Yemen: Saudi Arabia reported to form joint committee with al Houthis to discuss ceasefire; al Houthi court tries President Hadi in absentia; al Houthi forces and Hadi government-aligned forces clash in Sa’ada

Horn of Africa: Kenyan security forces raid al Shabaab safe house in Mombasa; protests erupt in Ethiopia’s Oromia region

Yemen Security Brief

Saudi Arabia has formed a joint committee with the al Houthi movement to discuss de-escalation and a cease-fire in Yemen, according to al Jazeera. Saudi Deputy Defense Minister Khalid bin Salman met with al Houthi Chairman of the Supreme Political Council Mahdi al Mashat in September to discuss forming the committee, according to these reports.[1]

The al Houthi Central Military Court in the al Houthi-controlled Yemeni capital, Sana’a, began a public trial of President Abdu Rabbu Mansour Hadi and his Vice President, Ali Mohsen al Ahmar, on October 22. The al Houthi movement is trying the two men in absentia on charges of facilitating foreign forces’ entrance into Yemen. President Hadi’s government has rejected the court’s authority.[2]

Al Houthi forces and Hadi government-aligned forces clashed on October 23 in Sa’ada governorate in northern Yemen. Anti-al Houthi media reported that an al Houthi leader, Hamza al Shabani, died in the clashes.[3]

Horn of Africa Security Brief

Kenyan security forces raided an al Shabaab safe house in Mombasa port city in southeastern Kenya on October 23. Security forces killed one militant and detained two others. The suspects were reportedly planning attacks on government buildings in Kenya’s capital, Nairobi. Kenyan police separately released a list of the 10 most wanted al Shabaab terrorists in Kenya on October 22. Most of the terrorists are believed to operate in the greater Mombasa area.[4]

Protests broke out in Oromia region in south-central Ethiopia on October 23 after police surrounded the home of Jawar Mohamed, a prominent activist and media personality from the Oromo ethnic group. Gunfire was reported at the protests in Adama city, which is located approximately 55 miles southeast of the Ethiopian capital, Addis Ababa.[5]

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[1] “Negotiations between Saudi Arabia and the Houthis to discuss a military truce,” al Jazeera, October 22, 2019,

[2] “The first hearing for Abdu Rabbu Mansour Hadi’s trial,” al Alam, October 23, 2019

[3] “Dozens of Houthis killed along with leader in clashes with Yemeni Army,” al Watan, October 23, 2019

[4] Tuuryare, Abdirisak, “Kenya Says Major Al Shabaab Attacks Foiled,” Mareeg, October 23, 2019,; Okubasu, Derrick, “Police Exposes 10 City Terrorists Giving Them Sleepless Nights,” Kenyans, October 23, 2019,

[5] “Ethiopian residents in city of Adama report sounds of gunshots following protests,” Reuters, October 23, 2019,; “Analysis: Protests, Security Standoff Across Oromia, in Addis Abeba, What Happened,” Addis Standard, October 23, 2019,

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