Yemen: PLC member and STC vice president’s militia storms Presidential Palace in Aden; Houthi leader threatens to end informal truce; President of PLC appoints new Security Belt Forces Commander in Abyan

Somalia: SNA forces clear villages in southern Somalia with international partner air support; Gorgor commandos clear contested village in north-central Somalia with international partner air support; SNA forces clear southern Somali village; Gorgor and SNA forces seize contested villages in north- and south-central Somalia

Yemen Security Brief

Presidential Leadership Council (PLC) Deputy and Southern Transitional Council Vice President Abu Zara’a al Muharrami’s Giants Brigades stormed the Ma’ashiq Presidential Palace and besieged the resident of Prime Minister Maeen Abdulmalik for a few hours in Crater district, Aden City, on August 13.[i]

Houthi Leader Abdul Malik al Houthi said on August 12 that Yemen’s current informal truce will not continue if Saudi Arabia does not advance negotiations in accordance with Houthi demands.[ii]

President of PLC Aidarous al Zubaidi appointed Haidara Mohammad Hussein Bafakih as al Hizam Security Forces commander in Abyan Governorate on August 13.[iii] Al Qaeda in the Arabian Peninsula (AQAP) killed the previous commander on August 10 in Wadi al Radf, Mudiyah district, Abyan governorate.

Somalia Security Brief

Somali National Army (SNA) forces conducted a clearing operation n Beled Amin and Balad Karim, Afgoi district, Lower Shabelle region, southern Somalia, on August 13.[iv] Somali government news outlets reported that international partners provided aerial support. Somali media sometimes uses international partners to refer to US AFRICOM. The operation killed 18 al Shabaab militants.

Gorgor commandos conducted a clearing operation aerial support in Galcad, El Dheere district, Galgudud region, north-central Somalia, on August 15.[v] Somali government news outlets reported that US AFRICOM provided aerial support. Security forces killed five al Shabaab militants, wounded numerous others, and destroyed a hideout.[vi]

 SNA forces cleared the area surrounding Bulo Fulay, Burhakaba district, Bay region, southern Somalia, on August 13.[vii] The operation killed 23 al Shabaab militants.[viii]

Turkish-trained Gorgor commandos and SNA forces seized two contested villages in north-central and south-central Somalia, on August 12.[ix]

[i] Mareb Press, “The storming of Ma’ashiq Palace and besieging the prime minister preceded the incitement of media professionals close to Al-Zubaide and Al-Muharram against the coalition and the government. These are the goals of the storming.”, August 14, 2023,

[ii] Al Houthi Ansar Allah,” Leader, if the Saudis do not abandon their hostile policies, our position will be harsh”, August 12, 2023,

Security Belt Forces Media Center,” Brigadier General congratulates the decision to appoint Haidara Bafaquih as commander of the Abyan belt, succeeding the martyr Sayed”, August 13, 2023, .

[iv] SONNA, “SNA, International Partners Kill 18 Al-Shabaab Terrorists in the Lower Shabelle Region,” August 13, 2023,

[v] SONNA, “Somali National Army, US Africa Command Kill Five Al-Shabaab Fighters in a Joint Operation,” August 15, 2023,

[vi] Shabelle Media, “US Airstrike Kills Five Al-Shabaab Members in Central Somalia,” August 15, 2023,

[vii] SONNA, “SNA Kills 23 Al-Shabaab Terrorists Including Ringleaders in Bay Region,” August 12, 2023,

[viii] Radio Dalsan, “23 Militants, Including Key Commanders, Killed in Bulo-Fulay Operation,” August 13, 2023,

[ix] SONNA, “Somali National Army Carries Out Operations in the Middle Shabelle Region,” August 12, 2023,

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