Yemen: ROYG studies UN proposal to extend Yemen’s truce; STC presidency declares efforts to extend truce “useless;” Houthi official reiterates the Houthis would refuse to extend Yemen’s truce without lifting the siege; PLC appoints new governors for Hadramawt and Socotra

Somalia: South West state forces begin security operation in Bay region, southern Somalia; al Shabaab claimed it killed three spies working for Kenya and the United States; Ethiopia claims it killed key al Shabaab propagandist

Yemen Security Brief:

The Yemeni government may have conditionally approved a UN-backed proposal to extend Yemen’s truce agreement on July 30.[i] The government did not reveal the proposal’s terms.

The Southern Transitional Council presidency said the same day that any efforts to extend the truce would be “worthless” in light of the Houthis’ continued hostilities.[ii]

A Houthi official reiterated that the group would refuse efforts to extend Yemen’s truce without first “completely lifting the blockade” on Yemen on July 29.[iii]

The Presidential Leadership Council (PLC) appointed new governors for Hadramawt and Socotra governorates on July 31. The PLC appointed Mabkhout bin Madhi as governor of Hadramawt and Raafat al Tahqali as governor of Socotra.[iv]

Somalia Security Brief:

South West regional security forces began a “sweeping” security operation in Baidoa, Bay region, southern Somalia on July 30. The operation is a response to reports that al Shabaab fighters are in Baidoa city.[v]

Al Shabaab claimed that it killed “spies” in Mogadishu, Somalia and Gedo region, southwestern Somalia. Al Shabaab said it killed a “spy working for US intelligence” in Mogadishu on August 1.[vi] Al Shabaab also claimed that it killed two “spies” working for Kenyan intelligence in Gedo region, southwestern Somalia on July 31.[vii]

The Ethiopian government claimed that Ethiopia killed al Shabaab propagandist Fuad Shongole in an airstrike near Aato, Bakool region, Somalia, on July 29.[viii] Anonymous al Shabaab sources refuted this claim, saying that Shongole performed Friday prayers in Bula Fulay, Bay region, on July 29.[ix]

[i] Saba Net (ROYG), “The Presidential Leadership Council listens to a briefing from the Security and Military committee and a message from the UN envoy,” July 30, 2022,; Yemen Future, “The Presidential Council is studying a UN proposal to extend the truce, amid reports of a conditional initial approval,” July 30, 2022,

[ii] Al Mashhad Al Yemeni, “The STC renews its refusal to extend the armistice as violations continue and the failure of the United Nations,” July 30, 2022,

[iii] @YoussefAlFish, Twitter, July 29, 2022,,

[iv] Saba Net (ROYG), “Mabkhout bin Madhi appointed as governor of Hadramawt governorate,” July 31, 2022,; Saba Net (ROYG), “Appointment of Raafat Ali Ibrahim al Thaqali as Governor of the Socotra Archipelago,” July 31, 2022,

[v] Somali Dispatch, “South West forces carrying out security operations in Baidoa,” July 30, 2022,

[vi] Radio al Furqan, “An officer was killed in the belief and details of attacks on the NFD,” August 1, 2022,

[vii] Radio al Furqan, “An operation that killed a man working with the Kenyan Intelligence in Gedo,” July 31, 2022,

[viii] Halbeeg, “Ethiopia claims to have killed Fuad Shongole in an airstrike,” July 30, 2022,

[ix] Hussein Mohamed, Twitter, July 29, 2022,

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