arabia and other Gulf states in its response, saying “terrorist attacks backed by well-known countries and circles will not discourage Syria and Iran from continuing their fight against terrorism that is supported by countries and parties known in the region and beyond.” (SANA) (E)

Citations & Links

SANA Saba Tasnim News Agency
June 08, 2017

Parliament speaker: Attacks were a “minor issue.”

The Speaker of Parliament Ali Larijani gave a speech stating “this action is a minor issue but it shows the terrorists are looking to create a problem, especially in Iran which is an active and effective hub in the fight against terrorists.” He highlighted that “absolutely the security forces will have serious conflict with them.” Shortly after his speech regarding the terrorist attacks, members of parliament began to chant “Death to America.” (Tasnim News Agency) (ISNA)

  • Foreign Minister Mohammad Javad Zarif also condemned the terrorist attack and advocated the problem of terrorism “be confronted” in the “Middle East and the world.” (Tabnak)
  • Hamid Aboutalebi, Political Deputy of the Office of President Hassan Rouhani, stated,  “It must be shown that terrorism is condemned and [that] they don’t distinguish [between] Tehran and Paris and London or East and West and for combating against it, we must move more firmly, more steadily and more integrated.” (Fars News Agency)

Citations & Links

Fars News Agency Tabnak ISNA Tasnim News Agency
June 08, 2017

IRGC highlights Saudi-U.S. visit following attacks.

The IRGC issued a statement: “The public opinion of the world and in particular, the nation of Iran, recognize this act of terrorism, which [happened] one week after the joint meeting of the U.S. president with one of the reactionary leaders of region who is a continuous supporter of takfiri terrorism, as very meaningful...The IRGC has proven that they will not leave any spilt innocent blood without retaliation… the nation of Iran assures [that] it will not hesitate for a moment to safeguard national security and preserve the lives of [its] dear people.” (IRNA)

  • IRGC Intelligence Organization Deputy Brig. Gen.  Mohammad-Hossein Nejat criticized the two attacks while noting that both occurred “one week after the joint meeting of the U.S. and one of the reactionary leaders of of the region.” Nejat further blamed “the U.S. and the Saudi regime” for “giving orders to their mercenaries who played a hand in this event.” Finally, Nejat emphasized that the IRGC “was able to kill the terrorists” but would also “have revenge on both them and those who had ordered them.” (Fars News Agency)
  • IRGC Deputy Commander Brig. Gen. Hossein Salami promised that “without a doubt, we will have revenge against the terrorists, collaborators, and their protectors for the blood of the of martyrs of today’s terrorist attack.” (Tasnim News Agency)
  • Former IRGC Commander and Expediency Discernment Council Secretary Mohsen Rezaei wrote that while the terrorists “were successful in most of their attacks” in Europe and the Middle East, they had tried to “infiltrate Iran several times but were arrested each time.” Further, he warned that “With their act today, we will severely punish them in every place that they are.” (Instagram)

Citations & Links

Instagram Tasnim News Agency Fars News Agency IRNA
June 08, 2017

Iranian officials react to ISIS attacks.

Supreme Leader Ayatollah Ali Khamenei addressed the recent terrorist attack against the Iranian parliament building and the mausoleum of former Supreme Leader Ayatollah Ruhollah Khomeini. Khamenei stressed that “today’s firecrackers will not affect the will of the people” while adding that the “terrorists are too small to affect the will of the Iranian people and the authorities.” (ir) (E) (ISNA)

  • President Hassan Rouhani issued a statement expressing his condolences to the victims of the “blind and cowardly actions” carried out by the terrorists. Rouhani reiterated Iran’s message “that terrorism is a universal problem” and argued “the most important necessity of today’s global society” is fighting terrorism “with regional and international cooperation.” He further assured that “the branches, organizations, and security institutions of the country… will not rest until all aspects of the insensitive acts, and their supporters and shelters are revealed.” (Fars News Agency) (E) (Tasnim News Agency)

Citations & Links

Tasnim News Agency Fars News Agency ISNA ir