Yemen: Saudi-led coalition intercepts al Houthi explosive UAVs and ballistic missile launched toward southwestern Saudi Arabia; Hadi government–aligned forces claim retaking al Houthi-held territory in Sa’ada governorate; Hadi government–aligned forces claim killing several al Houthi militants in al Bayda governorate; al Houthis reportedly kidnap civilians in al Bayda governorate

Horn of Africa: Al Shabaab publicly executes four alleged spies; al Shabaab claims attack on AMISOM base in Lower Shabelle; suspected al Shabaab militants target senior government official’s vehicle with landmine

Yemen Security Brief:

Saudi-led coalition forces intercepted al Houthi attacks targeting Saudi Arabia on August 22 and 23. Al Houthi militants launched a ballistic missile and explosive unmanned aerial vehicle (UAV) toward southwestern Saudi Arabia’s Jizan city on August 22. Al Houthi militants launched another explosive UAV toward the kingdom on August 23. Saudi-led coalition forces claimed intercepting an al Houthi explosive UAV launched from the Yemeni capital, Sana’a, toward the kingdom’s southwestern Najran city on August 20.[1]

Forces aligned with the internationally recognized Yemeni government of Abdu Rabbu Mansour claimed retaking al Houthi-held territory in Baqim district in northern Yemen’s Sa’ada governorate on August 21. Hadi government–aligned forces claimed retaking several areas from al Houthi militants in Baqim district in late March.[2]

Hadi government–aligned forces claimed killing 25 al Houthi militants on Qaniya front in central Yemen’s al Bayda governorate on August 24. Hadi government–aligned forces clashed with al Houthi militants on Qaniya front in mid-August.[3]

Al Houthi militants reportedly kidnapped 13 civilians from a village in al Bayda governorate’s Quraishi district on August 23. Al Houthi militants claimed clearing al Qaeda in the Arabian Peninsula militants from Qayfa area in Quraishi district in mid-August.[4]

Horn of Africa Security Brief:

Al Shabaab publicly executed four men in El Adde in southwestern Somalia’s Gedo region on August 23. Al Shabaab accused the members of spying for the Somali, US, and Ethiopian governments. Al Shabaab publicly executed a man in central Somalia in May for allegedly spying for the US Central Intelligence Agency.[5]

Al Shabaab fighters attacked an Africa Union Mission to Somalia base in southern Somalia’s Lower Shabelle region. The Somali National Army (SNA) claimed killing an al Shabaab regional commander in Lower Shabelle region in mid-August.[6]

Suspected al Shabaab militants targeted a Somali military officer and his troops with a landmine in Baidoa in south-central Somalia’s Bay region. The attack wounded the officer and caused several other casualties. Al Shabaab militants conducted a suicide vest attack targeting the SNA in Bay region on August 17.[7]

[1] “Saudi-led coalition downs drone, ballistic missile launched by Yemen’s Houthis,” Reuters, August 22, 2020,; “Arab coalition intercept Saudi-bound Houthi drones, ballistic missile,” Emirates News Agency, August 23, 2020,; and Matthew Eady and Jessica Kocan, “Gulf of Aden Security Review – August 21, 2020,” Critical Threats Project at the American Enterprise Institute, August 21, 2020,

[2] “Yemeni Army takes positions from grip of the Houthi militia in its stronghold Sa’ada,” Saudi Press Agency, August 22, 2020,; and Pamela Makadsi and Samuel Bloebaum, “Gulf of Aden Security Review – April 1, 2020,” Critical Threats Project at the American Enterprise Institute, April 1, 2020,

[3] “Twenty-five Houthis killed in battles with Yemeni Army in al Bayda,” 7adrmout, August 24, 2020,; and Matthew Eady and Samuel Bloebaum, “Gulf of Aden Security Review – August 12, 2020,” Critical Threats Project at the American Enterprise Institute, August 12, 2020,

[4] “Al Houthi militia kidnaps 13 civilians in al Quraishi district, al Bayda governorate,” Saudi Press Agency, August 23, 2020,; and Matthew Eady and Jessica Kocan, “Gulf of Aden Security Review – August 21, 2020,” Critical Threats Project at the American Enterprise Institute, August 21, 2020,

[5] “Al Shabaab publicly executes 4 in Somalia for alleged spying,” Radio Shabelle, August 23, 2020,; “Somali militants execute four men accused of spying,” Mareeg, August 23, 2020,; and Muhammad Ramadhito and Kalissa Azooz, “Gulf of Aden Security Review – May 5, 2020,” Critical Threats Project at the American Enterprise Institute, May 5, 2020,

[6] “AMISOM base in Area 60 Attacked,” Somali Memo, August 24, 2020,; and Matthew Eady and Samuel Bloebaum, “Gulf of Aden Security Review – August 17, 2020,” Critical Threats Project at the American Enterprise Institute, August 17, 2020,

[7] “Officer wounded in Baidoa and explosions in Dar Es Salam Lower Shabelle,” August 24, 2020,; and Matthew Eady and Jessica Kocan, “Gulf of Aden Security Review – August 19, 2020,” Critical Threats Project at the American Enterprise Institute, August 19, 2020,


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