Yemen: Hadi government Prime Minister returns to Aden; Saudi Arabia intercepts al Houthi ballistic missile in Jizan region

Horn of Africa: U.S. airstrike targets al Shabaab VBIED in Jana Cabdalle, Lower Jubba region; al Shabaab conducts IED attack at soccer stadium in Barawe, Lower Shabelle region

Yemen Security Brief

Hadi government Prime Minister Ahmed Bin Daghir returned to Aden city from Riyadh on April 12. Saudi special forces escorted Bin Daghir as he toured local electrical plants, according to local sources. Bin Daghir traveled from Aden to Riyadh, Saudi Arabia to receive medical treatment after being under house arrest by forces aligned with the Transitional Political Council of the South (STC) in Ma’ashiq Palace for two weeks on February 16.[1]

Al Houthi forces launched a Badr 1 short-range missile targeting Jizan industrial city, Jizan region, southwestern Saudi Arabia on April 12. Royal Saudi Air Defense Forces claimed to intercept and destroy the missile.[2]

Horn of Africa Security Brief

U.S. Africa Command (AFRICOM) conducted an airstrike targeting al Shabaab militants in Jana Cabdalle, Lower Jubba region, southwestern Somalia on April 11. AFRICOM stated that the airstrike destroyed an al Shabaab vehicle-borne improvised explosive device (VBIED). Jana Cabdalle is located about 40 miles southwest of Jilib, where AFRICOM killed three al Shabaab militants and destroyed a technical on April 5. Al Shabaab has increased VBIED attacks targeting Somali and regional security forces in Mogadishu over the past few  weeks.[3]

Al Shabaab militants detonated a remote-controlled IED at a soccer stadium in Barawe city, Lower Shabelle region, southern Somalia on April 12. The attack killed at least five people and injured over a dozen others. Al Shabaab claimed through the group’s Shahada News Agency that the blast targeted Somali National Army (SNA) forces. Al Shabaab stated the blast killed three SNA soldiers and injured others. Security officials said that al Shabaab likely targeted Somali officials attending the soccer match. Al Shabaab frequently conducts assassinations and attacks targeting security forces in and around the capital. It has also banned soccer in the areas under its control.[4]


[1] “Prime Minister returns to the interim capital of Aden,” Saba New, April 12, 2018,; and “Bin Daghir returns to Aden and says that 2018 will witness the turn of the page for security and service imbalances,” Al Masdar, April 12, 2018,; and “Saudi forces secured the arrival of the legitimate government to Aden,” Aden Tomorrow, April 12, 2018,
[2] “Air Defense Forces Destroy Ballistic Missile Fired by Al-Houthi Militia towards Saudi Arabia, Coalition Command Announces,” Saudi Press Agency, April 12, 2018,; and “Ballistic missile launched on the industrial city in Jizan,” Saba, April 12, 2018,; and “Saudi soldiers kill and wounded in quality operation in Jizan, Al Masirah, April 12, 2018,
[3] “U.S. Conducts Airstrike in Support of the Federal Government of Somalia,” AFRICOM Press Releases, April 13, 2018,; and “US strikes Al-shabab in Somalia,” Radio Kulmiye, April 13, 2018,
[4] “Blast Kills 4, Injures 13 at Somalia Soccer Match,” Voice of America, April 12, 2018,; “5 Footballers And Fans Killed In Barawa Stadium Explosion,” Radio Dalsan, April 12, 2018,; and “Bomb kills up to five during football match in Somalia,” Reuters, April 13, 2018,

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