Yemen: Yemeni Army says the Houthis will attack when truce expires in June; Saudi-led coalition releases Houthi prisoners

Somalia: Al Shabaab IED kills Burundian ATMIS soldiers in south-central Somalia; al Shabaab IED targets an SNA base in southern Somalia

Yemen Security Brief:

The Yemeni Army assessed on April 29 that the Houthis are preparing to resume fighting when Yemen’s truce expires in June.[i] The army reported that the Houthis are using the truce to reinforce and fortify their positions in Ma’rib and al Jawf governorates, central Yemen, free from interdiction. The army also assessed the Houthis would likely first attack the al Alam area in northern Ma’rib governorate.

The Saudi-led coalition released 163 Houthi prisoners on April 28.[ii] Coalition spokesperson Turki al Maliki said the release was a goodwill measure intended to build support for the truce.

Somalia Security Brief:

Al Shabaab detonated an improvised explosive device (IED) targeting Burundian African Union Transition Mission in Somalia (ATMIS) patrol in Buurane, Jowhar district, Middle Shabelle region, south-central Somalia, on April 28.[iii] Al Shabaab claimed the IED killed two soldiers.

Likely al Shabaab militants detonated an IED outside of a Somali National Army (SNA) base near Janale, Marka district, Lower Shabelle region, southern Somalia, on April 29.[iv] The explosion killed at least four soldiers.

[i] Al Araby Al Jadid, “Eye of the Houthis on Ma’rib: Exploiting the truce to mobilize on the fronts,” April 29, 2022,; Akhbar Yemen, “Warning of an upcoming battle for the Houthis in Ma’rib,” April 29, 2022,

[ii] Saudi Press Agency, “The Joint Forces Command of the Coalition: A Saudi Humanitarian Initiative Will Release (163) Houthi Detainees Who Had Been Involved in Hostilities Against the Kingdom,” April 28, 2022,

[iii] Caasamida “Burundian soldiers killed in blast,” April 28, 2022,

[iv] Radio Risaala, “Explosion kills two in Lower Shabelle,” April 29, 2022,

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