October 16, 2015

Iran's Parliamentary Resolution on the JCPOA

The Iranian parliament approved “The Proportional and Reciprocal Plan of Action for the Implementation of the Joint Comprehensive Plan of Action (JCPOA)” on October 13. The resolution restates Iranian positions on implementing the JCPOA within the contours of Supreme Leader Ali Khamenei’s stated redlines, warning that “any type of action on the basis of pressure or threat” could result in Iran’s reconsideration of the JCPOA. The text also provides two notable procedural details; the parliamentary National Security and Foreign Policy  Commission is granted a measure of legislative oversight over the JCPOA’s implementation, and the Supreme National Security Council is authorized to approve International Atomic Energy Association (IAEA) access to military sites or a “natural person.” The resolution text states:

  1. On the basis of the fatwa issued by the Supreme Leader of the Islamic Revolution, no Islamic government in Iran has the right to develop or use nuclear weapons; the government is required to pursue a policy of global nuclear disarmament and to actively endeavor  in all of its international efforts, legal and diplomatic, to save humanity from the danger of nuclear weapons and their spread, including through the creation of areas free of weapons of mass destruction, especially  in the creation of a Middle Eastern alliance free of nuclear weapons in the context of disarming the Zionist Regime of nuclear weapons.
  2. The foundation of the JCPOA is based on cooperation and mutual respect. Any type of action on the basis of pressure or threat under any sort of pretext toward implementing the JCPOA, or per the discretion of the Supreme National Security Council, will lead to reconsideration of this cooperation. In this case, it is imperative that reciprocal actions be considered according to the resolutions of this council.
  3. The government is required to carefully monitor any type of non-compliance by the opposite party in the context of effective removal of sanctions, restoring sanctions that have been lifted, or in the case that sanctions [are instituted] under a new name, [the government is required] to carry out reciprocal actions in order to [protect] the national rights of Iran, to cease voluntary cooperation, and to quickly develop the Islamic Republic of Iran’s peaceful nuclear program so that within a period of two years the country’s enrichment capacity increases to 190,000 SWUs. The Supreme National Security Council will review this issue. The administration must in a span of four months present its plan for this goal to this council for approval.
  4. The government is required to pursue the Islamic Republic of Iran’s nuclear program with a ”commercial-industrial view” including in the areas of enrichment and research and development consistent with the long-term plan of the Atomic Energy Organization of Iran. Two months after the announcement of this legislation at the latest, the Atomic Energy Organization of Iran must deliver the country’s long-term, 15-year plan in the field of enrichment, research, and development to the Supreme National Security Council for approval; [The Atomic Energy Organization of Iran] must provide the IAEA some type of response that satisfies the needs of the country for fuel, reactors, and research.
  5. Redesigning the Arak heavy water reactor and also, if necessary, exchanging enriched [fuel] reserves depend on the finalization of agreements, assurances, and trust-building with regards to their implementation.
  6. The IAEA’s supervision must be implemented in the framework of international provisions and with respect to observance of the country’s national security interests that are specified by the Supreme National Security Council; the administration must ensure that the subsequent path to implementing the agreement completely guards secrets and classified information, especially in the areas of military and security. The degree of cooperation with the IAEA is dependent on the necessary precautions for ensuring this issue by the IAEA. There will also be no IAEA access allowed to military sites or to a natural person under the pretext of the JCPOA unless the details of the case are independently approved by the Supreme National Security Council.
  7. In order to protect the security and national interests of the country and support allies against to terrorism, the government and the country’s armed forces are obligated to seriously plan and take the necessary measures to strengthen the defense capabilities of the Islamic Republic of Iran in every context offensively and defensively including aerial, naval, ground, and missile [capabilities] and the creation of a passive defense against nuclear attacks and the construction of [nuclear-powered] turbines, nuclear batteries, neutron imaging and nuclear medicine.
  8. The administration and other government bodies and agencies are required to consider, within the framework of the Supreme National Security Council’s decisions, necessary measures so that the implementation of the JCPOA by no means gives permission for opportunism and exploitation inside the country by American and other foreign governments or the opportunity for influence or political, economic, cultural and security exploitation on the part of the arrogant global powers.
  9. The government is required to spend released financial resources in the legal framework for the purpose of achieving a “resistance economy," economic prosperity, and [providing] the necessary investment with the priority of the private sector’s needs and strengthening the National Development Fund.
    1. Footnote 1: The Minister of Foreign Affairs is required to report once every three months on the process of implementing the agreement to the National Security and Foreign Policy Committee. Every six months the National Security and Foreign Policy Committee must provide a report on the implementation of the agreement to an open session of Parliament.
    2. Footnote 2: With the implementation of this [resolution], the following laws are canceled: “The Law Committing the Government to Suspend Voluntary Measures in the Case of a Report or Referral to the Supreme National Security Council,” approved on 2005-10-22 “The Law that Requires the Government to Revise Cooperation with the IAEA,” approved on 2006-12-27, “The Law Protecting the Islamic Republic of Iran’s Peaceful Nuclear Achievements” approved on 2010-07-20 and “The Law that Requires the Government to Maintain the Achievements and the Iranian Nation’s Nuclear Rights,” approved 2015-06-21.



(Tasnim News Agency) http://www.tasnimnews.com/fa/news/1394/07/21/887165/

Translation and analysis by Jordan Olmstead.