Yemen: Houthis announce terms for peace talks; AQAP mourns high-ranking commander

Somalia: Puntland security forces clear al Shabaab from village; Danab forces ambush al Shabaab militants in southern Somalia; al Shabaab IED targets SNA patrol in southern Somalia; US State Department imposes additional visa restrictions on Somali leaders

 Yemen Security Brief:

The Houthi movement said it would participate in peace consultations with the Saudi-led coalition if talks occur in a neutral country on March 16.[i] The Houthis added that peace talks should focus on lifting import and export restrictions on Yemeni ports and the Sana’a airport.

Al Qaeda in the Arabian Peninsula (AQAP) announced the death of Ammar al Sanani, a high-ranking military commander, on March 17.[ii] AQAP said that a US airstrike killed Sanani in in Ma’rib governorate, central Yemen. It is unclear when the strike occurred.

Somalia Security Brief:

Puntland State Darawish forces cleared al Shabaab militants from Galgala in the Golis Mountain region of Puntland State in northern Somalia on March 17.[iii]

US-trained Somali National Army (SNA) Danab special forces ambushed al Shabaab militants in Berhane, Kismayo district, Lower Jubba region, southern Somalia, on March 17.[iv] Danab forces killed three al Shabaab fighters and seized a vehicle-borne improvised explosive device.

Al Shabaab detonated an improvised explosive device (IED) targeting SNA soldiers in Mareerey, Afgoi district, Lower Shabelle region, southern Somalia, on March 17.[v] Al Shabaab claimed the IED killed one SNA soldier and wounded two others.

The US State Department imposed additional visa restrictions on Somali leaders on March 16.[vi] The restrictions target Somali individuals responsible for undermining the democratic process in Somalia. Somalia failed to meet the March 15 deadline for parliamentary elections.

[i] Reuters, “Yemen Houthis welcome talks with Saudi-led coalition, but in a neutral country,” March 16, 2022,

[ii] Akbar Alaan, “Al Qaeda in Yemen mourns Ammar al Sanani, its military official,” March 17, 2022,

[iii] Somali Dispatch, “Puntland forces take over al Shabaab bases in Galgala,” March 17, 2022,

[iv] Caasimada, “Danab forces seize vehicle carrying heavy explosive, then kill it,” March 17, 2022,  

[v] Radio al Furqaan, “Explosion in Mareerey, Explosion in Baidoa,” March 17, 2022,  

[vi] Antony J. Blinken, “Additional Visa Restrictions for Undermining the Democratic Process in Somalia,” US Department of State, March 16, 2022,  

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