Yemen: AQAP mortars Shabwah Defense Forces position in Shabwah; Chairman of PLC Consultation and Reconciliation Commission meets with EU Ambassador to Yemen; AQAP conducts IED attack in Lahj

Somalia: SNA forces clear contested areas in central Somalia with US air support; SNA and local forces clear a town in southern Somalia; al Shabaab attacks an airport in southern Somalia

Yemen Security Brief

Al Qaeda in the Arabian Peninsula (AQAP) fighters mortared a Shabwah Defense Forces position near al Mukhatat, al Musayniah district, Shabwah governorate, southern Yemen, on July 25.[i]

Presidential Leadership Council Chairman of the Consultation and Reconciliation Commission Mohammad al Ghathi met with EU Ambassador to Yemen Gabriel Vinals to discuss peacemaking efforts on July 28.[ii]

AQAP fighters detonated an improvised explosive device (IED) targeting an Islah-backed 4th Mountain Infantry Brigade military vehicle on the Tur al Baha axis, near Naqil Haijat al Abd, al Maqatrah district, Lahj governorate, on July 25.[iii] The attack inflicted five casualties.

Somalia Security Brief

The Somali National Army (SNA) conducted a joint operation with likely US aerial support near Daru Ni’ma, Adan Yabal district, Middle Shabelle region, central Somalia, on July 28.[iv] The Federal Government of Somalia reported that the operation killed at least 100 al Shabaab militants and destroyed numerous vehicles.[v]

The SNA and local militia cleared the area near El-Dhun Adegow, Baidoa district, Bay region, southern Somalia, on July 26.[vi] The operation reportedly killed 60 al Shabaab militants.

Al Shabaab militants attacked the Wajid airport in Bakool region, southern Somalia, on July 25.[vii] Al Shabaab claimed to kill eight Ethiopian National Defense Force (ENDF) soldiers.[viii] SNA and ENDF forces successfully repelled the attack and claimed to kill 25 militants.[ix]

[i] SITE, “AQAP Claims Mortar Strike on Position of Shabwah Defense Force, Provides Photo Documentation”, July 28, 2023, available by subscription at:

[ii] al Thawrah,” Presidency of the Consultation and Reconciliation Commission meets with the Ambassador of the European Union”, July 28, 2023,

[iii] Yemen Future,” Yemen: Three dead and two wounded when an explosive device exploded in a military vehicle in Al-Maqqtrah district, north of Lahj governorate.” July 25, 2023,

[iv] SONNALIVE, Twitter, July 28, 2023,

[v] Hiiraan Online, “Al-Adalah minister ‘Today’s operation killed more than 100 Al-Shabaab fighters,’” July 28, 2023,

[vi] SONNALIVE, Twitter, July 26, 2023,

[vii] sntvnews1, Twitter, July 25, 2023,

[viii] Somalimemo, “Video+Photos: The bodies of Ethiopian soldiers who were killed in the Wajid airport attack,” July 28, 2023,

[ix] SONNA, “Somali National Army kills 25 Al-Shabaab militants near Wajid district,” July 25, 2023,


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