Yemen: Lebanese government investigates Houthi TV channels; US, UAE announce new sanctions on Houthi movement; AQAP kidnaps UN employee; Houthis claim to shoot down two drones

Somalia: Al Shabaab ambush in southeastern Kenya kills 10 KDF soldiers; al Shabaab IED kills three Ethiopian soldiers in southwestern Somalia; al Shabaab IED kills two Burundian soldiers in southern Somalia; al Shabaab IED kills two soldiers near Mogadishu; Somali officials blame al Shabaab attacks and other hurdles for another election deadline delay


Yemen Security Brief

Lebanon’s interior ministry directed police and security services to investigate two Houthi movement-affiliated TV channels broadcasting from Lebanon on February 23.[i] The ministry accused Al Masirah TV and Al Sahat TV of broadcasting illegally from Lebanon.

The United States and the UAE separately announced new sanctions targeting the Houthi movement’s financial network on February 23.[ii]

Likely al Qaeda in the Arabian Peninsula (AQAP) militants kidnapped a UN employee in Lahij governorate, southwestern Yemen, on February 23.[iii] The militants kidnapped the UN employee, a British national, while working in a refugee camp in Lahij governorate AQAP previously kidnapped five UN employees in neighboring Abyan governorate on February 12.[iv]

The Houthis claimed to shoot down two drones on February 25. Houthi movement spokesperson Yahya Sarea said the Houthis shot down an MQ-1 “Predator” drone operated by the Emirati air force over al Jawf governorate, northern Yemen, and a ScanEagle surveillance drone operated by the Saudi army over Ma’rib governorate, central Yemen.[v]

Somalia Security Brief

Al Shabaab militants ambushed a Kenyan Defense Forces convoy near Kiunga, Lamu County, southeastern Kenya, on February 23.[vi] Al Shabaab claimed the attack killed 10 soldiers.

Al Shabaab detonated an improvised explosive device (IED) targeting Ethiopian African Union Mission in Somalia (AMISOM) forces in Wajid district, Bakool region, southwestern Somalia, on February 23.[vii] Al Shabaab claimed the IED killed at least 3 soldiers.

Al Shabaab detonated an IED targeting Burundian AMISOM forces IVO HaanSheikh village, Balad district, Middle Shabelle, southern Somalia, on February 24.[viii] Al Shabaab claimed the IED killed two soldiers.

Al Shabaab detonated an IED targeting Somali National Army soldiers IVO Taredisho, Mogadishu outskirts, southern Somalia, on February 24.[ix] The IED killed two soldiers riding a motorcycle.

The National Consultative Council extended the Somali elections deadline from February 25 to March 15.[x] Somali leaders blamed the delay on an increase in al Shabaab attacks, drought, and financial challenges.

[i] Asharq Al-Awsat, “The Lebanese interior ministry requests the prosecution of two Houthi channels in Beirut,” February 23, 2022,

[ii] US Department of State, “United States Designates Houthi Finance Network in Coordination with Gulf Partners,” February 23, 2022,; US Department of the Treasury, “Treasury Targets Key Houthi Finance Network in Coordination with Regional Gulf Partners,” February 23, 2022,; and Emirati News Agency (WAM), “The UAE includes an individual and five entities in the approved local list of persons, entities, and organizations that support terrorism,” February 23, 2022,

[iii] Akhbar Yemen, “Kidnapping of a UN employee in Lahij governorate,” February 23, 2022,

[iv] Liam Karr and Brian Carter, “Gulf of Aden Security Review – February 14, 2022,” Critical Threats Project at the American Enterprise Institute, February 14, 2022,

[v] @Yahya_Saree, Twitter, February 25, 2022,; @Yahya_Saree, Twitter, February 25, 2022,

[vi] SomaliMemo, “More than 10 Kenyan soldiers killed in Lamu County,” February 23, 2022,

[vii] Goobjoog, “Roadside bomb kills at least 3 Ethiopian soldiers in Bakol region,” February 23, 2022,”

[viii] SomaliMemo, “Explosions and assassinations take place on the outskirts of Mogadishu,” February 24, 2022,

[ix] Ibid.

[x] Somali Dispatch, “The NCC sets new parliamentary election deadline,” February 25, 2022,

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