October 22, 2015

In letter to Rouhani, Supreme Leader Khamenei approves the implementation of the JCPOA

Supreme Leader Ayatollah Ali Khamenei conditionally approved the implementation of the nuclear deal in a letter addressed to President Hassan Rouhani on October 21. Khamenei warned against U.S. deception and called for the complete removal of sanctions as well as the creation of a committee to monitor the deal’s implementation. The full text of the letter states:

In the Name of God, the Compassionate, the Merciful

The Honorable Mr. Rouhani

President of the Islamic Republic of Iran and President of the Supreme National Security Council

With greetings and regards,

Now that the agreement known as the JCPOA has finally passed through legal channels after precise and responsible review in Parliament, the Special Commission [to Review the JCPOA], other commissions, and the Supreme National Security Council [SNSC] and is awaiting the announcement of my opinion, I consider it necessary to remind you of several points so that you and those who are directly and indirectly involved have a sufficient opportunity to observe and protect the best interests of the country.

1. Before anything else, I consider it necessary to announce my appreciation for all involved in this challenging process in all of its periods, including:

The recent negotiating team, who employed all possible efforts to explain the positive points [of the JCPOA] and to strengthen its principles; the critics, who reminded us of [the JCPOA’s] weak points with their praiseworthy meticulousness; and especially the head and members of the Parliament’s Special Commission [to Review the JCPOA]; and also the senior members of the Supreme National Security Council, who filled in gaps by inserting some of their own important considerations; and finally the Parliament’s speaker and representatives who, by approving a cautious resolution, offered the correct path for implementation [of the nuclear agreement] to the administration; and also national media and reporters for the country’s press who, despite all the differences of opinion, placed a complete picture of this agreement for public opinion. This voluminous collection of activity, effort, and thought over an issue that is thought to be among the Islamic Republic’s [most] memorable and instructive issues is worthy of appreciation and joy. For the same reason, one can say with confidence that the divine reward for these responsible performances, God willing, will consist of the victory, mercy, and guidance of God, for the divine promise of victory for [supporting] the victory of God’s religion is unbreakable.

2. With a record of several decades in these issues for the Islamic Republic of Iran, you have naturally known that the government of the United States has not adopted any approach against Iran other than hostility and troublemaking in the nuclear issue or any other issue. It is unlikely that they will act in a different way in the future. Statements from the president of America in two letters sent to me asserting [that the U.S.] has no intention of overthrowing the Islamic Republic were quickly proved false by their support for internal sedition and financial assistance to the opponents of the Islamic Republic. And his explicit threats of a military attack, and even a nuclear attack that could lead to an extensive indictment in intentional courts, revealed the true intentions of America’s leaders. The world’s political experts and public opinion in many nations recognize the cause of this ceaseless animosity to be the nature and identity of the Islamic Republic of Iran, which is derived from the Islamic Revolution. Insistence on rightful Islamic stances; opposition to the system of dominance and arrogance; persistence against excessive demands and encroachment on weak nations; the disclosure of American support for medieval dictators and the repression of independent nations; the relentless defense of the Palestinian nation and national resistance groups; and a logical and globally supported cry against the usurper Zionist regime constitute major parts of the inevitable hostility of the United States of America’s regime against the Islamic Republic. This hostility will continue until the Islamic Republic disappoints them with its own unflinching inner strength.

The American government’s manner of behavior and speech in the nuclear issue and its long and boring negotiations demonstrated that this is also one of the links in their chain of spiteful hostility against the Islamic Republic. Their deception in the divergence from their early statements after the acceptance of direct negotiations by Iran, and the repeated violation of their promises throughout the duration of the two-year negotiations, alongside their compliance with the desires of the Zionist regime and their coercive diplomacy in their relations with governments and European institutions involved in the negotiations, are indicators that the deceptive entrance of America in the nuclear negotiations was not with the intention of a fair settlement, but with the aim of pursuing its hostile goals against the Islamic Republic of Iran.

Without a doubt, cautiousness against the hostile intentions of America’s government and perseverance by the Islamic Republic’s officials throughout the duration of the nuclear negotiations managed to prevent heavy losses in several areas.

