Key takeaway: Supreme Leader Ayatollah Ali Khamenei is likely pressuring President Hassan Rouhani to force the resignation of members of his presidential cabinet.

Khamenei met with Rouhani and members of his cabinet during a closed-door meeting on July 15 amid mounting pressure from Parliament to make changes to Rouhani’s “economic team.” Khamenei acknowledged the legitimacy of recent public criticisms of government officials during the meeting and stressed the importance of the public perceiving the government as “capable and efficient.” Presidential Chief of Staff Mahmoud Vaezi later confirmed that Rouhani will make “some changes” to his cabinet at an “appropriate time.” Rouhani noted in a spirited speech on June 27 that those “who think that the government is scared, will resign, or will give up… are wrong!” 

This Iran News Round Up predominantly covers events from July 14 -19. 

Regional Developments and Diplomacy
July 17, 2018

Belgian authorities arrest alleged terrorists plotting attack on MEK conference

Belgian authorities arrested two Belgian nationals “of Iranian origin” on July 2 on charges of plotting to conduct a terrorist attack on a June 30 Mojahedin-e Khalq (MEK) conference in Paris, France. Authorities seized over a pound of explosives and a detonation device from the couple and later arrested a third conspirator in France. German officials also arrested an Iranian diplomat in Vienna, Austria in connection to the plot. The Iranian Foreign Ministry later rejected accusations that the plot was connected to the regime. (AFP) (E) (Reuters) (E) (BBC Persian) (Twitter) (E) (IRNA)

Citations & Links

IRNA Twitter BBC Reuters AFP Reuters
July 17, 2018

Lavrentiev travels to Tehran to discuss Putin-Trump meeting and Syria

Russian Special Presidential Envoy to Syria Alexander Lavrentiev met with Supreme National Security Council (SNSC) Deputy Secretary for Foreign Policy and International Security Saeed Iravani during an official visit to Tehran on July 19. The two discussed U.S. President Donald Trump’s July 16 meeting with Russian President Vladimir Putin in Helsinki, Finland, conflict resolution in Syria, and the Joint Comprehensive Plan of Action (JCPOA). Lavrentiev’s meeting follows Senior Foreign Policy Advisor to the Supreme Leader Ali Akbar Velayati’s meeting with Putin in Moscow, Russia on July 12. (Alef)

Citations & Links

July 17, 2018

U.S. rejects European requests for OFAC licenses on forthcoming U.S. sanctions against Iran

Unidentified U.S. and western officials claimed that the U.S. rejected the UK, France, and Germany’s request for a U.S. Treasury Department Office of Foreign Assets Control (OFAC) license to exempt European companies from the forthcoming reimposition of U.S. sanctions against Iran. U.S. Secretary of State Mike Pompeo and Treasury Secretary Steven Mnuchin stated that they will consider granting OFAC licenses for U.S. sanctions against Iran only on national security and humanitarian grounds. French Finance Minister Bruno Le Maire confirmed that the U.S. rejected France’s request on July 13. (NBC News) (E)

Citations & Links

NBC News
Domestic Politics
July 17, 2018

Parliament plans to question Karbasian

Parliamentarian Amir Khojasteh stated on July 4 that Parliament will interpellate Economic Affairs and Finance Minister Massoud Karbasian during a plenary session on an unspecified date in the future. Khojasteh added that Karbasian was unable to satisfy Parliament during a joint meeting with the Parliamentary Economic Committee on June 3. Parliament will likely question Karbassian during open session after July 13. Parliamentarians have increased calls for President Hassan Rouhani to “reshuffle” his presidential cabinet’s economic team following merchant-class protests after June 25. Parliament’s interpellation of Karbasian may result in his impeachment. (Fars News Agency) (Fars News Agency )

