Yemen: AQAP attacks STC-affiliated troops in southern Yemen; AQAP detonates an IED targeting UAE-backed Giants Brigades fighters in southern Yemen

Somalia: Al Shabaab harries an Ethiopian convoy in southwestern Somalia; al Shabaab raids an SNA outpost in southern Somalia

Yemen Security Brief:

Al Qaeda in the Arabian Peninsula (AQAP) militants attacked troops of the Southern Transitional Council (STC)-affiliated Security Belt Forces near al Dhale city, Dhaleh governorate, southern Yemen, on May 6.[i] The attack killed the commander and the deputy commander of Security Belt Forces in al Dhaleh governorate. The Security Belt claimed to kill eight AQAP fighters and two high-ranking leaders.[ii]

AQAP detonated an improvised explosive device (IED) targeting UAE-backed Giants Brigades fighters in al Mahfad district, Abyan governorate, southern Yemen on May 7.[iii] The blast killed one soldier and wounded seven others.

Somalia Security Brief:

Al Shabaab attacked an Ethiopian African Union Transition Mission in Somalia (ATMIS) convoy multiple times between Baidoa and Burhakaba, Bay region, southwestern Somalia, between May 5–9.[iv] Al Shabaab claimed to hit the convoy with five improvised explosive devices and two ambushes over five days. Al Shabaab claimed the attacks killed two soldiers and wounded six others.

Al Shabaab raided an SNA outpost at Barire bridge in the Afgoi district, Lower Shabelle region, southern Somalia, on May 7.[v] Al Shabaab claimed they killed three soldiers and wounded one more.

[i] Akhbar Yemen, “Dead and wounded in an attack on a security headquarters of the transitional forces in al Dhaleh,” May 7, 2022,; Mareb Press, “The martyrdom of prominent security leaders in the security belt in al Dhaleh after clashes with al Qaeda,” May 7, 2022,

[ii] News Yemen Politics, “A prominent leader among the al Qaeda dead in al Dhaleh,” May 7, 2022,; News Yemen Politics, “Al Qaeda’s attack in al Dhaleh is a dangerous indicator,” May 8, 2022,

[iii] Khabar Agency, “Abyan… Wounded in an explosive device explosion of a group of Giants Brigades in al Mahfad,” May 7, 2022,; Akhbar Yemen, “8 soldiers were killed in an explosion targeting a military vehicle in Abyan,” May 7, 2022,; Mahra Post, “Wounded as an explosive device exploded in a military kit belonging to the Giants Brigades in Abyan, May 7, 2022,

[iv] Calamada, “Ethiopian soldiers killed and wounded in bay province,” May 9, 2022,; Somalimemo, “Ethiopian troops killed in Bay and Bakool blasts,” May 7, 2022,

[v] Radio al Furqaan, “Somalia: Fighting Breaks Out in Lower Shabelle,” May 7, 2022,

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