Yemen: AQAP conducts attack in Abyan; Ma’rib police prevent Houthi assassination attempt on PLC member on June 28; Houthis cease negotiations with Saudi Arabia; Unidentified gunmen assassinate WFP director in Taiz

Somalia: Al Shabaab suicide bomber attacks military base; al Shabaab lifts siege of regional capital; al Shabaab temporarily seizes contested town in south-central Somalia; al Shabaab assassinates former government official

Yemen Security Brief

Al Qaeda in the Arabian Peninsula (AQAP) attacked a Southern Transitional Council (STC)-backed forces position in Wadi al Khayala, al Mahfad district, Abyan governorate on July 22. [i]

Ma’rib governorate police prevented a Houthi assassination attempt targeting Presidential Leadership Council Deputy Sultan al Arada on June 28.[ii]

Houthi President Mahdi al Mashaat announced that Houthis have ceased truce negotiations with Saudi Arabia following conflict over distribution of funds to Houthis for government employee salaries, on July 22.[iii]

Unidentified gunmen assassinated the United Nations World Food Program in Yemen director in al Turbah, Taiz governorate on July 21.[iv][v][vi]

AQAP fighters detonated an improvised explosive device targeting a STC-backed 3rd Support and Reinforcement Brigade vehicle, killing a battalion commander and two other fighters near al Baqira village, Wadi Omran, Abyan governorate, southern Yemen, on July 25.[vii]

Somalia Security Brief

An al Shabaab suicide bomber targeted the Jaalle Siyad military base in Hodan district, Mogadishu, on July 24.[viii] Local media reported that the attack killed 30 Somali National Army (SNA) soldiers and wounded an additional 50. Al Shabaab claimed that the attack killed 73 SNA soldiers and wounded 124 others.[ix] The Somali Federal Government imposed a blackout to censor coverage of the attack.[x]

Al Shabaab fully lifted its siege of Baidoa, Bay region, southern Somalia, on July 21.[xi] Local media reported that local elders and traders helped negotiate the deal.[xii]

Al Shabaab seized two military bases and the surrounding area in Goofgudud Buurey, Baidoa district, Bay region, south-central Somalia, on July 23.[xiii] Al Shabaab claimed that the attack killed five SNA soldiers and wounded an additional 13. SNA forces successfully regained control of the area after al Shabaab militants withdrew on July 24.[xiv]

Al Shabaab gunmen assassinated former Hirshabelle Minister of Agriculture and Irrigation Hassan Ahmed Mudey in Yaqshid district, Mogadishu, on July 23.[xv]

[i] Dera al Ganoob, “Our southern armed forces thwart a terrorist attack in Al-Mahfad, and the terrorist elements suffer heavy losses”, July 22, 2023, ; Al Mashad al Yemeni, “A surprise attack on the transitional forces in Abyan, and violent battles break out”, July 22, 2023,

[ii] 26 Sep,” Marib Police: Foiling a Houthi terrorist attempt to assassinate Major General Sultan Al-Arada, member of the Presidential Leadership Council”, July 22, 2023,

[iii] Mareb Press,” The head of the Houthi coup council, Mahdi Al-Mashat, officially reveals the secret of stopping negotiations with Saudi Arabia”, July 22, 2023,

[iv] al Masirah English, ” The crime of assassinating the director of the World Food Program office in the city of Turba, which is under the US-Saudi aggression, is widely condemned”, July 22, 2023,

[vii] Dera al Ganoob, “The 3rd Support and Reinforcement Brigade mourns the martyrdom of the 1st Battalion commander and his companions in the explosion of an explosive device in Abyan,” July 25, 2023,

[viii] Somali Digest, “Heavy casualties reported after suicide bomber strikes Mogadishu military academy,” July 24, 2023,

[ix] Radio al Furqaan, “Press Release: 73 Soldiers Were Killed in a Suicide Attack in Mogadishu,” July 24, 2023,

[x] Horn Examiner, Twitter, July 24, 2023,

[xi] Goobjoog News, “Al-Shabaab reportedly ends Baidoa blockade, gov’t denies deal,” July 22, 2023,

[xii] Radio Dalsan, “Baidoa blockade ends as commericial supplies arrive following internal disputes among Al-Shabaab militants,” July 22, 2023,

[xiii] Caasimada, “Al-Shabaab took control of the area that was being defended from Baydhaba tonight,” July 23, 2023,

[xiv] Somali Digest, “Tug of war for Goof Gaduud: Al-Shabaab briefly captured strategic town near Baidoa,” July 24, 2023,

[xv] Caasimada, “A former minister was killed tonight in Mogadishu,” July 23, 2023,


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