Yemen: Yemeni Army troops clash in southwestern Yemen

Somalia: Al Shabaab launches an offensive along the Ethiopian border with southwestern Somalia

Yemen Security Brief:

Troops of the Yemeni Army’s 22nd Armored Brigade and the 170th Air Defense Brigade clashed in central Taiz city, southwestern Yemen, on July 22.[i]

Somalia Security Brief:

Al Shabaab launched an offensive on Somali Region border forces in the Bakool Region, southwestern Somalia, on July 20. Al Shabaab first targeted several Somali border towns. Al Shabaab militants raided El Barde and reportedly cut off communications in the area.[ii] More militants in vehicles then stormed Somali Region Liyu paramilitary police positions in the villages of Ato and Yeed, while others simultaneously mortared Washaqo village to likely pin potential reinforcements.[iii] Al Shabaab claimed to seize Ato and Yeed, killing more than 87 Liyu police.[iv] Ethiopian and local Somali officials have said that Liyu police killed between 40 and 63 al Shabaab militants, while al Shabaab killed at least 17 police and civilians.[v]

The al Shabaab fighters continued fighting Liyu forces across the Ethiopian border into areas of Hargele district, Adfer Zone, Somali Region, southeastern Ethiopia, throughout July 20–21.[vi] Somali government-affiliated media claimed Somali Region forces have already killed “around” 100 militants in the fighting.[vii] Liyu forces have now reportedly surrounded “nearly a hundred” al Shabaab militants near Hulul, Hargele district.[viii]

[i] Al Khabar Al Yemeni, “Dead and wounded in the al Mufasain clashes in Taiz,” June 22, 2022,

[ii] Radio Risaala, “Fighting between Al-Shabaab and government forces,” July 21, 2022,

[iii] Harun Maruf, “Al-Shabab Attacks Somali Towns Close to Ethiopian Border,” Voice of America, July 20, 2022,

[iv] Radio al Furqaan, “Al-Shabaab has surrounded Yeed and Aato and is attacking the false border of Ethiopia,” July 20, 2022,; SITE Intelligence Group, “Shabaab Documents Ethiopian Casualties in Twin Attacks on Border, Estimates 87 Killed and Dozens Wounded, July 21, 2022,

[v] Reuters, “Somalia’s al Shabaab group makes rare attack near Ethiopia border,” July 22, 2022,

[vi] ONLF Official, Twitter, July 21, 2022,; Harun Maruf, Twitter, July 21, 2022,  

[vii] SNTV, Twitter, July 22, 2022,

[viii] Radio Dalsan, “Fighting between the Liyu Police Force and A-Shabaab is still ongoing in the local government,” July 22, 2022,

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