Yemen: Israel may have targeted a Houthi camp in Sana’a in early August, killing Iranian and Lebanese scientists; clashes continue in Shabwah governorate

Somalia: Somali security forces clear al Shabaab from areas in central Somalia; Galmudug police intercept al Shabaab minelayers in central Somalia

Yemen Security Brief:

Israel may have been responsible for an explosion in Sana’a that killed six Iranian and Lebanese scientists along with dozens of Houthis on August 8. Israeli Army Chief Aviv Kohavi said on August 18 that Israel attacked a “third country” during clashes in Gaza in early August.[i] Kohavi’s statement led news sites like Middle East Eye and The Times of Israel to speculate that Israel was responsible for the explosion at the al Hafa military base in Sana’a on August 8.[ii] Israeli social media and news outlets originally blamed the explosion on a malfunction during either the transportation or the installation of a ballistic missile.[iii]

Clashes between UAE–backed militias and the Yemeni Army continued outside of Ataq, Shabwah governorate, southern Yemen, on August 17.[iv] Tribal sources claimed the Shabwah Defense Forces and Amalqa brigades used heavy artillery and UAE drones. 

Somalia Security Brief:

The SNA 21st and 27th divisions with Danab commandos cleared al Shabaab from several villages near Halgan, Beledweyne district, Hiraan region, central Somalia, on August 18.[v] SNA officials claimed soldiers killed at least 17 al Shabaab fighters.[vi]

Galmudug police forces intercepted an al Shabaab minelaying car in Dagari, Galkayo district, Mudug region, central Somalia, on August 19.[vii] Police officials claimed they arrested several al Shabaab minelayers and seized over 50 improvised explosive devices from the car.

[i] Middle East Eye, “Did Israel attack a Houthi camp in Yemen during the Gaza fighting,” August 18, 2022,

[ii] Middle East Eye, “Did Israel attack a Houthi camp in Yemen during the Gaza fighting;” Emanuel Fabian, “Military chief says IDF forces struck ‘third country’ during recent Gaza fighting,” The Times of Israel, August 18, 2022,

[iii] @no_itsmyturn, Twitter, August 8, 2022,; Jerusalem Post, “Iranian rocket scientists, Houthi members killed in Yemen blasts,” August 8, 2022,

[iv] @Alsakaniali, Twitter, August 17, 2022,

[v] Radio Dalsan, “Government forces have taken over new area from al Shabaab,” August 18, 2022,

[vi] Hiraan Online, “Somali military kills 17 Al-Shabaab militants amid latest offensive,” August 19, 2022,

[vii] Horseed Media, “Security forces in Galmudug seize weapons and explosives,” August 19, 2022,

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