Yemen: The Yemeni Army arrests an AQAP commander in eastern Yemen; the Biden administration conditions resumed offensive weapons sales to Saudi Arabia on support for Yemen ceasefire

Somalia: NISA thwarts attacks in Mogadishu 

Yemen Security Brief:

Yemeni Army troops wounded and captured an al Qaeda in the Arabian Peninsula commander during a targeted operation in Hadramawt governorate, eastern Yemen, on July 12.[i]

International media reported on July 11 that the Biden administration is considering lifting a ban on offensive weapons sales to Saudi Arabia.[ii] Unnamed officials in the administration indicated the decision would be contingent upon Saudi support for a permanent ceasefire in Yemen.

Somalia Security Brief:

National Intelligence and Security Agency (NISA) forces claimed to thwart al Shabaab attacks in Kahda and Heliwa districts, Mogadishu, on July 12.[iii] NISA officials claimed to receive a tip off from locals.

[i] Al Omana, “Hadramawt security arrests a prominent leader in al Qaeda,” July 12, 2022,

[ii] Reuters, “Exclusive: U.S. weighs resumption of offensive arms sales to Saudis, sources say,” July 11, 2022,

[iii] SONNA, “NISA forces conducted security operation in Mogadishu,” July 12, 2022,

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