Key takeaway: A senior official claimed the U.S. is attempting the “overthrow of the [Iranian] regime” in response to the latest round of U.S. sanctions.

Guardian Council Chairman Ayatollah Ahmad Jannati called the sanctions signed into law by President Donald Trump “precursors” to the U.S.’s objective to “overthrow” the “regime, the revolution, and Islam.” Jannati claimed that the main target of the new sanctions was the IRGC in an attempt to “limit” their role. Jannati has warned President Hassan Rouhani not to “implement U.S. policies domestically” by weakening the reputation of the IRGC through insults, following a recent spat between Rouhani and conservative critics.

This Iran News Round Up predominantly covers events from August 1-2.

Domestic Politics
August 03, 2017

Rouhani’s Chief of Staff: Half of cabinet to change.

President Hassan Rouhani’s Chief of Staff Mohammad Nahavandian addressed the formation of Rouhani’s second-term cabinet following the current cabinet’s final meeting on August 2. Nahavandian stressed that “the people’s vote in the elections was a decisive vote for Dr. Rouhani and he will definitely abide by the agreement he has made with the people.” Nahavandian added that “fifty percent of the cabinet” will change and that “pressures on [Rouhani] are ineffective” in determining his choices. (Mehr News Agency)

  • Justice Minister Hojjat ol Eslam Mostafa Pourmohammadi and Vice President for Legal Affairs Majid Ansari announced that they will not be in Rouhani’s second-term cabinet. (Mehr News Agency) (Mehr News Agency)
  • Vice President for Women and Families Shahindokht Molavardi stated that to her knowledge there will be “three women deputies” in the new cabinet. (Mehr News Agency)

Citations & Links

Mehr News Agency Mehr News Agency Mehr News Agency Mehr News Agency
August 03, 2017

Khatami urges reformists to continue support to Rouhani.

Reformist-backed Omid parliamentary faction Deputy Head Mohammad Reza Tabesh stated that senior members of the faction had met with former president Mohammad Khatami on August 1. Tabesh stated that Khatami had “advised [Omid members] to continue to support the government by creating slogans and acting upon [their] promises and the requests and desires of the people.” Khatami’s meeting follows reports of Reformist criticism of Rouhani’s alleged decisions regarding his second-term cabinet, including the retention of figures unfriendly to the Reformist agenda such as Interior Minister Abdolreza Rahmani Fazli. (ISNA)

Citations & Links

Regional Developments and Diplomacy
August 03, 2017

Vaezi defends Iran’s space program.

Communications and Information Technology Minister Mahmoud Vaezi defended the Iranian space program’s compatibility with the nuclear deal following international criticism of Iran’s test of a space launch vehicle on July 27. Vaezi called criticisms of the program “basically wrong” and stressed that the program enhances Iran’s “sovereignty and dignity.” Vaezi added that Iran’s new “Dousti” satellite is ready to launch. (Fars News Agency) (E)

Citations & Links

Fars News Agency
August 03, 2017

Zarif after Saudi handshake: Priority in relations with our neighbors.

Foreign Minister Mohammad Javad Zarif addressed images that emerged of an encounter between himself and Saudi Foreign Minister Adel al Jubeir at a meeting of the Organization of Islamic Cooperation (OIC) in Istanbul. Zarif stated that such encounters are commonplace in a diplomatic context and added that he had “a mutual respect and long-standing friendship” with al Jubeir. (BBC Persian)

  • Expediency Discernment Council Secretary Mohsen Rezaei criticized Zarif’s remarks and stated that “friendship with Saudi Arabia without their apology is a strategic error and a repetition of the past.” Saudi Arabia and Iran have had no diplomatic relations since 2016 following the ransacking of the Saudi embassy in Tehran in response to the Saudi execution of prominent Shia cleric Nimr al Nimr. (Fars News Agency)

Citations & Links

Fars News Agency BBC Persian
August 03, 2017

Jazayeri responds to Tillerson comments on Axis of Resistance.

Armed Forces General Staff Deputy Chief IRGC Brig. Gen. Massoud Jazayeri criticized U.S. Secretary of State Rex Tillerson’s comments referring to Iranian policy in the Middle East as “expansionist” in remarks on August 2. Jazayeri stressed that “American government officials are responding to their ineptitude in the face of the advances of regional resistance with insults.” He added that “America will understand the response to its insults.” (Tasnim News Agency)

Citations & Links

Tasnim News Agency
August 03, 2017

Iranian, Russian, and Iraqi Deputy FMs meet in Moscow.

Deputy Foreign Minister Hossein Jaberi Ansari met with Russian Deputy Foreign Minister Mikhail Bogdanov and Iraqi Deputy Foreign Minister Nizar Khairollah in Moscow on August 2. Jaberi Ansari and Bogdanov also met separately prior to the broader meeting. During the meetings the parties reportedly discussed the defeat of “terrorism” in Iraq and Syria as well as recent developments in the region. The three sides also met with Syrian officials on May 24 to discuss the situation in Syria.  (IRNA) (IRNA)

Citations & Links

August 03, 2017

Jannati: Enemy sanctions seek to limit IRGC role.

Guardian Council Chairman Ayatollah Ahmad Jannati addressed the latest round of U.S. sanctions after President Donald Trump signed the sanctions into law on August 2. Jannati stated that “[Iran’s] enemies want to limit the IRGC with these sanctions. This is their main outlook. This point must be made clear to the people: that the matter [at hand] is the overthrow of the regime, the revolution, and Islam and all of these [sanctions] are the precursors of this goal.” Deputy Foreign Minister Abbas Araghchi commented that Iran’s response to the sanctions will be “very intelligent.” (Mehr News Agency) (ISNA)  

Citations & Links

ISNA Mehr News Agency