Key takeaway: A senior official indicated that Iran would not comply with any IAEA request to access Iranian military sites. These requests are a core element of the IAEA’s verification of Iran’s compliance with the Joint Comprehensive Plan of Action (JCPOA).

Ali Akbar Velayati, the senior foreign policy advisor to Supreme Leader Ayatollah Ali Khamenei, stated that the International Atomic Energy Organization (IAEA) “and any other foreigner do not have the right to inspect [Iran’s] military sites.” Velayati’s comments conflict with the JCPOA, which permits the IAEA to request access to military sites, among other locations, if it is concerned about activities or materials at these sites.

The IAEA does not appear to have visited any military sites in Iran since the June 2015 signing of the JCPOA. Velayati’s comments indicate, however, that Iran would not comply with an IAEA request to access any military sites.

This Iran News Round Up predominantly covers events from September 11-12.

Regional Developments and Diplomacy
September 13, 2017

Khamenei urges Islamic governments to take action against Myanmar.

Supreme Leader Ayatollah Ali Khamenei called for Islamic governments to pressure Myanmar’s “cruel” government politically and economically in a speech on September 12. The speech condemned ongoing violence against the Rohingya Muslims in Myanmar. Khamenei criticized Myanmar’s de facto leader Aung Sang Suu Kyi and the international community for failing to address the crimes. Khamenei emphasized that the issue is both a religious and political conflict. (Press TV) (E) (

Citations & Links Press TV
September 13, 2017

Iran and Syria finalize major electricity deals.

Syrian Electricity Minister Zuhair Kharboutli and Iran’s Acting Energy Minister Sattar Mahmoudi signed a number of memorandums of understanding on electricity production. The Associated Press reported that Iran will construct five new power stations in the coastal Syrian governorates of Latakia and restore other power plants in Deir ez Zour and Homs Governorates, according to Syrian state news agency SANA. Iranian company Mapna will construct five gas power plants in Aleppo City. Reuters reported that Iran will also restore “the main control center” for the electricity grid in Damascus, citing SANA. (AP) (E) (Reuters) (E) (IRNA) (E)

Citations & Links

IRNA Reuters Associated Press
Nuclear Deal Developments
September 13, 2017

Parliamentarian: Iran welcomes “unannounced” visits by IAEA.

Member of Parliament’s National Security and Foreign Policy Commission Shahrouz Barzgar Kolshani stated that Iran has “no problem” with “unannounced” inspections of nuclear sites by the IAEA. Barzgar also claimed that the U.S. had been in violation of the “body and spirit” of the Joint Comprehensive Plan of Action (JCPOA). (ICANA)

  • Kharazi: Iran hopes that European countries can withstand U.S. pressure. Head of the Strategic Council on Foreign Relations Kamal Kharazi met with former French and Australian foreign ministers on September 12. Kharazi called on European countries to exercise “independence” and to withstand U.S. “pressure” to leave the nuclear deal. Kharazi said that the worst scenario for the JCPOA would be the “exit of all parties,” not just the U.S. Kharazi is a reformist figure and served as foreign minister under President Mohammad Khatami. (IRNA) (YJC)
  • Nobakht: U.S. withdrawal from the JCPOA will result in its own isolation. Rouhani administration spokesman Mohammad Bagher Nobakht said that the U.S. would be the “primary loser” if the U.S. unilaterally withdraws from the JCPOA. (YJC)
  • Naghavi: Iran will continue working with others if U.S. withdraws from the deal. Parliament’s National Security and Foreign Policy Commission Spokesman Hossein Naghavi Hosseini expressed hope that the other nuclear deal signatories (Russia, China, France, the UK, and Germany) will continue their commitments even if the U.S. were to withdraw from the nuclear deal. Naghavi also mentioned that it would not take “a lot of time or cost” to return Iran to its pre-JCPOA “nuclear status.” (YJC)
  • Haeri: U.S. withdrawal will not destabilize the nuclear deal. Reformist National Trust Party Central Council member Mohammad Haeri noted that Iran should not leave the JCPOA. Haeri also stated that a U.S. departure from the JCPOA is “not in [America’s] benefit” because it would be contrary to the “global consensus [on the JCPOA].” (YJC)

Citations & Links

September 13, 2017

Velayati: IAEA is not allowed to inspect Iranian military sites.

Senior Foreign Policy Advisor to the Supreme Leader Ali Akbar Velayati reacted to International Atomic Energy Organization (IAEA) head Yukiya Amano’s statements on the IAEA’s right to access Iranian sites according to the nuclear deal. Amano stated that the IAEA does “not distinguish between civilian locations - sites - and military [sites] …. [this principle] applies to all countries, including Iran” on September 11. Velayati responded, “Mr. Amano, his agents, and any other foreigner do not have the right to inspect our military sites because these sites are part of restricted areas.” Velayati continued, “there has in no way been access to military sites in past agreements with [the IAEA]. If [a proposed agreement had given the IAEA access to military sites,] we would have not have agreed [to it]. Claiming this right [to access military sites] is an invention by Mr. Amano.” (Tasnim News Agency)

Citations & Links

Tasnim News Agency