Key takeaway: Reformist Green Movement leader Mehdi Karroubi censured Supreme Leader Ayatollah Ali Khamenei and called for the setting of conditions for “structural reform” in Iran.

Green Movement leader and reformist 2009 presidential candidate Mehdi Karroubi accused Supreme Leader Khamenei of being responsible for Iran’s current political and economic situation in a public letter published on January 30. He accused Khamenei of interfering in Iran’s presidential elections by utilizing the Guardian Council to disqualify undesirable candidates from participating in presidential and parliamentary elections. Karroubi also claimed that Khamenei allowed the IRGC to interfere in the political and economic arenas. Karroubi stated that Khamenei must “provide the grounds for structural reform of the system.” Karroubi has been under house arrest since 2011 for his role in the 2009 Green Movement and is  in poor health. Karroubi’s letter will likely decrease the possibility that his conditions will improve. Supreme National Security Council (SNSC) Secretary Ali Shamkhani had suggested in December 2017 that the situation of Karroubi and fellow Green Movement leaders Mir Hossein Mousavi and Zahra Rahnavard would become better “gradually.”

Military and Security
February 01, 2018

Artesh and IRGC forces conduct joint missile exercises

Artesh Khatam ol Anbia Passive Air Defense Base and IRGC Aerospace forces conducted the joint Velayat air defense exercises in central, eastern, and northeastern Iran on January 30. The Artesh showcased the S-300, Mersad, Talash, and S-200 missile systems. The IRGC showcased their Khordad 3 and Tor M-1 missile systems in addition to other artillery and shoulder-mounted weapon systems. Iranian defense forces also utilized military logistical equipment designed to create a “protective umbrella,” including reconnaissance unmanned aerial vehicles (UAVs) and signals intelligence systems. Reports indicate that Iranian forces operated an unidentified new missile defense system allegedly bearing a heavy resemblance to the Chinese KS-1 air defense system. (Tasnim News Agency) (Telegram) (YouTube)

Citations & Links

YouTube Telegram Tasnim News Agency
Regional Developments and Diplomacy
February 01, 2018

Jaberi Ansari: Iran will leave Syria upon request

Newly-appointed Deputy Foreign Minister for Special Political Affairs Hossein Jaberi Ansari said that “Iran entered Syria at [the Syrian government’s invitation] and will leave at Damascus’s request” during the sidelines of the Syrian National Dialogue Congress in Sochi, Russia on January 30. Russia has stated the dialogue aims to advance political solutions to the Syrian Civil War, including drafting a new Syrian constitution. Ansari also met with UN Special Envoy Staffan de Mistura and Chinese Special Envoy to Syria Xie Xiaoyoun during his time in Sochi. The deputy foreign minister also met with Syrian President Bashar al Assad on January 27 during a visit to Damascus prior to his deployment to Sochi for the conference. The IRGC and Iranian-backed militias have continued their involvement in Syria despite Iranian domestic calls to “leave Syria alone” and to focus on Iranians’ livelihood during recent widespread protests. (Radio Farda) (Tasnim News Agency) (E) (Fars News Agency)  



Citations & Links

Fars News Agency Tasnim News Agency Radio Farda
Domestic Politics
February 01, 2018

Interior minister says fewer than 300 protesters are still in prison.

Interior Minister Abdolreza Rahmani Fazli reported that fewer than 300 individuals arrested during the recent nationwide anti-regime protests remain in prison. Rahmani Fazli maintained that prison authorities are treating the prisoners well. Fazli also said that nine protesters remain in custody in Tehran. Parliamentary Judicial Committee head Allahyar Malekshahi said that only four detained protesters still remain in prison on January 30 after a parliamentary delegation’s visit to Evin Prison in Tehran. Iranian officials have given varying numbers on detained protesters. The Judiciary claimed that security officials arrested 622 individuals during the first three days of the protests, whereas a reformist parliamentarian put the total number of arrests at 3,700. (IRNA) (Press TV) (E) (Radio Farda) (Alef) (Business Insider) (E)

Citations & Links

Business Insider Alef Radio Farda Press TV IRNA
February 01, 2018

Parliament approves general outline of revised budget bill

Parliament voted on January 31 to pass a general outline of the revised budget bill with 182 in favor, 73 against, and 6 abstentions. Key provisions in the proposed revised bill include rejection of a 50 percent hike in fuel prices, a 42.8 percent increase in cash subsidies, and extension of subsidies to an additional 10 -12 million people. The Rouhani administration’s proposed budget eliminated cash and non-cash subsidies for households by approximately 25 percent from last year’s final authorized budget, reportedly cutting subsidy payments for 30 million Iranians. The bill also permits the Central Bank to allocate half of the country’s foreign currency reserves to the Rouhani government if oil revenues dip below $460.1 billion for the 2018-2019 fiscal year. Parliament will discuss the details of the bill in coming weeks before a final vote and sending it to the Guardian Council for approval. (Asriran) (Radio Farda) (ICANA) (IRIB)

Citations & Links

IRIB ICANA Radio Farda Asriran
February 01, 2018

Rouhani calls on government to listen to the wishes and demands of people

President Hassan Rouhani stated that “governments need to listen well to the sound of its people’s advice, requests, demands, criticisms and complaints” during a visit to late Supreme Leader and founder of the Islamic Republic Ayatollah Ruhollah Khomeini’s Mausoleum on January 31. Rouhani made his comments in explicit reference to Mohammad Reza Shah Pahlavi’s government before the Islamic Revolution in 1979. Rouhani noted that the Shah thought that his governance was “eternal” but said that the Shah lost it all because he did not “listen to the sound of critics.” Rouhani’s comments, however, come after weeks of widespread and deadly anti-regime protests where Iranians voiced economic and political grievances. Rouhani made similar comments following the peak of the anti-regime protests on January 8 where he stated that the “people have the right to supervise and criticize [government officials’] work.” ( (

Citations & Links
February 01, 2018

Former presidential candidate attacks Supreme Leader in public letter

Green Movement leader and reformist 2009 presidential candidate Mehdi Karroubi accused Supreme Leader Ayatollah Ali Khamenei of being responsible for Iran’s current political and economic situation in a public letter published on January 30. He accused Khamenei of interfering in Iran’s presidential elections by utilizing the Guardian Council to disqualify undesirable candidates from participating in presidential and parliamentary elections. Karroubi also claimed that Khamenei allowed the IRGC to interfere in the political and economic arenas. Karroubi blamed Khamenei for developing a political system in which the IRGC has no effective oversight and infringes on basic human rights. Karroubi also accused the IRGC of widespread economic corruption and illegal business ventures. Karroubi stated that Khamenei must “provide the grounds for structural reform of the system.” (Radio Farda) (Radio Farda) (E)



Citations & Links

Radio Farda Radio Farda
AEI Must Reads
February 01, 2018

Why Did the U.S. Sanction Iran’s Sadegh Amoli Larijani?

Marie Donovan discusses the political background of Iran’s newly-sanctioned Judiciary Head Sadegh Amoli Larijani in, “Why Did the U.S. Sanction Iran’s Sadegh Amoli Larijani?

February 01, 2018

Iranian Anti-Regime Protests and Security Flaws

Mike Saidi demonstrates how the recent protests highlighted weaknesses in the readiness of Iranian security forces in a dataset using videos submitted by Iranian protesters. View the dataset here and the graphics here.

February 01, 2018

Iran’s Hardliners Can Leverage the Post-Protest Space

Marie Donovan argues that Iran’s hardliners are undermining the regime’s best chance at improving Iran’s economy in the long run in, “Iran’s Hardliners Can Leverage the Post-Protest Space.”