Yemen: AQAP VBIED targets STC-backed commander in Abyan; Yemeni outlet claims Houthis are planning to install Iranian-trained Houthi ideologues to ministerial positions; UN Special Envoy visits Qatar

Somalia: Clan elders in central Somalia agree to join offensive against al Shabaab; SNA and international partners conduct airstrikes in al Shabaab–controlled south-central Somalia; Somali security forces seize al Shabaab vehicle loaded with weapons; SNA and local clan militia clash in central Somalia

Yemen Security Brief

Al Qaeda in the Arabian Peninsula (AQAP) detonated a vehicle-borne improvised explosive device (VBIED) targeting the commander of the Southern Transitional Council (STC)-backed Special Security Forces in Zinjibar, Abyan governorate, southern Yemen, on October 2.[i] The AQAP VBIED wounded 5 STC-backed fighters.

Yemeni media outlet al Montasaf claimed on September 30 that the Houthis are planning to replace ministerial and administrative officials in the civil and military services with Iranian-trained Houthi ideologues from Saada.[ii]

UN Special Envoy for Yemen Hans Grundberg met with the Qatari minister of state for international cooperation to discuss the UN-brokered truce in Yemen on October 3.[iii]

Somalia Security Brief

Clan elders from three major Hawiye subclans agreed to join forces in an offensive against al Shabaab after a meeting in Wara Dhumale, Dhusamareb district, Galgudud region, central Somalia, on October 2.[iv] The de facto Hiraan regional governor, and other lawmakers, ministers, and army commanders attended the meeting and discussed offensive operations in the Hiraan and Galgudud regions.[v]

The Somali National Army (SNA) with international partner support launched airstrikes targeting al Shabaab bases in al Shabaab–controlled Bu’ale, Middle Juba region, south-central Somalia, on October 2.[vi] The airstrikes launched by SNA forces and KDF targeted Bu’ale district headquarters, an al Shabaab training camp, and a building on the Bu’ale bridge where al Shabaab members were meeting.[vii]

Somali security forces seized an al Shabaab vehicle loaded with explosives, weapons, and other ammunition near Dolow, Gedo region, southwestern Somalia, on October 1.[viii] Locals tipped off security officials about an impending attack.

SNA forces and local clan militia clashed near Mahas, Hirran region, central Somalia, on October 1.[ix] The fighting began after an SNA soldier killed a civilian and killed three soldiers and three militia fighters.[x]

[i] Dera al Ganoob, “Details of the terrorist bombing that targeted the convoy of Major General Ba’esh in Zanzibar, Abyan,” October 2, 2023,

[ii] Al Montasaf, “The Houthi militia brings in members trained in Iran to replace them in leadership positions,” September 30, 2023,

[iii] Al Mashhad al Yemeni, “Qatar enters the Yemen war line and international action takes place in Doha!” October 3, 2023,

[iv] Radio Dalsan, “Major clan leaders unite to battle Al-Shabaab militants in Galmudug and Hirshabelle,” October 2, 2023,

[v] Jamaal Maxamed, “Habar-Gidir, Murusade and Hawadle agreed to…” Caasimada, October 2, 2023,

[vi] Radio Mogadishu, “Bombings destroyed bases where the Khawarij militias were in Middle Jubba,” October 3, 2023,

[vii] Guuleed Muuse, “Al-Shabaab bases in Bu'ale were bombed,” Caasimada, October 3, 2023,

[viii] Shabelle Media, “Somali security forces intercept car bomb in Dolow, Gedo region,” October 1, 2023,

[ix] Shabelle Media, “SNA forces clash with Pro-Govt clan militia in central Somali town,” October 1, 2023,

[x] Zahra Axmed Gacal, “Interview: The Mahaas administration announced the loss of the war that took place there,” Caasimada, October 1, 2023,