Key takeaway: The U.S. Treasury issued a new round of sanctions on Iran, while the Trump administration re-certified that Iran remains compliant with the nuclear deal.

The Treasury Department imposed sanctions on 16 Iranian individuals, groups, and networks. The sanctions target the IRGC’s ballistic missile program and its suppliers of electronics and other goods, as well as a transnational hacking group. The State Department also designated two IRGC entities for their role in developing Iran’s ballistic missile program.  President Donald Trump’s administration, meanwhile, certified for the second time that Iran remains in compliance with the nuclear deal.  

Rouhani administration spokesman Mohammad Bagher Nobakht claimed that the Judiciary was attempting to “precipitate instability” by arresting the president’s brother and advisor, Hossein Fereydoun. Fereydoun was released on July 17 shortly after being arrested and later posting bail. Fereydoun’s arrest marks the latest development in the Judiciary’s ongoing dispute with the Rouhani administration.

This Iran News Round Up predominantly covers events from July 17-18.  

Casualties in Iraq and Syria
July 19, 2017

Fatemiyoun fighter to be buried in Fars Province.

Iranian media outlets reported that the upcoming burial of Fatemiyoun Brigade fighter Ramazan Rasouli would take place on July 20 in Shiraz. (ABNA)

  • Fatemiyoun Brigade fighters Ali Sheer Rezaei and Nazer Rahimi will be buried on July 19 in Kashan, Esfahan Province.
  • Fatemiyoun fighters Safiullah Alavi, Abbas Mirzanazari, Mortaza Seyfi, and Gholam Ali Ghorbani will be buried on July 19 in Qom. All four were reportedly killed in Syria. (Tasnim News Agency)

Citations & Links

Tasnim News Agency ABNA
Military and Security
July 19, 2017

Artesh soldier kills three in attack on his own base.

A soldier on duty named Sassan Khalili  reportedly killed three other soldiers and wounded eight others in an attack at the Artesh’s Abik Base in Qazvin Province. Artesh sources have suggested that Khalili is mentally unstable. Khalili was wounded during the attack and is undergoing treatment. (Fars News Agency)  (BBC Persian)

Citations & Links

BBC Persian Fars News Agency
July 19, 2017

Hajizadeh: IRGC Air Force has 60 ISIS targets in hand.

IRGC Air Force Commander Brig. Gen. Amir Ali Hajizadeh provided additional details on Iran’s June 18 missile strike on ISIS positions in Deir ez Zour Governorate, Syria, during a meeting with Parliament’s National Security and Foreign Policy Commission. Hajizadeh claimed that at the time of the strike “the Quds Force [had provided] 60 targets” of which three were chosen. He stressed Iran’s domestic military capabilities and noted that Iran possesses the capabilities to produce “advanced surface-to-surface missiles, drones, smart bombs, defensive radar devices, and [the means for] electronic warfare.” (Fars News Agency

Citations & Links

Fars News Agency
July 19, 2017

Conservative presidential candidate urges IRGC to “remain vigilant.”

Former presidential candidate Hojjat ol Eslam Ebrahim Raisi urged the IRGC Ground Forces “to remain vigilant [so that] an enemy we threw out the door does not [return] through a window” in a speech to IRGC Ground Forces members on July 18. Raisi emphasized the importance of independence in Lebanon and stated that that country “cannot be harmed” and has “found sources of strength” despite internal divisions. (Tasnim News Agency)

Citations & Links

Tasnim News Agency
Regional Developments and Diplomacy
July 19, 2017

Soleimani remarks on victory over ISIS.

IRGC Quds Force Commander Maj. Gen. Qassem Soleimani made remarks on the future of the region after the recapture of Mosul during a speech at Imam Hossein University on July 18. Soleimani referred to the Syrian government as “a bridge to the resistance front, whether in Lebanon or in Palestine ” and added that “every intelligent person should understand that a defeat in the war [in Syria] is considered a defeat for us.” Soleimani also reiterated his congratulations to the Iraqi clergy and the Popular Mobilization Forces (PMF) upon the recapture of Mosul from ISIS. (Mehr News Agency)

Citations & Links

Mehr News Agency
July 19, 2017

Zarif: Iran has the option of withdrawing from JCPOA.

Foreign Minister Mohammad Javad Zarif highlighted that “Iran has other options available” if any one of the P5+1 members violates the Joint Comprehensive Plan of Action (JCPOA) during an interview with The National Interest. Zarif highlighted Iran’s withdrawal from the deal as “the ultimate option.” Zarif’s statement follows a new round of U.S. sanctions against Iran. (Radio Farda)  

  • Larijani: Iran will stand with all its strength against U.S. actions. Parliament Speaker Ali Larijani responded to the new round of sanctions against Iranian individuals and organizations following a vote in Parliament to expedite the bill responding to new U.S. sanctions. Larijani stated that the Iranian Parliament's “very high vote shows [Iran’s] determination to face up to America.” He added that “the Americans must understand that… Parliament will stand against any steps they take with all of its being.” (Fars News Agency)

Citations & Links

Fars News Agency Radio Farda
Domestic Politics
July 19, 2017

Rouhani administration criticizes arrest of president’s brother.

Rouhani administration spokesman Mohammad Bagher Nobakht officially responded to the arrest of President Hassan Rouhani’s brother and advisor, Hossein Fereydoun. Nobakht refrained from criticizing the Judiciary directly and stated that “the Judiciary is so independent that it summons and imprisons the president’s brother.” He stressed that the President’s brother’s arrest has had “no effect on Rouhani’s intentions; he acts patiently and self-sufficiently and is very clever. He knows that certain steps are taken to precipitate instability, yet doesn’t lose [his own] balance.” (BBC Persian)   

  • Fereydoun released on bail. Hossein Fereydoun was released on late July 17 after posting bail. Fereydoun’s bail was set at 50bn toman ($1.5m). (Radio Farda)

Citations & Links

Radio Farda BBC Persian