Yemen: International and local media report that the Saudis and Houthis expand truce in Yemen to include direct Houthi-ROYG political negotiations; Reuters reports Saudi and Omani delegations will travel to Sana’a to facilitate peace negotiations; Yemeni president meets with Saudi defense minister; STC president meets with UAE ambassador to Yemen; commander of STC-backed forces dies of heart attack

SNA clears al Shabaab from Shabelle River valley in central Somalia; al Shabaab and IS-S militants clash in northeastern Somalia; SNA and US-trained Danab special forces return to village in north-central Somalia where al Shabaab overran them in January


Yemen Security Brief

International and local media reported on April 7 that the Houthis and Yemeni government (ROYG) have agreed to restore the UN-mediated truce that expired in October 2022 and have plans to discuss a permanent peace deal.[i] Arab News reported that the Houthis agreed to negotiate directly with the Yemeni government for six months under UN auspices, cease their attacks on oil infrastructure in ROYG-controlled territory, cease their siege of Taiz city, and open all highways across the country.[ii] The Saudis reportedly agreed to pay Houthi civil servant salaries and further ease restrictions on Sana’a airport and Hudaydah port. The Saudis opened full commercial shipping access to Aden port and lifted restrictions on imports to southern Yemen on April 7 in preparation for the truce extension.[iii] The agreement also provides a framework for discussing a two-year transitional government period if short-term prerequisites are met.[iv]

Reuters reported on April 7 that Saudi and Omani delegations are expected to travel to Sana’a in mid-April to negotiate the deal.[v]

Yemeni President Rashad al Alimi met with Saudi Defense Minister Khalid bin Salman on April 6 to discuss the peace process and Saudi Arabia’s continued support for the Yemeni government.[vi]

Southern Transitional Council (STC) President Ayadrus al Zubaidi met with UAE Ambassador to Yemen Hamad al Zaabi on April 6 to discuss the peace process.[vii]

Commander of the STC-backed Support and Reinforcement Brigades Major General Saleh al Sayyid died from a heart attack on April 6.[viii]

Somalia Security Brief

The Somali National Army (SNA) cleared al Shabaab from the Shabelle River valley in Beledweyne district, Hiiraan region, central Somalia, on April 6.[ix] SNA forces and local fighters secured multiple villages and destroyed 10 al Shabaab boats.[x]

Al Shabaab and Islamic State in Somalia militants clashed in the Cal Miskaad Mountains, Bari region, northeastern Somalia, on April 6.[xi]

The SNA and US-trained Danab special forces secured Gal’ad and cleared al Shabaab hideouts from surrounding villages in El Dheere disrtict, Galguduud region, north-central Somalia, on April 7.[xii] Somali forces arrested five alleged al Shabaab militants.[xiii] This is the first time Somali forces have entered Gal’ad since al Shabaab overran a the SNA-Danab base in the town in January.[xiv]

[i] Reuters, “Exclusive: Saudi delegation to hold ceasefire talks with Yemen’s Houthis in Sanaa – sources,” April 7, 2023,

[ii] Saeed al Batati, “Houthis agree to restore UN-brokered truce, negotiate with opponents,” April 7, 2023, Arab News,

[iii] Al Jazeera, “Saudi-led coalition lifts import restrictions in south Yemen,” April 7, 2023,

[iv] Saeed al Batati, “Houthis agree to restore UN-brokered truce, negotiate with opponents,” April 7, 2023, Arab News,

[v] Reuters, “Exclusive: Saudi delegation to hold ceasefire talks with Yemen’s Houthis in Sanaa – sources,” April 7, 2023,

[vi] Khalid bin Salman, @kbsalsaud, April 6, 2023, Twitter,

[vii] Ayadrus al Zubaidi, @AidrosAlzubidi, April 6, 2023, Twitter,

[viii] Ayadrus al Zubaidi, @AidrosAlzubidi, April 6, 2023, Twitter,

[ix] Hiiraan Online, “Second phase of anti-al Shabaab operations begins in Hiiraan region,” April 7, 2023, ; Garowe Online, @GaroweArabia, Twitter, April 6, 2023,

[x] Hiiraan Online, “Second phase of anti-al Shabaab operations begins in Hiiraan region”; Somali National Television, @sntvnews1, Twitter, April 6, 2023, ;

[xi] Garowe Online, “Somalia: Al-Shabaab and ISIS Clash in Al Miskaad Mountains, Barri Region,” April 6, 2023, clash-in-al-miskaad-mountains-barri-region-fatal-attack-strikes-bosaso 

[xii] Goobjoog News, “Somali army conducts operation in Galguduud region,” April 7, 2023,  ; Somali National Television, @sntvnews1, Twitter, April 7, 2023,

[xiii] Somali National News Agency, @SONNALIVE, Twitter, April 7, 2023,

[xiv] Critical Threats Project at American Enterprise Institute, “Gulf of Aden Review – January 23, 2023,” January 23, 2023,; Harun Maruf, @HarunMaruf, Twitter, April 7, 2023,


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