Key takeaway: Iran fears that the Iraqi Kurdistan independence referendum scheduled for September 25 could galvanize secessionist sentiments amongst Kurdish minorities.

Recent high-level meetings between Iranian and Turkish military officials signal Turkish and Iranian intent for military and security coordination before the Iraqi Kurdistan referendum. Armed Forces General Staff Chief Major General Mohammad Bagheri spoke with his Turkish counterpart General Huluski Akar on September 14. Bagheri also met with Huluski and Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan in Ankara in August. Iran and Turkey may be coordinating efforts to delay the referendum. Turkey and Iran fear that the referendum, if passed, could lead to an eventual declaration of Iraqi Kurdistan’s independence and the galvanization of secessionist sentiments among Kurdish minorities.

This Iran News Round Up predominantly covers events from September 14-15.

Nuclear Deal Developments
September 19, 2017

U.S. House of Representatives adopts two amendments blocking facilitation of aircraft sales to Iran.

The U.S. House of Representatives adopted two amendments that would “prohibit the use of funds to authorize financial transactions for the sales [of aircraft] and prevent the Office of Foreign Assets Control from clearing licenses to allow aircraft sales.” Boeing and Airbus have signed off on multi-billion dollar deals with Iranian companies such as Iran Air, Kish Air, and Aseman Airlines since the implementation of the Joint Comprehensive Plan of Action. The JCPOA allows for the sale of commercial passenger aircraft to Iran for “exclusively civil aviation end-use.” Iran is suspected of using commercial aircraft to transport IRGC-affiliated fighters and weapons into Syria to support the Assad regime. U.S. lawmakers are concerned that permitting the sale of aircraft under the current terms of the JCPOA will facilitate the flow of foreign fighters and weapons from Iran, further exacerbating the situation in Syria.

  • Velayati: Blocking the sale of aircraft to Iran is a violation of the JCPOA. Senior Foreign Policy Advisor to the Supreme Leader Ali Akbar Velayati reacted to the House resolution and stated that “American action regarding the prohibition of aircraft sales to Iran is certainly a violation of the JCPOA.” Velayati also noted that Iran can “secure its needs without depending on the U.S.” Velayati has been a vocal critic of the JCPOA.
  • Deputy Minister of Roads and Urban Development and Head of Iran’s Civil Aviation Organization Ali Abidzadeh stated that the new House resolution “[will] not have any effect on the implementation of deals [that have already been signed with aircraft manufacturers].” (The Hill) (E) (ISNA) (Fars News Agency)


Citations & Links

Fars News Agency ISNA The Hill
September 19, 2017

Chinese bank signs off on $10 billion credit line for five Iranian banks.

China’s CITIC Trust signed an agreement to provide a $10 billion line of credit to five Iranian banks (Refah, Industry and Mine, Parsian, Pasargad, and the Export Development Bank) on September 14. Deputy Finance Minister and head of Iran’s Organization for Investment, Economic, and Technical Assistance Mohammad Khazaei said that CITIC Trust “can act as the gate [through which] Iran can enter the world.” The $10 billion credit line will be used to finance projects for energy, environmental, transportation, and water resource management. This deal comes after the Iranians signed a $10 billion deal with South Korea’s Import-Export Bank in late August. (IRNA) (Mehr News Agency)

Citations & Links

Mehr News Agency IRNA
Regional Developments and Diplomacy
September 19, 2017

Iran, Russia, and Turkey establish de-escalation zone in Syria.

Delegates from Iran, Russia, and Turkey met in Astana, Kazakhstan on September 14-15 to discuss conflict resolution in Syria. The talks concluded with a joint statement announcing the establishment of a de-escalation zone in the Idlib Governorate in northern Syria. Russia’s Special Presidential Envoy on Syria Alexander Lavrentyev stated that Iran, Russia, and Turkey will each send 500 “observers” to Idlib to prevent clashes between any regime and opposition forces. IRNA reports that continued talks on conflict resolution in Syria will take place in late October in Astana. Idlib Province is the principal stronghold of al Qaeda in Syria. (Press TV) (E) (Reuters) (E) (Twitter) (E) (Haaretz) (E)



Citations & Links

Haaretz Twitter Reuters Press TV
September 19, 2017

Iran and Turkey discuss military coordination and dangers of Kurdish referendum.

Armed Forces General Staff Chief IRGC Maj. Gen. Mohammad Bagheri and Turkish General Huluski Akar talked about the necessity of coordination in opposing the Iraqi Kurdistan referendum and stymieing the plans of Kurdish separatists that “can cause several political, social, and security problems [for neighboring countries]” during a telephone conversation on September 14. The two officials also discussed the importance of “mutual cooperation” and “promoting [better] relations” between the Turkish and Iranian militaries. Both Turkey and Iran have voiced their opposition to the Iraqi Kurdistan referendum scheduled for September 25. Bagheri traveled to Turkey to talk with Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan and Turkish military officials about the Iraqi Kurdistan referendum on August 18. (Fars News Agency) (ISNA)

Citations & Links

ISNA Fars News Agency