Citations & Links

Fars News Agency Fars News Agency
July 17, 2018

Vaezi confirms Rouhani will make changes to presidential cabinet

Presidential Chief of Staff Mahmoud Vaezi stated on July 18 that President Hassan Rouhani is currently “reviewing and looking into different names” and will make “some changes” to his cabinet at an “appropriate time.” Hardliner parliamentarians and clerics are pushing for change within the Rouhani administration in order to placate public discontent over Iran’s deteriorating economic condition following merchant-class protests in Tehran in late June 2018. Reformist newspaper Etemaad reported on June 28 that Rouhani is considering former Economic Affairs and Finance Minister Ali Tayyeb Nia to replace Valiollah Seif as the Central Bank of Iran (CBI) head. (IRIB News)

Citations & Links

July 17, 2018

Khamenei meets with Rouhani and cabinet members

Supreme Leader Ayatollah Ali Khamenei met with President Hassan Rouhani and members of Rouhani’s cabinet on July 15. Khamenei noted during the meeting that people need to see the government as “capable and efficient” in order for government officials to receive people’s praise and admiration and for people to oversee their failures and mishaps. Khamenei also acknowledged the legitimacy of recent criticisms of government officials and called on government officials to establish closer and stronger relationships with “people, workers, and manufacturers.” Khamenei’s meeting follows increased calls for a change in Rouhani’s “economic team,” including Finance and Economic Affairs Minister Massoud Karbasian and Central Bank Governor Valiollah Seif. Both Seif and Karbasian were present for the closed-door meeting with Khamenei. ( ( (

Citations & Links
Military and Security
July 17, 2018

Defense Ministry announces plans to upscale tank production and upgrades

Deputy Defense Minister for Industry Reza Mozaffari Nia announced that the Defense Ministry plans to “upgrade and produce 700 to 800 tanks” on July 16. Mozaffari Nia also stated that the Defense Ministry will produce 50 to 60 tanks annually for the Artesh and the IRGC. Mozaffari Nia added that the Defense Ministry-owned Bani Hashem Industrial Complex in Doroud, Lorestan Province will complete a large part of this effort. Defense Minister Artesh Brig. Gen. Amir Hatami visited the industrial complex on July 18. (Tasnim News Agency) (Defa Press)

Citations & Links

Defa Press Tasnim News Agency
July 17, 2018

Two Basij members killed after border clash near Pakistan border

Unidentified militants killed two Basij Organization members in a clash in the Korin District, Zahedan, Sistan and Baluchistan Province in southeastern Iran on July 19. IRGC Ground Forces 110th Salman Farsi Brigade Public Relations Department announced that Basij fighters Alireza Shahbakhsh and Parviz Shahbakhsh died during the engagement. The July 19 incident is the fifth border clash since June 20, 2018. (Telegram) (ISNA)

Citations & Links

ISNA Telegram
July 17, 2018

Bagheri travels to Islamabad to discuss security and defense ties

Armed Forces General Staff (AFGS) Chief IRGC Maj. Gen. Mohammad Bagheri headed a senior delegation to Islamabad, Pakistan for a three-day visit to discuss counterterrorism, border security, and defense cooperation on July 16. Bagheri met with senior Pakistani political and military officials including Pakistani President Mamnoon Hussain and Chief of Army Staff (COAS) Gen. Qamar Javed Bajwa. Bagheri announced that Iran and Pakistan intend to manufacture “joint defense products” to which both countries will have access. Bagheri’s visit may have been a follow-on coordination visit after Pakistani Chief of the General Staff Lt. Gen. Bilal Akbar’s official visit to Tehran from June 29-30. The bilateral security meetings between Iran and Pakistan follow an increase in border clashes between Iranian security forces and unidentified militants. Anti-regime organizations such as Ansar al Furqan, Jundullah, and the Army of Justice have claimed responsibility for attacks on Iranian forces in the past. (Sepah News) (IRNA) (Defa Press) (Defa Press)


Citations & Links

Defa Press Defa Press IRNA Sepah News