Yemen: Houthis meet with Omani mediation delegation in Sana’a; AQAP-linked media incites violence against Sweden Quran burner; UN special envoy for Yemen briefs UN Security Council

Somalia: SNA forces, Danab, and local militia deploy towards al Shabaab–controlled areas in north-central Somalia; SNA forces clear contested north-central Somali village; SNA, Danab, and Gorgor forces seize contested villages in north-central Somalia; SNA forces demine road leading into north-central Somalia

Yemen Security Brief

The Houthi chief negotiator Mohammed Abdel Salam met with an Omani mediation delegation to resume peace negotiations in Sana’a city, on August 17.[i]

An al Qaeda in the Arabian Peninsula (AQAP) linked media unit released a graphic on August 16 inciting jihadists to kill Salwan Momika for burning the Quran in Sweden.[ii]

The United Nations Special Envoy for Yemen Hans Grundberg briefed the United Nations Security Council on August 16 on the current situation in Yemen and emphasized the continued United Nations mediation efforts.[iii]

Somalia Security Brief

The Somali National Army (SNA), US-trained Danab commandos, and local militia deployed to advance towards al Shabaab–controlled towns in El Bur district, Galgudud region, north-central Somalia, on August 16.[iv]

SNA forces cleared the area around Ceel Bacad, El Dheere district, Galgudud region, north-central Somalia, on August 17. Government-affiliated media reported that the operation killed 30 al Shabaab militants.[v]

SNA, Danab, and Turkish-trained Gorgor forces seized villages in El Dheere district, Galgudud region, north-central Somalia, on August 16.[vi]

SNA forces cleared mines along the Wabxo-Mahas road near Gorof, El Bur district, Galgudud region, north-central Somalia, on August 16.[vii]

[i]Al Houthi Ansar Allah, ”The Head Of The National Delegation Arrives In Sana’a. Accompanied By The Omani Delegation”, August 17, 2023,

[ii]SITE,” AQAP-linked Unit Incites to Kill Qur’an Burner”, August 16, 2023, available by subscription at:

[iii]Office of the Special Envoy of the Secretary-General for Yemen, “Briefing by Special Envoy Hans Grundberg to the UN Security Council”, August 16, 2023,

[iv] Goobjoog News, “Somali Army, Local Militia Launch Large-Scale Offensives Against Al-Shabaab in Central Regions,” August 16, 2023,

[v] SONNA, “Ministry of Defense Announces Successful Operation Against Al-Shabaab in Galgaduud,” August 17, 2023,

[vi] Caasimada, “The Latest News of a Multi-Faceted Wave that Started in the Central Regions,” August 16, 2023,

[vii] Goobjoog News, “SNA is Conducting Operations to Clear Landmines Between Hiraan and Galgudud Regions,” August 8, 2023,

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