Yemen: The Houthis and Saudi Arabia resume direct talks; Saudi Arabia designates Yemeni citizens and commercial entities over financial ties to the Houthis, AQAP, and the IRGC

Somalia: Al Shabaab raids a Kenyan ATMIS base in southern Somalia; the Kenya Air Force bombs areas in southern Somalia

Yemen Security Brief:

Reuters reported on June 14 that Saudi Arabia and the Houthi movement resumed regular direct talks in May.[i] Sources indicated the talks have focused on the Saudis’ concerns over the Houthis’ drone and missile arsenals and achieving “a long-term border security agreement.” Oman, which has previously mediated between the Gulf states and the Houthis, is facilitating the talks.

Saudi Arabia’s Presidency for State Security designated eight Yemeni citizens and eleven Yemen-based commercial entities for their purported financial ties to the Houthi movement, Iran’s Islamic Revolutionary Guard Corps, and al Qaeda in the Arabian Peninsula on June 14.[ii] The sanctions targeted individuals connected to oil companies in particular.

Somalia Security Brief:

Al Shabaab militants raided a Kenyan African Union Transition Mission in Somalia (ATMIS) base in Kulbiyow, Badhadhe district, Lower Jubba region, southern Somalia, on June 15.[iii] 

The Kenya Air Force reportedly bombed areas in Beled Hawo and Elwaq districts, Gedo region, southern Somalia, on June 15.[iv] The airstrike hit Likoley in Beled Hawo district and Busaar, Garsaal, and El Adde in Elwaq district. The airstrikes killed at least six civilians and wounded several others. El Adde and Busaar are al Shabaab-controlled areas. The Kenya Air Force bombed El Adde on June 7, 2021, and reportedly killed two civilians.[v]

[i] Reuters, “Saudi Arabia and Yemen's Houthis resume direct talks, sources say,” June 14, 2022,

[ii] SPA, “Politics: The Kingdom, represented by the Presidency for State Security, categorizes a number of supporters of the terrorist ‘al Houthi’ militia and a number of affiliated entities,” June 14, 2022,

[iii] Radio Risaala, “Attack in Lower Jubba Region,” June 15, 2022,

[iv] Halbeeg, “Kenyan warplanes allegedly hit parts of Gedo region,” June 15, 2022,; Horseed Media, “Kenya launches airstrikes in Gedo region,” June 15, 2022,

[v] Hiiraan Online, “Kenyan air strike in Somalia allegedly kills woman and her child,” June 08, 2021,

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