Terms and Conditions
Permissions for Use of Critical Threats Material:
Webpages, news reports, or articles may print brief quotations or excerpts from Critical Threats materials, provided an acknowledgement of AEI's Critical Threats Project as the source accompanies the excerpt or quotation. Webpages must provide a URL link to the original Critical Threats page.
Permission must be obtained from Critical Threats for all other requests, including translating, copying, reprinting, or reproducing all or any part--including illustrations, photographs, and other graphics--of a webpage, guide, information tracker, publication, or any other material on this website. Please include the following with reprint requests:
- Requester’s name, affiliation, address, email address, and phone number
- Title of Critical Threats publication or web page
- URLs of specific material to be used from Critical Threats web page
- How the Critical Threats material will be used
- Indication of the type of acknowledgement provided to Critical Threats and, if an online media, the type of hyperlink provided.
Please email requests to [email protected].