Yemen: Hadramawt governorate reportedly sends delegation to Saudi Arabia to discuss Riyadh Agreement; al Houthis allegedly send reinforcements to Qaniya front; Yemeni Coast Guard seizes boat transporting ammunition to al Houthis in Red Sea

Horn of Africa: Al Shabaab claims attacking Kenyan military bases and militia forces in southern Somalia; al Shabaab claims destroying a Ugandan AMISOM vehicle in southern Somalia; South African military contractors extend contract in northern Mozambique

Yemen Security Brief:

A delegation from southern Yemen’s Hadramawt governorate reportedly arrived in the Saudi capital, Riyadh, on July 16 to discuss the November 2019 Riyadh Agreement alongside the Transitional Political Council of the South (STC) and the internationally recognized Yemeni government of Abdu Rabbu Mansour Hadi. Hadi-aligned forces reportedly attacked STC-aligned forces in Zinjibar district in southern Yemen’s Abyan governorate on July 16. The STC and Hadi’s government began peace talks in Riyadh in early July, according to local media.[1]

The al Houthi movement reportedly sent reinforcements from Dhamar governorate to Qaniya front in central Yemen’s al Bayda governorate on July 16. Hadi government forces claimed regaining al Houthi–held territory in Qaniya front on July 13.[2]

The Yemeni Coast Guard claimed seizing a boat transporting ammunition to the al Houthi movement in the Red Sea on July 16. Hadi government forces claimed confiscating an Iranian-weapon shipment intended for the al Houthi movement off Yemen’s coast in the Arabian Sea in mid-June.[3]

Horn of Africa Security Brief:

Al Shabaab claimed attacking multiple Kenyan military bases near Kismayo city in southern Somalia’s Lower Jubba region on July 15. Al Shabaab also claimed an improvised explosive device (IED) attack on Somali militia forces near Kismayo city on the same day. Al Shabaab previously claimed attacking Kenyan military bases in Lower Jubba region on July 9.[4]

Al Shabaab claimed an IED attack on Ugandan African Union Mission to Somalia (AMISOM) forces near Qoryoley town in southern Somalia’s Lower Shabelle region on July 15. Al Shabaab reportedly destroyed one Ugandan AMISOM vehicle, killing several soldiers. An al Shabaab IED attack destroyed a US-Somali special forces vehicle near Awdheegle district in Lower Shabelle on July 11.[5]

The South African private military contracting company, Dyck Advisory Group (DAG), extended its security contract in northern Mozambique through at least December. DAG has been supporting Mozambican armed forces in countering Islamic State-linked insurgent groups in Cabo Delgado province.[6]

[1] “Observers described his entry into the Riyadh consultations as a blow to the southern transitional ... Hadramout delegation arrives in Saudi Arabia,” Al Mashhad al Yemeni, July 17, 2020,; and Matthew Eady and Zachary Jaynes, “Gulf of Aden Security Review – July 6, 2020,” Critical Threats Project at the American Enterprise Institute, July 6, 2020,

[2] “Coming from Dhamar and Ra`a, major military reinforcements of the Houthi militia reach Qaniyah,” Al Mashhad al Yemeni, July 17, 2020,; Matthew Eady and Zachary Jaynes, “Gulf of Aden Security Review – July 15, 2020,” Critical Threats Project at the American Enterprise Institute, July 15, 2020,; “The Muslim Brotherhood violates the truce of Abyan and bombards the southern forces with missiles,” News Yemen, July 17, 2020,; and Matthew Eady and Zachary Jaynes, “Gulf of Aden Security Review – July 15, 2020,” Critical Threats Project at the American Enterprise Institute, July 15, 2020,

[3] “Seized an ammunition shipment on the way to Houthi in the Red Sea,” Adnlng, July 17, 2020,; and  “Video .. Watch the seizure of an Iranian arms shipment was on its way to the Houthi militia,” Yemen Akhbar, June 17, 2020,

[4] “In week of major operations, Shabaab additionally claims 20 casualties in SNA ranks in bomb blast on convoy in Lower Juba,” SITE Intelligence Group, July 16, 2020, available by subscription at; and “Shabaab claims bombing on Somali police behind Qatari embassy, seizing control over Kenyan base in Garissa,” SITE Intelligence Group, July 9, 2020, available by subscription at

[5] “In week of major operations, Shabaab additionally claims 20 casualties in SNA ranks in bomb blast on convoy in Lower Juba,” SITE Intelligence Group, July 16, 2020, available by subscription at; and Matthew Eady and Zachary Jaynes, “Gulf of Aden Security Review – July 13, 2020,” Critical Threats Project at the American Enterprise Institute, July 13, 2020,

[6] “Private military contractor in Mozambique set for longer stay,” Defence Web, July 17, 2020,; and “Private military contractors appear to be active in Mozambique,” Defence Web, April 15, 2020,

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