Key takeaway: A senior IRGC official threatened the closure of the Strait of Hormuz if the U.S. successfully persuades global partners to reduce Iranian oil imports.

IRGC Sarallah (Greater Tehran) Operational Base Deputy Commander Brig. Gen. Esmaeil Kowsari stated that if Iranian oil exports are blocked then Iran “will not allow the [flow] of oil to other points in the world via the Strait of Hormuz” on July 5. Kowsari’s remarks follow President Hassan Rouhani’s July 3 implicit threat to close the Strait of Hormuz if Iranian oil exports are blocked. IRGC Commander Maj. Gen. Mohammad Ali Jafari and IRGC Quds Force Maj. Gen. Qassem Soleimani also expressed their support for Rouhani’s comments.

This Iran News Round Up predominantly covers events from June 30 - July 6.

Regional Developments and Diplomacy
July 06, 2018

Belgian authorities arrest alleged terrorists plotting attack on MEK conference

Belgian authorities arrested two Belgian nationals “of Iranian origin” on July 2 on charges of plotting to conduct a terrorist attack on a June 30 Mojahedin-e Khalq (MEK) conference in Paris, France. Authorities seized over a pound of explosives and a detonation device from the couple and later arrested a third conspirator in France. German officials also arrested an Iranian diplomat in Vienna, Austria in connection to the plot. The Iranian Foreign Ministry later rejected accusations that the plot was connected to the regime. (AFP) (E) (Reuters) (E) (BBC Persian) (Twitter) (E) (IRNA)

Citations & Links

IRNA Twitter BBC Persian Reuters AFP
Domestic Politics
July 06, 2018

Parliament plans to question Karbasian

Parliamentarian Amir Khojasteh stated on July 4 that Parliament will interpellate Economic Affairs and Finance Minister Massoud Karbasian during plenary session on an unspecified date. Khojasteh added that Karbasian was unable to satisfy Parliament during a meeting with the Parliamentary Economic Committee on June 3. Parliament will likely question Karbasian during open session after July 13. Parliamentarians have increased calls for President Hassan Rouhani to “reshuffle” his presidential cabinet’s economic team following merchant-class protests after June 25. Parliament’s interpellation of Karbasian may result in his impeachment. (Fars News Agency) (Fars News Agency)

Citations & Links

Fars News Agency Fars News Agency
July 06, 2018

Khamenei calls for “national strength” against enemy attempts to divide Iran

Supreme Leader Ayatollah Ali Khamenei called for “national strength” against enemy attempts to divide the regime and the Iranian people in a speech during a graduation ceremony of IRGC Imam Hossein University Officer Academy cadets on June 30. Khamenei’s speech came one day after deadly protests in Khorramshahr, Khuzestan Province over water-related grievances on June 29. (

Citations & Links
Nuclear Deal Developments
July 06, 2018

Rouhani suggests Iran may reduce cooperation with IAEA.

President Hassan Rouhani suggested that Iran may reduce cooperation with the International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA) during a meeting with IAEA Director Yukiya Amano on July 4. Rouhani made these remarks during an official visit to Vienna, Austria where he also met with Austrian President Alexander van der Bellen and Austrian Chancellor Sebastian Kurz. ( ( (

Citations & Links
July 06, 2018

JCPOA signatories and EU convene to discuss “economic guarantees” to Iran

Foreign Minister Mohammad Javad Zarif convened with the Joint Comprehensive Plan of Action (JCPOA) Joint Commission members (the EU, the UK, France, Germany, Russia, and China) for a ministerial-level meeting in Vienna, Austria on July 6. The participants discussed “economic guarantees” that Europe can offer Iran to ensure it will continue to economically benefit from the JCPOA after the U.S. reimposes sanctions against Iran. Zarif stated that the Joint Commission should implement its “economic guarantees” before the U.S. begins to reimplement sanctions lifted under the JCPOA on August 7. President Hassan Rouhani previously expressed dissatisfaction with Europe’s “economic package” during separate phone calls with French President Emmanuel Macron and German Chancellor Angela Merkel on July 5. Rouhani stated that Europe’s current proposals do not cover all of Iran’s demands. Rouhani called on Europe to propose a clear and timely plan to compensate Iran for the economic consequences of the forthcoming reimposition of U.S. sanctions against Iran. ( (E) (Reuters) (E) ( (

Citations & Links Reuters
Military and Security
July 06, 2018

Senior Pakistani and Iranian military officials meet in Tehran

Pakistani Chief of the General Staff Lt. Gen. Bilal Akbar discussed counterrorism efforts and defense cooperation with senior Artesh and IRGC officials during an official visit to Tehran from June 29 - 30. Akbar met with Artesh Commander Maj. Gen. Abdol Rahim Mousavi, IRGC Deputy Commander Brig. Gen. Hossein Salami, and IRGC Ground Forces Commander Brig. Gen. Mohammad Pakpour. Akbar likely visited Tehran to discuss Pakistan’s counterinsurgency efforts against militant groups around the Iran-Pakistan border region. Akbar’s visit to Tehran follows three deadly clashes in the southeastern province of Sistan and Baluchistan since June 20. (Defa Press) (Fars News Agency) (Mehr News Agency)

Citations & Links

Mehr News Agency Fars News Agency Defa Press
July 06, 2018

IRGC supports closure of Strait of Hormuz in response to potential reduction of Iranian oil imports

IRGC Commander Maj. Gen. Mohammad Ali Jafari, IRGC Quds Force Commander Maj. Gen. Qassem Soleimani, and IRGC Sarallah (Greater Tehran) Operational Base Deputy Commander Brig. Gen. Esmaeil Kowsari all individually expressed support for closing the Strait of Hormuz and preventing the flow of oil through the strait on July 5 if the U.S. persuades global partners to reduce Iranian oil imports. The IRGC officials’ remarks were in response to President Hassan Rouhani's warning that the region will not export its oil if Iran also cannot on July 3 during his official visit to Switzerland. Jafari stated that Iran can show its enemies what it means for no one to use the Strait of Hormuz, suggesting that Iran is prepared to close the Strait of Hormuz if it is unable to export its oil. (Tasnim News Agency) (YJC) (Defa Press)

Citations & Links

Defa Press YJC Tasnim News Agency
AEI Must Reads
July 06, 2018

Iran’s Hardliners Will Be the First Winners of the Protest Movement.

Nicholas Carl explains the implications of the expansion of Iran’s protest scene to include urban merchants in “Iran’s Hardliners Will Be the First Winners of the Protest Movement.”

July 06, 2018

Iranian Protests Turn Deadly Again

Mike Saidi discusses the recent deadly protests in Khorramshahr in “Iranian Protests Turn Deadly Again.”