Key takeaway: Damage to government-constructed buildings during the November 12 earthquake in western Iran has renewed a domestic debate regarding publicly-funded construction projects.

President Hassan Rouhani claimed that the earthquake inflicted heavier damage to government-constructed buildings in comparison to privately-constructed ones. IRGC Commander Major General Mohammad Ali Jafari contradicted Rouhani’s claim, stating that government-constructed buildings sustained the least damage. The government-initiated Mehr Housing Project erected many of the buildings destroyed in the earthquake. Many Mehr Housing structures were poorly built and constructed with insufficient regard for geological factors. Reformists will likely use the circumstances to intensify calls for greater privatization in commercial and residential construction projects.

This Iran News Round Up predominantly covers events from November 14-16.

Nuclear Deal Developments
November 16, 2017

French Foreign Ministry reiterates possibility of imposing sanctions on Iran.

French Foreign Ministry Spokeswoman Agnes Romatet-Espagne stated that France will consider all possible diplomatic options, including “uncompromising political dialogue with Iran” and UN investigations. Romatet-Espagne also reiterated that France would also consider “examining” new European sanctions against Iranian entities or individuals involved in the ballistic missile program “if necessary.” (Reuters) (E)

  • Principlist PM: Macron should not be allowed to visit Iran. Conservative parliamentarian and Islamic Revolution Stability Front member Ahmad Salek Kashani said that French President Emmanuel Macron should not be permitted to visit Iran. Salek claimed  that France meddled in Iranian domestic affairs by commenting on Iran’s ballistic missile program. Macron said that France should restrict Iran’s ballistic missile program either through negotiations or sanctions on November 9. Macron is expected to visit Iran in early 2018 although neither the French nor the Iranians have confirmed the exact date. (ILNA)

Citations & Links

ILNA Reuters
November 16, 2017

Total will review South Pars gas deal if U.S. imposes unilateral sanctions on Iran.

French oil and gas giant Total S.A. CEO Patrick Pouyanne told CNN that if the U.S. imposes sanctions on Iran, Total would review its South Pars gas field agreement with Iran. Total S.A. and Iran signed a $4.8b deal to develop Iran’s South Pars gas field in July 2017. (Reuters) (E)

Citations & Links

Domestic Politics
November 16, 2017

Government institutions continue assistance for earthquake victims.

Rouhani administration spokesperson Mohammad Bagher Nobakht announced the allocation of $187m in loan assistance and $79.7m in free aid for victims of the November 12 earthquake that struck parts of western Iran. Nobakht indicated that he expects the Central Bank and the Planning and Budget Organization to issue the payments within one week. Interior Minister Abdolreza Rahmani Fazli said that the IRGC-operated Khatam ol Anbia Construction Headquarters would coordinate with the Ministry of Roads and Urban Planning to rebuild homes in affected villages. President Hassan Rouhani said that Bonyad-e Maskan (Housing Foundation) is primarily responsible of situating permanent and temporary housing for earthquake victims. (Mehr News Agency) (Mehr News Agency) (ILNA)

  • Rouhani visits town affected by earthquake. President Rouhani traveled to the earthquake-ravaged city of Sarpol-e Zahab, Kermanshah Province to visit with the wounded and inspect ongoing relief efforts on November 14. Rouhani thanked the IRGC, Artesh, Basij, Iranian Red Crescent, and other humanitarian aid groups for their assistance with relief efforts. Rouhani remarked that the earthquake inflicted heavier damage to government-constructed buildings as compared to privately-constructed buildings. The president vowed to hold those who failed to meet building standards accountable - likely a reference to the heavily criticized Mehr Housing Project. (Reuters) (E) (Fars News Agency) (BBC) (E)
  • Jafari contradicts Rouhani’s claim. IRGC Commander Maj. Gen. Mohammad Ali Jafari visited earthquake-affected areas in Kermanshah Province. Jafari commented that the newer, government-constructed buildings in Sarpol-e Zahab, Kermanshah Province received the least damage, contradicting statements from reformists and most notably President Hassan Rouhani. Jafari announced that once debris removal operations are complete, the IRGC and Basij will quickly commence the construction of new homes. (Fars News Agency) (Sepah News Agency)

Citations & Links

Sepah News Fars News Agency BBC Fars News Agency Reuters ILNA Mehr News Agency Mehr News Agency