Yemen: Pro-STC protests escalate tensions in Hadramawt; STC forces raids the GPC’s headquarters in Aden; Saudi-led coalition conducts airstrikes in northern Yemen

Somalia: The US FAA issues warning for airlines in Kenyan airspace; Al Shabaab raids SNA base in southern Somalia; Al Shabaab ambushes Jubbalanad state security forces in southern Somalia; SNA clears villages in southern Somalia

Yemen Security Brief

The Southern Transitional Council (STC) held a protest in Seiyun district, Hadramawt governorate, eastern Yemen, on March 1.[i] The protesters demanded the removal of Yemeni Army troops from Hadramawt governorate. Troops of the Yemeni Army’s First Military District blocked roads in Terim and Seiyun districts, Hadramawt governorate, in anticipation of pro-STC demonstrations.[ii]

STC-affiliated fighters raided the headquarters of the General People’s Congress party (GPC) in Aden, southern Yemen, on March 1.[iii]

The Saudi-led coalition conducted airstrikes targeting Houthi positions in eastern Hayran district, Hajjah governorate, northwestern Yemen, on March 2.[iv] The strikes killed “dozens” of Houthi fighters and destroyed an unspecified number of Houthi supply caches.

Somalia Security Brief

The US Federal Aviation Authority (FAA) warned civilian airliners to “exercise caution” in Kenyan airspace due to possible extremist and militant attacks on March 26.[v] The FAA said al Shabaab possesses weapons capable of hitting aircraft at low altitudes such as mortars, rockets, and man-portable air defense systems.

Al Shabaab raided a Somali National Army (SNA) base in Hudur, Bakool region, southern Somalia, on March 1.[vi] The SNA forces repelled the attack and reportedly killed five al Shabaab militants.

Al Shabaab ambushed Jubbaland security forces in the outskirts of Kismayo, Lower Juba region, southern Somalia, on March 1.[vii] Al Shabaab claimed they killed 12 soldiers and injured at least 17 soldiers.

Somali National Army (SNA) cleared several al Shabaab-controlled villages in Kismayo district, Lower Juba region, southern Somalia, on March 1.[viii] SNA forces cleared Yoontoy, Raynerow, and Far bulay. The SNA reportedly killed ten al Shabaab militants.

[i] SMA News, “Demanding the implementation of the terms of the Riyadh Agreement... the Seiyun Transitional Council organizes a protest to demand the departure of the first military region of Hadhramaut,” March 1, 2022,

[ii] Al Khabar Al Yemeni, “The First Military is blocking roads and spreading in Seiyun for fear of demonstrations called for by the STC,” March 1, 2022,

[iii] Mareb Press, “STC militia storms the conference headquarters in Aden, and the party holds the governor responsible for it,” March 2, 2022,

[iv] Khabar Agency, “Coalition warplanes target Houthi supply centers and gatherings north of Hajjah,” March 3, 2022,

[v] US Federal Aviation Authority, “KICZ A0008/22 United States of America advisory for Kenya,” February 26, 2022,

[vi] SNTV, Twitter, March 1, 2022,

[vii] Radio al Furqaan, “Jubbaland troops killed in outskirts of Kismayo,” March 1, 2022,

[viii] SONNA, Twitter, March 1, 2022,

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