Yemen: Yemeni interior minister meets with US embassy “security” attaché in Yemen; Yemeni news site reports Houthi-ROYG prisoner swap to take place April 13-15; STC president meets with French ambassador to Yemen to discuss bilateral relations

Somalia: SNA clears al Shabaab from north-central Somalia; Somali prime minister meets with US ambassador

Yemen Security Brief

The Yemeni interior minister met with the US Embassy “security” attaché in Yemen on April 10 to discuss bilateral cooperation on counterterrorism, training Yemeni security forces in mine clearance, and countering arms and drug smuggling through international waters.[i]

Al Arabiya reported on April 11 that the Yemeni government (ROYG) and Houthis will complete a prisoner exchange of nearly 900 prisoners on April 13.[ii] The details of the exchange were first agreed to in mid-March and include flights between several Saudi and Yemeni cities over a three-day span.

Southern Transitional Council (STC) President Aydarus al Zubaidi met with the French ambassador to Yemen on April 11 to discuss bilateral relations and developments in recent Yemeni political and peace negotiations.[iii]

Somalia Security Brief

The Somali National Army (SNA) cleared al Shabaab from Ali Afrah village, Galguduud region, north-central Somalia, on April 11.[iv] SNA forces arrested 12 alleged al Shabaab members and destroyed several al Shabaab hideouts.[v]

The Somali prime minister and US ambassador to Somalia met in Mogadishu on April 12.[vi] The two officials discussed strengthening bilateral relations, addressing humanitarian challenges, and enhancing security measures in Somalia.[vii]

[i] Al Tharwah, “Hayden is discussing with US security attache the training of mine-clearance and counterterrorism specialists,” April 10, 2023,

[ii] Al Arabiya, “Yemen prisoner swap to start on April 13, last three days,” April 10, 2023,

[iii] Al Thawrah, “Major General Al-Zubaidi discusses with the French ambassador aspects of joint cooperation,” April 11, 2023,

[iv] Somali National Television, @sntvnews1, Twitter, April 11, 2023,

[v] Somali National Television, @sntvnews1, Twitter

[vi] Hiiraan Online, “Somali Prime Minister meets with US Ambassador, April 12, 2023,

[vii] U.S Embassy Mogadishu, Somalia, @US2SOMALIA, Twitter, April 12, 2023,

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