Yemen: Houthi assassination attempt targeting Yemeni Defense Minister, Chief of Staff, Taiz governor, and Saudi coalition commander fails; Yemeni media reports Houthis are planning a renewed offensive in Ma’rib; Houthis restrict the arrival of UN and humanitarian flights into Sana’a; AQAP threatens spies with execution after US drone strikes targeting AQAP officials

Somalia: Al Shabaab launches attacks throughout Mogadishu; al Shabaab ambushes an SNA base in south-central Somalia; SNA clears al Shabaab from south-central Somalia; Somali president announces phase two of anti-al Shabaab operations in south-central Somalia

Yemen Security Brief

The Houthis launched at least two unspecified one-way drones targeting a convoy transporting Yemeni Defense Minister Lt. Gen. Mohsen al Daari, Taiz Governor Nabil Shamsan, Yemeni Army Chief of Staff Lt. Gen. Saghir bin Aziz, and Saudi Coalition Commander Maj. Gen. Sultan al Baqami on March 25 as they transited between Mokha and Taiz, southwestern Yemen.[i] The first Houthi drone targeted Taiz Governor Nabil Shamsan’s vehicle. Shamsan survived, but the drone severely damaged the vehicle. Shamsan returned to Mokha while the military delegation returned to Aden city. Some elements in the convoy continued to Taiz city. A second drone targeted the Taiz-bound elements near the al Wazi’ah junction between Mokha and Taiz city.[ii] One Yemeni government (ROYG) soldier was killed and two others were wounded in the second drone attack.[iii]

Mareb Press reported on March 24 that the Houthis are deploying additional reinforcements Sana’a city to Harib district, Ma’rib governorate, central Yemen. The Houthis will reportedly also deploy a “specialized…drone unit” to control Houthi drones in Harib.[iv] The Houthis also deployed reinforcements to Harib on March 5, preceding a renewed Houthi push in Harib that allowed the Houthis to seize Mount al Bawara on March 21.[v]

The Houthis said on March 25 that they are restricting the arrival of UN and humanitarian flights to Sana’a, Yemen from March 25 to March 30.[vi]

Al Qaeda in the Arabian Peninsula (AQAP) threatened to execute “spies” who inform on AQAP activity  if they do not surrender.[vii] The statement comes after several U.S. drone strikes killed AQAP officials in Ma’rib in early 2023.

Somalia Security Brief

Al Shabaab launched three operations in Mogadishu, Somalia, on March 25.[viii] Al Shabaab assassinated a government official in Yaqshid district.[ix] Al Shabaab also detonated an improvised explosive device targeting Galbedoo checkpoint in Dharkenley district.[x] The attack destroyed part of the checkpoint’s building. Al Shabaab later attacked a government official in Shiraye neighborhood, Deynile district.[xi]

Al Shabaab attacked a Somali National Army (SNA) base housing Turkish-trained Gorgor special forces in Run Nirgood district, Middle Shabelle region, south-central Somalia, on March 25.[xii] Al Shabaab claimed they killed 51 soldiers, destroyed eight vehicles, and seized weapons and military equipment.[xiii]

The Somali National Army cleared al Shabaab from Run Nirgood district, Middle Shabelle region, south-central Somalia, on March 25.[xiv] The operation was in response to the attack on a military base housing Turkish-trained Gorgor special faces and killed 10 al Shabaab militants.[xv]

Somali President Hassan Sheikh Mohamud announced the commencement of the second phase of the Somali Federal Government’s anti-al Shabaab offensive during a visit to Adan Yabal district, Middle Shabelle region, south-central Somalia, on March 26.[xvi]

[i] Aden Time, “Urgent: Dead and wounded in a drone attack on the convoy of the Minister of Defense and the governor of Taiz (expanded),” March 25, 2023,

[ii] Fares al Hemyari, Twitter, March 25, 2023,

[iii] Arab News, “Houthi drone attacks Yemen defense minister’s convoy in Taiz,” March 26, 2023,

[iv] Mareb Press, “Special sources to Ma’rib Press: Houthi arrangements to resume the escalation in the war in Ma’rib, and this is what the militias reported from northern Sana’a – details,” March 25, 2023,

[v] Al Araby al Jadeed, “The Houthis attack the Harib District, With Their Eye on the Oil Areas in Ma’rib and Shabwah,” March 21, 2023; and al Khaleej, “The Yemeni Army Repels Houthi Attacks in Ma’rib and Taiz,” March 5, 2023,

[vi] Sammy Magdy, “Yemen rebels restrict humanitarian flights arriving in Sana’a,” March 25, 2023, ABC News,  

[vii] SITE Intelligence Group, “After String of U.S. Airstrikes in Marib, AQAP Warns Spies to Surrender Lest they Be Discovered and Executed,” March 24, 2023,

[viii] Radio al Furqaan, “One of the Attacks in Mogadishu Killed An Officer,” March 26, 2023,

[ix] Radio al Furqaan, “One of the Attacks in Mogadishu Killed An Officer” ; Calamada, “Bisbees Commander Killed in Mogadishu,” March 27, 2023,

[x] Radio al Furqaan, “One of the Attacks in Mogadishu Killed An Officer”

[xi] Radio al Furqaan, “One of the Attacks in Mogadishu Killed An Officer”

[xii] Radio al Furqaan, “ Watch What The Gorgor Army Captured in Ruun-Nirgood District Yesterday,” March 26, 2023, ; Hussein Mohamed, @HussienM12, Twitter, March 25, 2023,

[xiii] SITE Intelligence Group “Shabaab Claims 51 Somali Special Forces Killed in Major Attack on Base in Middle Shabelle,” March 25, 2023, Available By Subscription at

[xiv] Somali National News Agency, “Somali National Army kills 10 Al-Shabaab fighters in Runir-god district,” March 25, 2023,

[xv] Somali National News Agency, “Somali National Army kills 10 Al-Shabaab fighters in Runir-god district”

[xvi] Somali National News Agency, “Somali President Declares Second Phase of Anti-Al-Shabab Offensive Operations,” March 27, 2023,

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