Yemen: AQAP claims killing of STC-backed battalion commander; AQAP claims multiple likely IED attacks in Abyan governorate; ROYG official expects ROYG delegation to travel to Sana’a for new prisoner Houthi-ROYG prisoner exchanges in May

Somalia: African Union confirms scheduled drawdowns of forces in Somalia; US House of Representatives rejects resolution to withdraw US troops from Somalia; EU commits 4.5 million euros of aid to Somalia; SNA and local forces clear village in central Somalia

Yemen Security Brief

Al Qaeda in the Arabian Peninsula (AQAP) claimed an improvised explosion device (IED) attack that killed several soldiers, including the Southern Transitional Council (STC)-backed commander of the 3rd Battalion Abyan Delta Belt, in al Baqira, al Mudiyah district, Abyan governorate, southern Yemen, on April 27.[i] The Abyan Delta forces confirmed the casualties.[ii]

AQAP claimed two IED attacks on STC-backed infantry troops and a military truck in al Mahfad district, Abyan governorate, southern Yemen on April 27. AQAP did not report casualties for the explosions in al Mahfad.[iii]

AQAP claimed an IED attack on an STC-backed military truck in al Baqira on April 24 and did not report casualties.[iv]

Yemeni media outlet Al Mashhad al Yemeni reported on April 28 that the spokesperson for the Yemeni government’s (ROYG) Prisoner Negotiation Committee said that he expects a ROYG delegation to visit Houthi prisons in Sana’a in early May in preparation for a new round of Houthi-ROYG prisoner exchanges.[v]

Somalia Security Brief

The African Union Transitional Mission in Somalia confirmed on April 27 that it will follow through with its pre-scheduled troop decrease by June 2023 and withdraw all soldiers by December 2024.[vi]

The US House of Representatives rejected a resolution to withdraw all US troops from Somalia within a year on April 27.[vii]

The European Union pledged 4.5 million euros in aid to resume government services in cities recently liberated from al Shabaab control in central and southern Somalia, on April 26.[viii]

Somali National Army and local militia cleared al Shabaab from Jame’o village, Hiraan region, central Somalia on April 25.[ix]

[i] SITE Intelligence Group, “AQAP Claims Bomb Blast Killing Commander in UAW-backed STC Forces in al Baqira, Other Explosions in Abyan,” April 27, 2023,

[ii] Security Belt Forces Media Center, “The Abyan Delta Belt mourns the martyrdom of Commander Fawzi al Bakri,” April 28, 2023,

[iii] SITE Intelligence Group, “AQAP Claims Bomb Blast Killing Commander in UAW-backed STC Forces in al Baqira, Other Explosions in Abyan,” April 27, 2023,

[iv] SITE Intelligence Group, “AQAP Claims Bomb Blast Killing Commander in UAW-backed STC Forces in al Baqira, Other Explosions in Abyan,” April 27, 2023,

[v] Al Mashhad al Yemeni, “Government source: A delegation from the legitimate government is visiting the capital, Sana’a, for the first time in 8 years,” April 28, 2023,

[vi] Radio Daslan, “AU says 2,000 troops to leave Somalia,” April 27, 2023, ; Brian Carter, Liam Karr, Peter Denham, “Gulf of Aden Security Review – April 26, 2023,” Critical Threats Project at the American Enterprise Institute, April 26, 2023,

[vii] Bryant Harris, “House rejects Gaetz pitch to withdraw all US forces from Somalia,” April 27, 2023, Defense News,

[viii] Garowe Online, “EU pumps €4.5 million for stabilization of liberated areas in Somalia,” April 27, 2023,

[ix] Radio Daslan, “Somali military liberate Jame’o Village in Hiran Region from Alshabaab,” April 27, 2023, ; Dear Zahra Ahmed, “Battles liberated Al-Shabaab from two important areas in Hiran,” April 25, 2023, Caasimada, 

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