Yemen: Saudi-led coalition conducts airstrikes in Dhaleh governorate; Saudi-led coalition claims al Houthis attempt ballistic missile launch at Saudi Arabia

Horn of Africa: Al Shabaab attacks SNA and AMISOM bases in Lower Shabelle region

Yemen Security Brief

The Saudi-led coalition conducted airstrikes in al Houthi-controlled parts of Dhaleh governorate in central Yemen on September 24. Al Houthi media claimed that the strikes killed 16 civilians, including seven children. The coalition did not comment on the strikes.[1]

 The Saudi-led coalition claimed that the al Houthi movement fired a ballistic missile toward Saudi Arabia from Amran governorate in northern Yemen on September 24. The missile fell within al Houthi territory in Yemen, according to the coalition. The al Houthi movement has not commented on the incident. The al Houthi movement offered the Saudi-led coalition a ceasefire on September 20, but neither side has publicly agreed to one.[2]

Horn of Africa Security Brief

Al Shabaab militants attacked bases manned by Somali National Army (SNA) troops and Ugandan forces serving under the African Union Mission in Somalia (AMISOM) in Qoryoley town in Lower Shabelle region in southern Somalia on September 24. SNA and AMISOM troops repulsed the attack.[3]

[1] “Air Strikes in Yemen Hit Houthi Territory, Houthis Fire Ballistic Missile,” Reuters, September 24, 2019

[2] “Air Strikes in Yemen Hit Houthi Territory, Houthis Fire Ballistic Missile,” Reuters, September 24, 2019

[3] Abdirisak Tuuryare, “Somali, AU Troops Fight With Al Shabaab”, Mareeg, September 24, 2019,

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