Key takeaway: Hardline former President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad is leveraging the recent protests in Iran to challenge the regime political establishment.

Seven of Ahmadinejad’s political associates submitted a request to the Interior Ministry on January 23 for a permit to hold protests to highlight “ongoing trends in the country and to criticize poor economic conditions.” Signatories include Ahmadinejad’s former First Vice President Esfandiar Rahim Mashaei, former Media and Press Advisor Ali Akbar Javanfekr, former Vice President Hamid Baghaei, former Chief of Staff Hassan Mousavi, and former Tehran Provincial Governor Morteza Tamaddon. The Interior Ministry does not appear to have responded to the request. Protesters must receive a permit from the Interior Ministry in order to demonstrate legally in the Islamic Republic.

Ahmadinejad has challenged Ayatollah Ali Khamenei’s authority repeatedly since his fall-out with the Supreme Leader at the end of his presidency. Tensions have sharpened between Ahmadinejad and Judiciary head Ayatollah Sadegh Amoli Larijani in recent months. The Judiciary purportedly has a pending case against Ahmadinejad himself, and sentenced Baghaei on charges of financial corruption in December 2017, likely as a warning to Ahmadinejad.

This Iran News Round Up predominantly covers events from January 22 - 24.

Nuclear Deal Developments
January 25, 2018

French foreign minister will travel to Iran to discuss JCPOA and ballistic missile program.

French Foreign Minister Jean-Yves Le Drian announced on January 21 that he will pay an official visit to Iran on March 5 to discuss the Joint Comprehensive Plan of Action (JCPOA) and Iran’s ballistic missile program. U.S. Secretary of State Rex Tillerson is expected to discuss Iran and the JCPOA, among other issues, during his European tour this week.

  • Iranian Fars News Agency tweeted that Le Drian also stated that he will address Iran’s financial support for Lebanese Hezbollah and Yemen’s al Houthi movement during his visit.  Foreign Ministry spokesperson Bahram Ghassemi stated that no agenda is set for Le Drian’s visit and the topics of discussion are not yet confirmed. Le Drian has claimed that Iran has not complied with UN Security Council (UNSC) Resolution 2231, which “calls on” Iran not to conduct activities related to ballistic missiles capable of carrying nuclear weapons. (Reuters) (E) (Reuters) (E) (Twitter) (Tasnim News Agency) (E)

Citations & Links

Tasnim News Agency Twitter Reuters Reuters
Regional Developments and Diplomacy
January 25, 2018

Foreign Ministry calls for Turkish military operation in Syria to “end immediately.”

Foreign Ministry spokesperson Bahram Ghassemi expressed hope that the ongoing Turkish military offensive in Afrin, Aleppo Governorate, Syria will “immediately come to an end” and prevent escalating tensions near the Turkish border in northwestern Syria in a statement on January 22. Ghassemi warned that the crisis may “encourage terrorist groups” in the area. Ghassemi stated that external intervention - a reference to the U.S. and its allies - helped cause the Syrian Civil War and that it is expected that regional countries will avoid further “illegal intervention.” Turkey launched an operation against U.S.-backed Kurdish People’s Protection Units (YPG) in Afrin on January 20. (IRNA) (Tasnim News Agency) (E)

Citations & Links

Tasnim News Agency IRNA
Domestic Politics
January 25, 2018

Deputy interior minister deputy presents report to Rouhani.

Deputy Interior Minister Hossein Zolfaghari discussed findings from a report the Interior Ministry provided to President Hassan Rouhani regarding the recent anti-regime protests. Zolfaghari attributed the recent wave of anti-regime protests to three things: “the continued activities of foreign enemies, namely the U.S. and the actions of its followers… a reduction in public trust in [government] organizations and institutions’ accountability for current conditions” and “the people’s dissatisfaction from unfulfilled expectations and demands stemming from political contests and elections.” Zolfaghari also noted that 84 percent of the protesters were under the age of 35. President Hassan Rouhani directed the Interior Ministry to prepare a report on the recent protests on January 11. Zolfaghari did not state whether the report addresses the number of protesters detained or killed or the status of current detainees. (Radio Farda) (YJC)

Citations & Links

YJC Radio Farda
January 25, 2018

Former Ahmadinejad officials submit request to protest.

Seven of hardline former President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad’s political associates submitted a request to the Interior Ministry on January 23 for a permit to hold protests to highlight “ongoing trends in the country and to criticize poor economic conditions.” Ahmadinejad’s former First Vice President Esfandiar Rahim Mashaei and former Media and Press Advisor Ali Akbar Javanfekr publicized the request on their Telegram accounts. Other signatories of the request include former Vice President Hamid Baghaei, former Chief of Staff Hassan Mousavi, and former Tehran Provincial Governor Morteza Tamaddon. The Interior Ministry has not yet responded to the requests. Protesters must receive a permit from the Interior Ministry in order to demonstrate legally in the Islamic Republic. (Telegram) (Radio Farda)

Citations & Links

Radio Farda Telegram