Yemen: Hadi government-aligned forces seize rockets intended for al Houthi movement in Shabwah governorate; Saudi-led coalition conducts airstrikes in central and northern Yemen

Horn of Africa: Al Shabaab reports recapture of Middle Shabelle towns after Somali forces withdraw; Somali forces arrest al Shabaab commander in Lower Shabelle raid; Kenyan government plans to close Dadaab refugee camp; AMISOM police begin training mission in Lower Jubba region; AMISOM hosts intelligence-sharing conference in Mogadishu

Yemen Security Brief

Forces aligned with the government of President Abdu Rabbu Mansour Hadi seized a shipment of Katyusha rockets at Bayhan checkpoint in western Shabwah governorate in eastern Yemen on March 27.  The shipment was intended for the al Houthi movement in neighboring al Bayda governorate, according to the Yemeni National Army website.[1]

The Saudi-led coalition conducted two airstrikes in Qa’atabah district in Dhaleh governorate in central Yemen, targeting the Bayt al Shami village. The coalition also conducted two airstrikes in al Mahadhir area in Sahar district in Sa’ada governorate in northern Yemen, according to an al Houthi source.[2]

Horn of Africa Security Brief

Al Shabaab’s Shahada News Agency published a special report claiming that the group recaptured several villages near Bal’ad city in Middle Shabelle region, north of Mogadishu, after Somali National Army (SNA) forces withdrew. SNA forces have withdrawn from positions surrounding Mogadishu amid a dispute over salary payments with the Somali Federal Government.[3]

Somali security forces arrested an al Shabaab commander in a raid in Lower Shabelle region, south of Somalia’s capital Mogadishu, on March 26.[4]

The Kenyan government plans to close the Dadaab refugee camp, the world’s largest, in the coming months, according to an internal UN High Commission for Refugees document dated February 28, 2019.[5]

African Union Mission in Somalia (AMISOM) police began a capacity-building training program with local police in Dhobley in Lower Jubba region in southern Somalia on March 26.[6]

Military intelligence officials from AMISOM, Somali federal security forces, and other groups attended a conference on intelligence and information sharing in Mogadishu on March 25-26. AMISOM and the United Kingdom Mission Support team organized the conference.[7]

Visit our Kenya, Somalia, and Yemen story streams.

[1] “Shibwa: The seizure of Katyusha rockets was on its way to the militia,” September Net, March 27, 2019,

[2] “Two air raids on the air force at Qa’atabah in Dhaleh,” Saba Yemen, March 27, 2019,; “Air force launches two raids on the directorate of Sohar in Saada,” 26 Sep Net, March 27, 2019,

[3] “Shabaab claims seizing control over additional towns following SNA withdrawal, reports residents celebrating fighters’ arrival,” SITE Intelligence Group, March 26, 2019, English translation available by subscription at

[4] “Somali forces arrest Al-Shabaab operative in Lower Shabelle,” Hiiraan, March 27, 2019,

[5] “Kenya plans to close world’s biggest refugee camp Dadaab,” AFP, March 26, 2019,

[6] “AMSIOM Police expands its presence to Dhobley in Somalia’s Lower Jubba region,” AMISOM, March 26, 2019,

[7] “Somalia’s security actors conclude two-day intelligence and information sharing meeting,” AMISOM, March 26, 2019,

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