Yemen: AQAP IED targets Emirati-backed forces in Abyan governorate; AQAP criticizes conditions in al Houthi prisons; President Hadi meets with UN mission; al Houthis accuse Saudi-led coalition of killing displaced civilians

Horn of Africa: Eritrean delegation arrives in Ethiopia for talks; al Shabaab IED targets AMISOM convoy in Balad town, Middle Shabelle region

Yemen Security Brief

Al Qaeda in the Arabian Peninsula (AQAP) detonated an improvised explosive device (IED) targeting al Hizam Security Forces in Khabr al Muraqisha, Abyan governorate, southern Yemen on June 26. Al Hizam Security Forces were patrolling the area for AQAP militants before the attack.[1]  

AQAP warned it will take "practical steps" against the al Houthi movement in response to al Houthis’ mistreatment of prisoners. AQAP alluded to the death of a Yemeni reporter held in an al Houthi prison in the June 25 statement.[2]    

Yemeni president Abdu Rabbu Mansour Hadi met with UN officials to discuss ways to support the UN’s mission in Yemen on June 26. Hadi stressed the importance protecting UN activities and  personnel in Yemen. Hadi will meet with UN Special Envoy to Yemen Martin Griffiths to discuss negotiations for an al Houthi withdraw from al Hudaydah port on 27 June.[3]

A Saudi-led coalition airstrike struck a bus transporting displaced civilians escaping al Hudaydah governorate between al Jarahi and Zabid cities on June 26, according to al Houthi officials.[4]

Horn of Africa Security Brief

An Eritrean delegation arrived in Addis Ababa on June 26 to begin talks with Ethiopian Prime Minister Abiy Ahmed. Eritrean Foreign Minister Osman Saleh and Presidential Adviser Yemane Ghebreab are leading the delegation. Ahmed announced. This is the first time in twenty years that Eritrea has sent a delegation to Ethiopia.[5]

Al Shabaab detonated an IED targeting an African Union Mission in Somalia (AMISOM) convoy in Balad town, Middle Shabelle region on June 25. Al Shabaab militants killed two Burundian soldiers and injured 15 others. Al Shabaab claimed the attack.[6]

[1] “Members of Al Hizam Security Forces were wounded in a targeted attack in Khabr al Muraqisha,” Almashhd Alaraby, June 26, 2018,; and “9 al Hizam Security Forces were wounded and one of them is a general in an explosion of an improvised explosive device in Abyan,” Al Masdar online, June 26, 2018,   
[2] “AQAP threatens to take "practical steps" against Houthis in revenge for prisoner neglect,” SITE, June 25, 2018,
[3] “President Hadi receives UN's delegation,” Saba News, June 26, 2018,
[4] “Death and wounding of 20 citizens in an airstrike targeted a bus carrying displaced people in Hodeidah,” Saba News, June 26, 2018,
[5] Hamza Mohamed, “Eritrea delegation arrives in Ethiopia ahead of landmark talks,” Al Jazeera, June 26, 2018,; “The Eritrean delegation led by Foreign Minister Osman Saleh and Presidential Adviser Yemane Ghebreab have just landed at Addis Abeba Bole International airport,” Addis Standard, Twitter, June 26, 2018,; “Eritrean delegation to arrive in Addis Ababa this week,” Goobjoog, June 25, 2018,; and “Eritrean delegation to visit Addis Ababa after Ethiopian olive branch,” Horn Diplomat, June 25, 2018,
[6] “Two Burundian soldiers killed in al Shabaab explosion,” Mareeg, June 26, 2018,; and “A powerful explosion kills soldiers in Southern Somalia,” Radio Shabelle, June 26, 2018,

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