However, the product of negotiations that took shape by way of the JCPOA is stricken with ambiguities, structural weaknesses, and numerous matters that can lead to great losses in the present and in the future of the country in the absence of detailed and constant care.

3. The nine sections in the recent resolution adopted by Parliament, and the ten considerations outlined in the Supreme National Security Council’s resolution, contain effective and helpful points that must be observed. However, there are several other necessary points announced here that also emphasize some of the points mentioned in the two documents [Parliament’s resolution and the SNSC’s resolution].

First: Iran accepted negotiations essentially with the goal of cancelling oppressive economic and financial sanctions. The enforcement [of this goal] has been tied to Iran’s actions under the JCPOA. It is necessary that solid and sufficient guarantees are arranged to prevent any violations by opposing parties. Such guarantees include written declarations by the president of America and the European Union on cancelling sanctions. In statements from the European Union and the president of America, it must be emphasized that sanctions have been completely lifted. Any type of declaration in which the structure of sanctions will remain is a violation of the JCPOA.

Second: Throughout the eight-year period, any imposition of any type of sanctions, at any level or under any pretext (such as the repeated and fabricated pretext of terrorism and human rights) by any of the countries involved in the negotiations will be considered a violation of the JCPOA. The administration would be obligated to take the necessary actions according to Clause 3 of the Parliament resolution and cease its activities [under the] JCPOA.

Third: Measures regarding what is in the following two paragraphs will begin only after the International Atomic Energy Agency announces the end of the file on past and present issues (PMD) [i.e. the end of the file on the Possible Military Dimensions of Iran’s nuclear program].

Fourth: Measures to renovate the Arak facility with the preservation of its heavy [water] nature will begin only when a decisive and secure agreement has been signed for an alternative plan with sufficient guarantees for its implementation.

Fifth: The deal [for exchanging] existing enriched uranium for yellow cake with a foreign government will begin only when a secure agreement has been reached with sufficient guarantees. The aforementioned deal and exchange must be gradual and [occur] in multiple phases.

Sixth: According to Parliament’s resolution, the planning and necessary preparations for the midterm development of the atomic energy industry, which includes advancement in various stages between now and [the next] 15 years with the final objective of 190,000 SWUs, must be prepared and reviewed by the Supreme National Security Council. This plan must alleviate any concerns from points in the appendices of the JCPOA.

Seventh: The Atomic Energy Organization of Iran must organize research and development in various dimensions during the implementation [of the JCPOA] so that there is not a shortage of technology for the development of enrichment accepted in the JCPOA after the conclusion of the eight-year period.

Eighth: Note that regarding the JCPOA’s ambiguous points, the interpretation given by the opposing party is unacceptable. The reference is [therefore] the text of the negotiations.

Ninth: The existence of complications and ambiguities within the text of the JCPOA, and the impression of the violation of promises, transgression, and deception by the opposing party, particularly America, requires that a well-informed and intelligent panel be formed in order to monitor the progress of work, the fulfillment of the opposing party’s commitments, and the realization of what has been mentioned above. The composition and responsibilities of this panel must be determined and approved by the Supreme National Security Council.

Accordingly, the resolution of session 634 of the Supreme National Security Council, dated 94/5/19 [August 10, 2015], with adherence to the aforementioned points, is endorsed.

In conclusion, as I have mentioned in numerous meetings with you and other government officials, and also to our dear people in public gatherings, although the lifting of sanctions is necessary in order to remove injustice and regain the Iranian nation’s rights, an economic opening, improved livelihood, and the resolution of current challenges will not be easy unless the Resistance Economy is taken seriously and is completely implemented. It is hoped that this goal will be pursued with complete dedication and that special attention will be given to strengthening national production. You must also be vigilant that the lifting of sanctions is not followed by the unrestrained importation [of goods]. In particular, the importation of any kind of consumer materials from America must be seriously avoided.

I pray to Almighty God for your and other contributors’ success.

Seyyed Ali Khamenei