Key takeaway: Reformist politicians continued to voice their concerns regarding the political makeup of President Hassan Rouhani’s second-term cabinet.

National Trust Party Deputy Rasoul Montajab Nia stressed that “Rouhani should pay special attention to reformists… without reformist support, Rouhani would have been squashed” in the May presidential elections. Senior members of the reformist-backed Omid parliamentary faction members met with reformist former President Mohammad Khatami on August 1 following reports of reformist criticism of Rouhani’s rumored decisions regarding the cabinet.

This Iran News Round Up predominantly covers events from August 3-4.

Regional Developments and Diplomacy
August 07, 2017

Jaberi Ansari holds meeting in Turkey.

Deputy Foreign Minister Hossein Jaberi Ansari met with Turkish Foreign Ministry Undersecretary Ümit Yalçın in Ankara on August 3. The two sides discussed developments in Syria and Palestine and the future of the Astana talks. (Mehr News Agency) (E)

Citations & Links

Mehr News Agency
Domestic Politics
August 07, 2017

Tehran representative to Assembly of Experts sends open letter advising Rouhani.

Assembly of Experts member Ayatollah Nasrollah Shahabadi sent an open letter to President Hassan Rouhani that highlighted several important points of advice for Rouhani’s second term in office. Shahabadi told Rouhani that “however much success accompanies [your] efforts in international relations, lack of consensus domestically will destroy all your hard work.” Shahabadi also congratulated Rouhani on visiting deprived areas of the country and called it “a source of popular heartwarming.” (Tasnim News Agency)

Citations & Links

Tasnim News Agency
August 07, 2017

Tehran Prayer Leader: Officials shouldn’t capitulate before enemies.

Interim Tehran Friday Prayer Leader Ayatollah Mohammad Emami Kashani stated that Iran’s enemies seek “to trample Muslim countries, put pressure on [their] people and [steal their] culture and wealth.” Emami Kashani stressed that Iranian officials should “not capitulate before enemies and understand [their] influence.” (Fars News Agency)

  • Qom Friday Prayer Leader Ayatollah Hashem Hosseini Bushehri echoed Supreme Leader Ayatollah Ali Khamenei’s statement at President Hassan Rouhani’s official endorsement ceremony on August 4. He stated that Rouhani’s task for his next term is “standing up to those who seek to dominate” and “not trusting the enemy.” (Tasnim News Agency)

Citations & Links

Tasnim News Agency Fars News Agency
August 07, 2017

Reformists critique Rouhani’s rumored cabinet.

National Trust Party Deputy Rasoul Montajab Nia warned about the potential lack of reformists in the rumored makeup of President Hassan Rouhani’s second-term cabinet. He stated that “Rouhani should pay special attention to reformists. Since without reformist support, Rouhani would have been squashed.” Montajab Nia added that rather than reformists seeking their share in the cabinet, “Rouhani should come looking for us.” Reformist-backed Omid parliamentary faction member Ghassem Mirzaei lamented that “the number of reformists in the cabinet will decline.” (BBC Persian)

  • Women’s Faction member Teybeh Siavoshi criticized Rouhani for the lack of gender diversity in the rumored makeup of his new cabinet. Siavoshi stated that Rouhani had “confirmed his support for” the presence of women in his cabinet during his electoral campaign but that to her knowledge “the number of women deputies will decrease, and women will only serve as deputies.” 157 members of parliament have petitioned Rouhani on the matter. (Mehr News Agency) (ILNA)

Citations & Links

ILNA Mehr News Agency BBC Persian