Key takeaway: Supreme Leader Ayatollah Ali Khamenei’s repeated rejection of presidential cabinet member candidates underlines his central role in the regime’s decision-making.

Parliament approved the appointment of Mansour Gholami as the new Science, Research, and Technology Minister and Reza Ardakanian as the new Energy Minister. The positions remained unfilled for two months after Parliament approved the rest of Rouhani’s cabinet appointments. Rouhani was required to submit his cabinet appointments for Parliament’s approval following his re-election as president in May 2017. Several reports indicate that Parliament’s approval process was delayed in part because Khamenei rejected more than ten of Rouhani’s initial picks for the two positions. The Minister of Science is tasked with appointing the heads of universities and therefore wields significant influence among key areas of Iran’s military research and development.

This Iran News Round Up predominantly covers events from October 27-30.

Nuclear Deal Developments
November 01, 2017

Bagheri: Iran will certainly exit the JCPOA if U.S. re-imposes nuclear sanctions.

Armed Forces General Staff (AFGS) Chief IRGC Maj. Gen. Mohammad Bagheri stated that Iran would withdraw from the Joint Comprehensive Plan of Action (JCPOA) if the U.S. re-imposes nuclear sanctions. U.S. Congress is currently considering whether it is in American national security interests to continue relieving nuclear sanctions lifted under the JCPOA. Bagheri also reacted to U.S. Secretary of State Rex Tillerson’s recent comments that “modern voices” should eventually retake control of the government as evidence that the U.S. is formulating strategies to overthrow the Iranian government. Bagheri also emphasized the need for coordination between Iran’s military and civilian agencies and the development of infrastructure to protect the nation. (IRIB) (Defa Press) (ILNA) (Sepah News Agency)

Citations & Links

Sepah News Agency ILNA Defa Press IRIB
November 01, 2017

Rouhani meets with Amano, and vows to continue missile production.

President Hassan Rouhani reiterated senior Iranian officials’ position that Iran will continue to produce ballistic missiles for defensive purposes. His speech comes three days after the U.S. House of Representatives passed new sanctions targeting Iran’s ballistic missile program.

  • Rouhani also stressed that Iran’s long-term desire is to cooperate with the International Atomic Energy  Agency (IAEA) during a meeting with IAEA Director General Yukiya Amano. Amano reiterated that Iran is implementing its nuclear-related commitments stipulated in the Joint Comprehensive Plan of Action (JCPOA) and called the JCPOA a “clear gain” for monitoring and verification purposes. (Reuters) (E) (IAEA) (E) ( (Press TV) (E) (Press TV) (E)

Citations & Links

Press TV Press TV IAEA Reuters
Regional Developments and Diplomacy
November 01, 2017

Iran will reopen its borders with Iraqi Kurdistan.

AFGS Chief IRGC Maj. Gen. Mohammad Bagheri announced that Iran will reopen all border crossings with Iraqi Kurdistan in the coming days. The Bashmagh border crossing (near Marivan in Iran’s Kurdistan Province) was previously reopened on October 25, while the Parviz Khan (near Qasr-e Shirin, Kermanshah Province) and Tamrchin (near Piranshahr, West Azerbaijan Province) border crossings remained closed. Iran closed its three primary border crossings with northern Iraq following the Iraqi central government’s October 15 seizure of Kirkuk from Kurdish Peshmerga forces. (Defa Press) (Reuters) (E)

Citations & Links

Reuters Defa Press
Domestic Politics
November 01, 2017

Suspension of Zoroastrian city council member stirs controversy.

The Guardian Council decided that Zoroastrian politician Sepanta Niknam should no longer occupy his position on the Yazd city Council due to his religious affiliation. The Guardian Council asserted that the presence of a Zoroastrian (a minority religion) member on the city council of a predominantly Muslim city contradicts Islamic law. Niknam was reelected to serve on Yazd’s city council in May 2017. One of his defeated opponents, Ali Asghar Bagheri, later filed a complaint with Iran’s Court of Administrative Justice. The Court temporarily suspended Niknam shortly afterwards. The Guardian Council’s panel of Islamic jurisprudents announced on October 24 that Niknam’s membership on the city council was illegal and that their decision was final. (Radio Farda) (HRW)

  • Parliamentary Speaker Ali Larijani expressed his disapproval with the Guardian Council’s decision and said that the Guardian Council’s involvement in the affair was “ill-timed.”
  • Deputy Parliament Speaker Ali Motahari criticized the Guardian Council’s decision to uphold the suspension of Niknam as a “disruption of the country’s order.”
  • Parliamentarian Ali Reza Rahimi also criticized the decision and referenced numerous precedents of minority religions’ members holding office in predominantly Muslim districts. Rahimi emphasized that the Guardian Council does not have the final say in Niknam’s case. (ILNA) (Radio Farda) (E) (ICANA)

Citations & Links

ICANA Radio Farda ILNA HRW Radio Farda
November 01, 2017

Parliament approves last two ministers for Rouhani’s second-term cabinet.

Parliament appointed Mansour Gholami as the new Science, Research, and Technology Minister and Reza Ardakanian as the new Energy Minister. Gholami received 180 votes in favor and 82 against, while Ardakanian received 225 for and only 38 against. Gholami previously served as the President of Boo Ali Sina University in Hamedan Province. Ardakanian was the Deputy Minister for Water Affairs from 2001-2005 and more recently was a Professor of Environmental Sciences at the United Nations University in Japan. (Radio Farda) (E) ( ( (UNU)

Citations & Links

UNU Radio Farda
AEI Must Reads
November 01, 2017

America needs a new strategy to deter Iran’s destabilizing behavior

Marie Donovan breaks down why a new strategy for dealing with Iran’s destabilizing behavior is necessary in “America needs a new strategy to deter Iran’s destabilizing behavior.

November 01, 2017

Confusion over the Iran deal

Fred Kagan clarifies common points of confusion regarding the Trump administration’s decision on the nuclear deal in “Confusion over the Iran deal.